How to get baby to sleep through the night?

I am wondering if any moms to preemie babies who do not sleep hardly at all . She cries all night and most of the day. Help ! She is 4 weeks old now but only weighs a little over 5 pounds . I am starting work in 2 weeks because I have no choice … please any advice is welcome . I literally only get 2 hours of sleep a night


as a mom of two preemies one of 32 weeks and 34 weeks my 32 weeker was 3 lb 11 oz my 34 weeker was exactly 5 lb that is not normally a preemie trait I would ask the doctor about colic and maybe even tried to change formula if they are on formula or if you are breastfeeding watch what you’re eating something could be upsetting the baby’s tummy having gas or could just be in the fourth trimester and still getting used to being outside in the real world. be strong mama I just had a baby not even 3 months ago and I’m dealing with the same thing sometimes they just have to grow out of it


Sounds like colic. My son was not a preemie but he did have colic starting at 3 weeks old. He started seeing a chiropractor at a month old and his colic was gone in no time and he was sleeping through the night by 3-3 1/2 months old. Also do you swaddle her when you put her to sleep? That could help also if you don’t already.

My oldest was a preemie and he slept pretty good

All of my kids are full term, but I still only get 2-3 hours of sleep per night. Its really hard to focus and remember things. I’m sorry that you are dealing with this. You will get through it. Talk to baby’s pediatrician about ways to help your little sleep. Other than that, just hang in there. Some kids don’t sleep through the night until they are older, but it will pass eventually.

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Sounds like colic to me as well. My 5th baby had it. And I had it when I was a baby. My 5th hates to cuddle, but I had to swaddle her so tight and I put her in a mama roo. It’s common for smaller babies to get it. I was a smaller baby born 5lbs 1 oz and you know babies lose a few oz after birth, so I’m sure I weighed less than 5lbs by the time I left the hospital. My 5th was born 5lbs 10oz and by the time she left the hospital, she was just under 5lbs. I know it’s hard now, but it’ll get better. You just have to find what works.

Reflux is Painful and if they are always spitting up their formula than they’re not getting enough to eat which makes them not sleep well and extra cranky. I would definitely contact your doctor. Sorry to hear this

My youngest wasn’t a premie, but he cried a lot and I didn’t get hardly any sleep. We found out he was getting too gasy and changed his formula to gentle ease. He also had a lip tie that was causing him to get too much air when he drank his bottle. He got it clipped at 2 months and did so much better. Still was never the greatest sleeper until about 2 1/2.

Mine wasnt a preemie but woke every 1.5-2 hours until she was one…then after that it was every 3-4. Shes 3 yrs old now and still wakes at least twice a night. I work 12 hr days. It’s been hard. Still is. Some babies sleep more than others. We do what we have to. Good luck mama.

Definitely talk to your dr. My preemie had severe acid reflux and it would keep her up at night sometimes. They put her on some medicine and changed her formula.

My baby did this for 3 months. Then she stopped.

2 preemie babies here and 1 full term. Mine didn’t do that at all. Ask the pediatrician about collic. Unfortunately that’s what it sounds like. Hang in there momma

id definitely figure it out before going to work cause a daycare center or a babysitter will struggle too… and i dont even wanna think what stress that would be on baby and caregiver. coming from a mom and home daycare provider

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My daughter was 5.1 when she was born. No idea if there is any correlation but she was a preemie. She screamed the entire 1st week of life and my boyfriend’s mom came and flipped her over on her belly on night. She slept like an angel since. I know that they do not advise it But our pediatrician said to do what works for our family. She is 11 months old and still sleeps on her stomach to this day. 12 hrs straight with maybe 1 wake up a night…if that.

Breastfed? My daughter was very small and I co slept with her because she needed to eat so often. A nurse from the pediatrician told me to just swaddle her and put her in the crib and let her cry it out, because she cried for 10 hours, one night every time I would take her off the boob, I didn’t follow that advice, and I fed her all night as much as she wanted, and it turns out that she just had a growth spurt, and she was finally getting the energy to feed properly… But if your baby is formula fed, I’m not quite sure how to help you there… But co sleeping and being close to mom is always helpful…

I’m sorry, my daughter was the same. It took her forever to sleep more than 2-3 hours at a time at night

My babies were all tiny and I’d give them a bath then I’d put comfy jammies on them feed them a warm bottle of formula and put soft music on low and warm up their blankets in the dryer tuck them in and zzzzzzzz. It usually worked pretty well and if they were teething or cranky I’d do baby exercises for a few minutes then bath to tire them out…If they’re a little bigger Turkey and Swiss cheese mashed…Natural melatonin :+1:t3:Good Luck hope it works for you. I had twins too. Lol

Colic is what it sounds like. My son was full term and I never slept due to his colic. He’d fall asleep for maybe 10 minutes and be right back to crying for the first 8 months. Literally nothing would soothe him or calm him. Non stop crying

I found naping when she did and having her sleep in bed with me helped me majorly.

Was curious, do you breastfeed or use formula?

She needs to go back to the dr. Hope she gets better

I have no advice because my son wasn’t a premie, he did however have terrible colic and was up all night for the first year or so. I just wanted to say though that you’re doing a wonderful job as a mother. I know the sleep deprivation can set in sometimes and make us blind to how amazing we are as mothers but you’re doing awesome! :heartpulse:

My premis weren’t as tiny but coslept so they could breastfeed all night. It helped me sleep a lot. I would wake up ever hour or two to switch sides.