Fan question
Seeking advice on handling seven-month-old nighttime feedings.
I need some info im a FTM
So my baby is 7 months
He drinks formula every 3 or so hours during the day and at night he tends to wake up for a bottle.
The dentist told me to try to get him used to not eating at night cause the milk sits on there teeth. Btw my baby just got 2 teeth on the bottom.
They told me to put more water then formula at night…
Is that okay for the baby?
Sometimes at night, I feed him every 3 hours or at times ill just pat him back to sleep and then next time he wakes up ill feed him. But he is very much used to eating every 3 hours…
Any tips or advice I can get?
Please and thank you
Don’t dilute formula. It’s fine he drinks a bottle at night at 7 months Don’t put him to bed with it. Let him drink it then take the bottle away.
At that age I just gave my son water in the bottle. That’s what the Dr told me to do, and it actually worked. Once he figured out he wasn’t going to get a bottle of formula at night he started sleeping for longer periods of time.
Well at 6 months you can introduce solids, not sure if you’ve done that yet. we would do a feeding of puréed carrots or something before bed, that helped her sleep through the night.
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Aren’t you feeding baby food in the day yet? The more they eat during the day the longer they sleep at night
If your childs doctor said its ok…then it’s ok. Follow your doctors advice, not fb.
Also, if you want a second opinion, go to a different doctor and see what that has to say.
Maybe try some water in the bottle at night once in a while, get him use to not having formula when he wakes.
But I’m no doctor lol.
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Nooooooo. Do not add extra water to the formula. They still need those nutrients at this age and hes still way too young to be trying to do this. This isnt something you need to worry about until he passes his first birthday. THEN you can start weaning night time feedings.
Babies under a year old should not have formula feedings replaced with water. And babies have literally died and their parents charged for adding extra water to their formula bcuz it literally starves their body of nutrients and they slowly become malnourished.
Try putting some rice cereal in the bottle I found that helped wonderfully with my daughter
Dont dilute formula. A dentist is not a pediatrician. Your pediatrician should have a phone number that you can call to ask advise about stuff like this. Since your pediatrician knows your baby, he or she will know what’s best to do as far as night time feedings, more than we will.
^^^ I was gunna say the same thing Katy did. If he’s eating more & staying consistently full during the day, it’ll help him sleep longer during the night. That was my experience anyway, but both of my boys were sleeping through the night by the time they were 6 weeks old.
Good luck hunny!!
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Don’t dilute formula.
If you have yet to introduce solids, I would suggest that as well as eating more solids helps them sleep better. Regardless, some kids still wake up at night and that’s ok. After all, the baby only 7 months. My son was already sleeping all night but I know some aren’t as lucky as I was. You can also continue what you were doing and simply comfort. My pediatrician told me around that time that my son didn’t NEED a night bottle, but was on if you gave it.
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He doesn’t require nutrients in the night lol . Just feed him well at bedtime then not again until morning .
Honestly you have to change daytime habits to change the nighttime ones try to.keep him awake longer and feed him baby food at 7months he should be drinking more than 3oz but if hes like my boy, he didn’t like to drink his food, he wanted to eat feed the boy more foods less naps through the day and his last nap he should wake up at least 3-4 hrs before bedtime feed baby foods about an hr before bedtime and give a warm lavender bath then his bottle at bedtime keep to it and he will start sleeping all.night all babies are different and only you know what your baby wants and needs I hope this helps good luck momma
His night time habits are fine make his bottle as normal when they eat it goes straight to. The back of their throats so hardly any gets on his teeth just make sure he’s brushing and you will be fine !
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My niece was told dilute the formula a little bit more every few days until it is plain water. Worked like a charm for them to get their son off of the formula feedings at night
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Babies absolutely cannot have water only before 6 months…they can get water poisoning and die. After 6 months it’s ok to give small amounts of water but I would speak to your pediatrician before diluting as that can possibly cause harm as well. Remember dentists are not doctors and though they mean well may not know medically the implications there advice can cause. Ive always been told that after a year it’s bad for them to be put down with a bottle but before a year some babies still need the nutrients night time bottles offer and diluting there bottle can interfere with the nutrition there getting. I would speak with pediatrician and see what they recommend before you do anything.
At that age should be eating baby food and if you feed with a bottle or ad baby rice cereal to bottle should help big time
So how many ounces of formula is he getting in a 24 hour period??? I would try to get the majority of his calories ingested during his awake time so he is less likely to become hungry at night when he is sleeping. Maybe increase the amount of ounces he is taking with each bottle during the day and his evening bottle.
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If he is still eating every 3 hours he should be getting solids. How much is he eating at a time? I was told by 8 months they should not have any more then 28 oz of formula.
Pablum a few spoonfuls and sleepy time. Mix it with formula. You can put a little mashed banana in it or applesauce. Did it with all 4 of my babies , it works like magic lol
If you continue with the formula at night you could try giving water right at the end of feeding to wash out the mouth. Rice cereal in the last bottle before bedtime really worked for my 5 kids.
I wouldn’t dilute the formula but you can take a wet rag and wipe his mouth and gums after nighttime feedings.
Absolutely not. He needs to eat at night and full formula not water
Why not just brush their gums and teeth first thing in the morning and at night like adults do
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Never heard of watering it down!!! Wouldn’t do that! Heard of adding more ounces to carry baby longer!
You are not supposed to dilute formula. Ever. Please do not do this.
It’s normal for babies to wake up eat. I don’t know why you would change anything
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Don’t dilute formula! And feed him good before bed. When he wakes up rock him to sleep or however you comfort him. My grandson was the same way, a jar of food and a bottle at bed time, he doesn’t even wake up until the next morning.
Do what your ped tells you
My oldest daughter just turned 13 and had a bottle till she was 18 months old and has had 2 cavities in her life and great teeth. Your baby will be fine and don’t water down the formula. He should be introduced to baby food by this age generally in most cases.
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It’s not safe to dilute formula. Only make formula according to package directions. I think he’s too young for a dentist anyway, but you can always get a beginner toothbrush and brush their gums
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My oldest daughter just turned 13 and had a bottle till she was 18 months old and has had 2 cavities in her life and great teeth. Your baby will be fine and don’t water down the formula. He should be introduced to baby food by this age generally in most cases.
Every 3 hrs seems excessive at 7 months old. I agree with other to feed him solids…maybe that will fill his belly so he sleeps through the night.
Also—by 7 months they should be eating solids and cutting back on round the clock formula feedings
Definitely do not dilute formula, just offer water at night ,cool boiled water… 7 month old shouldn’t be feeding every 3 hrs, that’s way too much. Start offering puree, if you’ve never offer it before and offer water after it, not too much tho…
Dr told me the same thing. We feed our daughter from a bowl and then give her formula, then we listen to nursery rhymes and rock until she’s asleep. If she gets thirsty she gets a little water (1oz) usually no more than that.
Never ever ever dilute formula. He gave you very very dangerous advice. If your dr approves you can night wean at this point, but formula should always be made to package instructions. Since he is old enough for solids your dr should tell you 2oz or so of water a day is okay. And make sure you are brushing babys teeth now they are some.
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My daughter ate every 3 hours till she was 1 year just bottles. And was on bottles till 2 she still eats all day long every couple of hours. Some kids just have super fast metabolisms. And she has a cup of milk every night before bed. She has all of her teeth and they are perfect. As long as your brushing the teeth he does have before bed hes fine
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Time for baby food. He should be sleeping thru the night.
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He should be on some baby cereal with formula. He should also be trying some fruits and veggies. They have little starter kits that’s in small packages. Try spoon feeding him a bite and see if he can handle it. If your not comfortable with it ask your pediatrician if it’s time
Nah never dilute the formula w extra water. The baby is old enough where u can give him a little bit of water throughout the day…nothing crazy…maybe no more than a few oz in a day span…so isn’t a reason to do that. If he is hungry at night, maybe he isnt getting enough solids or enough oz during the day? At 7mths, he should be having enough during the day to not need to wake for a bottle. My LO will be 9mths in a few days and I still let him have a bottle an hr b4 his bedtime. As long as he isnt g2sleep w the bottle than it shouldn’t be a prob. Also, there are ways to keep his mouth clean. They do make toothpaste for babies over 3mths I believe…or just simple warm cloth or soft brush w warm water on his gum n teeth to clean at the end of the night…but sounds like he just needs either more solids or oz in his bottles.
My guy is down to 3 bottles a day thanks to increasing solids. Then again, I call him my lil porka lol
Do not dilute formula ever. Only mix according to instructions on the can.
Get a baby oral brush, he can have a little water. Try solids if you want or bump his ounces up before bed. Babies/toddlers/kids don’t sleep well. But usually they do sleep a little better than that.
And you shouldn’t lay baby down with a bottle as it can cause bottle rot and/or ear infections.
I gave a small am out of cereal in the last bottle to fill up more and sleep better.
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I wouldn’t water down the formula but you can get her to take a swallow of water after eating to help get the formula out her mouth. And a 7 month old can start eating baby food so you dont have to bottle feed her every 3 hours, she’s not getting enough
Spoon feed him before bed time. Mashed yam, baby cereal, carrots, etc. It’s a little heavier than formula and sleep longer.
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Do not take medical advice from your dentist!! Honestly you need to call wic or your dr and have someone call your dentist and talk to them bc the advice dentist is giving out could be dangerous!!! You never ever add less formula and more water. That could be very harmful for a baby.
And your baby is 7 months are they eating any food?? Try feeding a big bowl of oatmeal with baby food or smashed up fresh fruit in it before bed and then a night time bottle. My little guy loves oatmeal with mashed up peaches and a little cinnamon and formula in it.
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I used to mix a little oatmeal in her milk before actual bedtime. I know they nap a lot. She slept a lot longer. I didnt let her sleep with it though. Sounds like she needs more “solids”. And by that I mean mashed up baby food.
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You can add baby cereal to the evening bottle at this age. Both my kids had to be woken up to eat (preemies) until they were a little over a year to their adjusted age.
Both their teeth are just fine. Watering down formula isn’t going to do anything but possibly make him sick. You should never water down formula.
Still not convinced? Ask your pediatrician.
He needs to stick to his profession. You can wipe your baby’s teeth but don’t dilute the formula. Your baby’s tummy is still very sensitive and doesn’t need water right now!!! It’s going to be a while before night feedings are over. Talk to your pediatrician and follow their advice! That is some serious bad advice!
How many ounces are in those bottles every 3 hours. By 7 months they usually are more spaced out to 5 hour and 6 or more ounces. Do not water down his formula. If baby wakes during the night, feed him, afterwards I always took the terry burp cloths and gently wiped their gums and teeth off. Be sure you are brushing the teeth morning and night with the infant paste and thumb brusher. His teeth will be fine with these measures.
Baby cereal and baby food. Should be eating more solids.
A 7 month old doesn’t need to feed every 3 hours
They would be starting baby cereal and baby food already to help keep them fuller longer
Maybe try to give him more baby food at night so he isn’t as hungry.
I would try adding a little oatmeal or rice to his bottle right before bedtime & see if that will help Throughout the night.
I would not water down his Formula tho…
Do not put too much water in formula, ever. My pediatrician also said milk is bad at night because it staying on his teeth. Maybe give the bottle an hour before bed brush teeth with water. Is your baby on solids? Could try some cereal, baby food or etc for fuller tummy.
I never really had that issue. By 6 months my kids were on solids by 7 months they ate dinner with the rest of us and a bottle. Never had a problem. Pay attention to baby and not the clock if the baby doesn’t wake up let him/her sleep. They will wake up ready for breakfast and be just happy. Also milk at night is not good for oral health. Ultimately it’s your baby and you do what you think is best.
you shouldn’t listen to a dentist about anything they have to say about the care of your baby unless it’s referring to the care of your baby’s teeth. you should always put the correct amount of water with the correct amount of scoops. not only is formula your baby’s main source of nutrition, but formula is made to be the same molality as blood plasma, if you continuously dilute the formula you will make the baby’s blood hyponetremic, and will cause water to flow into cells and neurons and effectively drown your baby so please don’t listen to your dentist!
Feed him his milk as normal then give him some water to drink to rinse the milk from his teeth. Don’t put baby to bed with a bottle. The milk will pool and cause tooth decay. Not only that but the bacteria will also cause ear infections.
Never water down formula, give him cereal and fruit in bottle then just a drink a Of water he or she will sleep through the night. Scared me to death when my granddaughter did it for the first but relax they are just sleeping but you can check on them
My almost 6.5 month old has 6oz every 6 hours with rice cereal morning and night with purée twice a day as a snack and a veggie mixed with chicken purée in the afternoon however he still hasn’t cut a tooth yet which I’m patiently waiting for
He’s a dentist, not a doctor. My daughter drank ilk from a bottle until she was 2.5. Day and night. Because it was literally the only way to get her to sleep (and I tried everything. It wasn’t until a bit later that she finally got diagnosed with sleep apnea, but milk always put her to sleep over night and i was completely exhausted), and the dentist says her teeth are absolutely perfect. She’s 5 now.
Our dentist and pediatrician told us this, however our 7 month old was only getting on bottle at night then sleeping through… He ate throughout the day and had formula in between. Every three hours is a lot for a baby that old, did the dentist tell you he had any soft spots? If so then I would give him one last bottle of formula and the rest at night water. Then he will eventually whine himself off the night bottles. Our now two year old though just started to sleep with water and only because we are potty training, good luck mama
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Some good tips here but have you tried upping the amount of formula he has before bed? Maybe try to give him an extra couple of ounces right before bed to see if it’ll keep him full throughout the night. Just don’t let him sleep with the bottle. I know my oldest would eat about every 6 oz every 3.5 hrs but would have an 8 oz bottle right before bed. Sometimes he would sleep all night or sometimes he’d sleep just a couple hours longer. I also changed the ozs with my little girl. Her daytime bottles would be a little less formula ( maybe 4oz) since she ate solids and then her evening and bedtime bottles would have more formula (8oz) and she would sleep all night long.
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Give baby food before bed then bottle if wanted. Baby should be introduced to baby food by now.
Also, feeding should be closer to 4 hours apart. How much are you putting in bottle. Anywhere between 6 to 7 OZ is pretty normal.
Try upping amount put into bottle. Also, when baby wakes at night let him cry. Wait a minute or 2 before getting up. Sometimes they will just fuss and go back to sleep. It works (sometimes) when it comes to my 9 month old.
Brushing of teeth for baby should be introduced as soon as baby gets teeth. Just buying a tooth brush and rubbing it on baby’s teeth will help get the milk off.
Also, instead of formula all night, try giving just water. My friend recently suggested i just give my daughter water when it came to night feedings. Eventually baby will wean off
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How things change…my kids at 7 months ate at the table…they did better with food than all that formula or breastfeeding.
Brush the babies teeth and gums with the ones they sell for moms finger, twice a day, morning and before bed-just like us!
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Um ur dentist is stupid. Food before 1 is just for fun. All they need is formula or breastmilk til one. No u can’t add more water then formula unless u want ur baby to get sick. Yes its ok that ur baby still wakes up for a bottle at night. Pleaae get a new dentist
I don’t know because my daughter is breastfed but I have heard that it is bad to add extra water to formula because babies are only supposed to have a certain amount of water a day but idk
Start feed him his ceral, that will make him full, then if he takes that ok start the fruit, i use to give the baby some baby food around 8. 00 that would help him sleep just make sure u burb him, hes old enought to feed him the baby food his meals, start with the ceral, then add the fruit slowly.
Don’t add extra water. Do u feed your baby actual baby food yet? If not start.
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So much bad advice here, 1. DO NOT FEED CEREAL IN A BOTTLE
People really need to start seeing doctors who have updated there education
Feed your baby, don’t starve it, the heck with the dentist
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Wait who takes a baby to see the dentist at 7 months? You shouldn’t be adding extra water to the formula. Let your baby eat. Waking up is normal. Not sure about every 3 hours though. Sounds like maybe you should give him more before bed or maybe even a small bowl of baby cereal
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DONT water down the formula. Just make sure you either wet a toothbrush and gently scrub the teeth or use a wet rag and wipe them when baby wakes
He is more thirsty than hungry at night so just water in all but maybe one bottle but at 7 months you can feed some baby food at dinner time and that will sit on his tummy longer so maybe won’t wake as often.
Well the first question is how many oz total are your feeding requirements for your baby? It’s typically 2.5 oz per every pound the baby weighs all the way until 30 oz. Once you figure out how many ounces a day the baby should be eating divide that up into six feedings. My four month old sleeps ten hours at night without waking and eats 5 six ounce bottles every three hours during the day. He also has rice cereal and fruit in the morning and rice cereal and veggies for dinner.
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Give the baby cereal a few times during the day and last meal at night
Your baby can start eating baby food if you haven’t already. At least 3 meals of baby food throughout the day and than a bowl of baby cereal before bed with a bottle to follow. Worked like a charm for my daughter.
Feed your child whenever you feel necessary. As far as milk sitting in teeth, brush in the morning that’s all that is needed
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Ummm. Your baby is not even a year yet. Don’t cut down bottles or dilute it. Just make sure you regularly brush those two little teeth. Baby needs to be fed and needs enough fat in order for the brain to develop properly. Formula gives him everything he needs.
Yes do it… Drs recommends no bottkes or sippy cups of any kinds not even binkys at night. . because babies hokd then in the their mouth and their teeth tend to grow around the nipple of things causing buck teethm. Also the stuff sits on their teeth causing decay and bottle rock which is very bad. My nephew is my own person experience. Saw it happene and he had to have his front 4 teeth pulled and caps on the other at like 3 1/2 cause my sister in law would give him bottles of all kind juice,kool aide,tea, at night and it was so bad. Alsp why dentist recommens brushing your teeth at night and only water after cause it does no damage
Needs something more substantial in his tummy
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If baby is hungry, feed baby. Your child if still a infant. Horrible advice.
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Don’t water down the formula nor stop over night feedings. A lot of babies get calorie boost and extra nutrients during the night feedings. I understand the teeth concern, but take a wet washcloth and wipe the teeth if you are concerned. My son will only nurse two or so times during the day (he is usually off playing and eating table food). However he will nurse like three times a night. His doctor said the night feedings are super important. And watering down formula could be harmful as all. It would mess with the mixture but could also mess with the babies electrolytes. But maybe in the morning, call your babies pediatrician.
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Babies shouldn’t drink water because they will fill up in water nd bor their formula nd u dont want that ur baby will start losing weight. Here and there at their age is ok but not to b substituted at all for a meal. And worrying bout bottle rot tooth decay or anything just wipe their gums and teeth with a cloth or even they make infant toddler toothbrushes with toothpaste that’s safe if they end up swallowing it
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A dentist is not a pediatrician.
If he’s still feeding every three hours and he’s 7 months old, it sounds like you’re not giving him solids yet, he needs the solids. Mashed Vegas, mashed banana a little yogurt and stewed fruit, he’s hungry.
Just keep a wet washcloth to rinse the mouth after bottles if you are concerned about the teeth thing. But dont cut or dillute, they are waking up for a reason
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Ask you MD first but I have heard many doing the below method:
Add rice cereal to the bottle.
Start by adding 1 teaspoon of rice cereal per ounce (i.e. 6 teaspoons) of formula. Prepare the bottle right before you plan to feed your baby. The mixture will continue to thicken if you let it sit.
Start solids and wipe his mouth out with a wash cloth if you’re worried about the teeth. Honestly I never even did this and it was never an issue, I just started brushing the teeth with a baby toothbrush (no toothpaste) in the morning and at night.
Try feeding him something a little solid at night or thickening up his formula so he will stay asleep a little longer if that doesn’t work just keep him on his normal feedings and brush his teeth
Ignore your dentist. Your baby needs his nutrients which is in his formula right now.