Hi! My LO is 11 weeks and 4 days. She’s having difficulty sleeping for the past couple of days. She gets startled easily even with low noises. At first I thought that she must’ve been dreaming but it occurs more than once throughout the day. She shrieks, turns red and would not stop for at least 10 minutes. She would also reject being breastfed during this event. Does anybody here experience this with their LO? What should I do to prevent her being startled easily?
And don’t let her fall asleep in complete silence. Keep the tv/radio on for background noise
White noise was a live saver for me with my first daughter. She’s 3 now and still won’t sleep with our it! If you don’t want to go buy a machine right away the white noise baby apps work great! Plus they have different tones of white noise. Pink noise is what we use. Its said to do better with helping induce sleep. Hope she sleeps better for ya soon!