How to get baby to sleep through the night?

Fan Question

Ok we have tried every gradual method to get our 10 month old sleeping on his own and nothing is working. We’ve been trying for about 3 months. I think last night we decided starting tonight were going to do the camp out method. We don’t feel right about leaving him to cry by himself to be honest were not really sure about letting him cry while we’re with him. He’s on a schedule he’s got a routine he just refuses to sleep by himself. And sleeping with us he kicks my husband in the chest back and face all night and wakes me up to nurse anywhere from 5 to 10 times a night. He refuses a bottle or cup. My question is has anyone had success with this method? Got any pointers for this ftm?

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Look up the book “Moms on Call” and look for your age range. It has everything you need. I’m using their method for sleep training.

I used to nurse my daughter on her own bed (we had her on a single mattress on the floor) and then leave once she was sleeping

My son did this but turns out he couldn’t breath well at night. His adenoids were extremely large. I always recommend talking with your dr about any and all issues and ruling out and medical reason before crying it out or even sleep training. My son also has restless leg syndrome which is why he kicks all night long and his was bad enough and effecting our day to day life so much we are trying a medicate route now.