How to get baby to sleep through the night?

My 2 month son has been amazing at night time with sleeping but during the day I’ll put him in his crib to nap and he will only sleep for 45 mins to 1 hour. The only way he’ll sleep longer is if he is on my chest. What can I do for him to sleep longer in his crib?


Make sure he isnt too hot or cold, (I’d say hot in these temps) and play baby Mozart in the background so little noises dont wake him up.

Just takes time for him to get used to it.
Chances are he wakes himself up because you’re not there.
Consistency and patience mama. You’ll get there.
My daughter sleeps 2-3 hrs 2 times a day right now but she’s almost 2 and going through a growth spurt.

Try some darker curtains

Man I wish either of mine would have let me put them down at all ever. 30 minute naps were considered a pretty good day for me.


I think that’s really good!!


Are you using a swaddle? We loved the velcro swaddles

That’s good for a 2 month old to be sleeping 45 min. To a hour …

That’s seems like an awesome amount of time for him to sleep… My 4 month old will only sleep off of me for about 10 min. Day or night…
Call it a win with what you got. Babies don’t really sleep all day and you seem lucky so far

White noise machine works great for my 2 yr old!

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Make the room darker and try putting a fan in room with him for white noise only way my kids will stay asleep

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My son has slept through the night since a week old… And ever since he does his routinely naps during the day on and off… Let him be he’s setting his own schedule and you’ll both get used to it… Some times he sleeps between 45mins-1hr some times longer sometimes shorter,he’s getting bigger and eating more aswell… You’ll get used to it…m some times he has his nights where he wakes a few times and sleeps during the day. Hes growing nothing you can do about it,let him be for now and worry when he gets older and needs to take his naps

Let him use some article of clothing that smells like you as a blanket. Worked for my daughter.

I bought a blanket that has a heart in it and it that beats, maybe he misses hearing your hear beat…anyway the blanket worked miracles me

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:joy: imagine having twins. Get one to sleep, lay him down and the other one wakes up. I haven’t gotten more than 3 hours of sleep since before my 2 year old was born.

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My daughter is 2 months as well, and only naps for about an hour, 2-3 times a day. Her doctor said this is normal for a 2 month old. She also sleeps from about 11pm to 430am then 5am to about 8am.

That’s pretty great for a 2 month old.

My two month old is the exact same way. I’ve just come to accept it lol