How to get baby to sleep through the night?

I’m at my mother in laws for the month visiting and my baby used to wake up 1 (sometimes twice) at night now he is waking almost 4 times a night… what could cause this change?? How do I get him back on track or sleeping through the night? Help I need sleep!!


He’s out of his element and in a new place


He’s not in the comfort of his own bed/home. If you have anything blankets etc… from home put them by him when he goes to sleep at night. Otherwise if you’re there for a whole month he will be used to that smell by the time it’s time for you to go home

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It’s a new environment after a couple of days he will be fine

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He’s not use to this new environment

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New place. Also depending on age sleep regression or separation anxiety.
My 9 month slept thorough the night religiously until about 3 nights ago. Wakes up at 12:00 every night and it takes like an hour to put him back down, he’s not comfortable unless it’s with me. But it’s a phase that will pass.
Sound machines help a lot, the heart beat sound has always been my go to for both my kids. Try and just maintain consistency in your bedtime routine, bath, sounds, toys etc. good luck!

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It’s the new place. Give lots of reassureance your there. And try anything to give him a sense of home.
My daughter had a favorite movie we would bring with us if we to visit family for holidays and stayed. It had to be that certain movie- no others wrkd to comfort her lol

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New places stress baby’s out. Try putting a used shirt of yours or a blanket to keep him more comfortable at night time