How to get baby to sleep through the night?

Fan Question

  • V :dizzy:

So my baby is 9 days old and won’t sleep at night. She’s up every half an hour at least. She has reflux and APNA where she can’t spit up by herself and can choke if she’s not sleeping upright. Has anyone else had this problem? Or know anything to help her sleep?


Patience, she’s only 9days. My LO slept on my chest in my bed for the first couple months due to her reflux(yes on her stomach on me). My heart aches for you both.


Did the doctor give your baby medication for the acid reflux? If so you should be giving it to your baby as prescribed to help with the discomfort of the acid reflux because that is very uncomfortable and painful to babies not to mention they should put your baby on a formula called AR formula it’s by Enfamil and it’s supposed to help with acid reflux if the pediatrician has not done this then you should definitely talk to the pediatrician about prescribing of this specific formula I mentioned above and the acid reflux medication because that could be definitely why your baby is not sleeping another cause could be maybe baby isn’t getting enough to eat. The baby could sleep upright or on its side took something behind a baby to keep the baby on the baby side and don’t leave the baby unsupervised for any amount of time because if she chokes on throw up the baby could die. Put the baby in a sleepsack as long as the baby can’t roll so that you don’t have to put any extra blankets or anyting where you’re laying the baby to eliminate any Suffocation hazard. I didn’t get any sleep the first seven or eight months after my babies were born because they both had GERD from birth you just have to have a lot of patience and ask for help from another responsible adult that can supervise your baby so that you can sleep when you need it.


She’s only 9 days old. They’re supposed to frequently wake.

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I knew a girl with that issue… her baby stopped breathing a couple of times in front of me because of her acid reflux and wasnt able to spit up… it was pretty scary


My son was the same way ! I found myself constantly using his swing as a place for him to sleep since it could be upright or laid down . It’s also soothes him .
I would contact his pediatrician about reflux medication and a discussion on formula change if you’d not breastfeeding. I had to use a gentle formula for my son


Make her sleep on an incline, and your dr should put her on Zantac helped my son a lot only way he would sleep


Buy a sleep wedge it will help so much. As hard as it is to hold her upright for long periods of time u must keep her sitting up when not sleeping. The more you do the more that will stay down

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My grandson slept in a swing a LOT for the first few months of life … No reason really except that he liked it - I wonder if that wouldn’t be a better position for your LO to sleep.


My lil one sleeps best in her rocker because its on an incline. Maybe that would help?


Newborns wake frequently, it’s a survival mechanism and is totally normal.

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Our second baby was like this. He didnt stop choking and puking until he could hold his head up.

Try one of those colic baby seats


Sounds like she has a glacier and she needs her bed raised up on one and put a little bit of cereal to thicken the milk and that should help her to sleep all night

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Is she formula or BF? infamil a.r is for reflux

If she has sleep apnea she might need a Bipap for babies. I almost lost a granddaughter to sleep apnea/SIDS. I woke up to her not breathing and laying really still. I literally slapped her face with no reaction from her. I slapped her a second time with nothing. Finally I picked her up shook her and slapped her 2 more times before she burst out with a loud cry and started breathing. The doctor said when she stopped breathing she forgot to breathe and would have died if I had not woke up and did what I did. After that I recognised she did have sleep apnea and everytime i heard her I would nudge her for her to take a breath. She is now 6 and the sleep apnea has gotten better.

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I had the reflux issue with my son and he was strong enough to lift his head. So my pediatrician cleared us for belly sleeping. We also started Zantac.

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Rub her back, maybe her stomach, have you tryed giving her water cause think bout it, when we have an upset stomack we drink water, just be sure to warm it.

We propped up one end of my sons bassinet so he was at a slant

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Get her a wedge to sleep on! Call your pediatrician or the Hospital and they can set you up. it made a huge difference for my boys!

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Your baby is 9 days old… Give her at least 6 months to settle in the new world. Her new skin is itchy from clothes and a diaper, shes cold, she doesn’t hear your heart beat, she doesn’t feel 100 percent safe, she needs you. She’s a hundred percent new to this world and shes just trying to adjust. Give it time I know its stressful but you’ll be wishing for these days back.