How to get baby to sleep through the night?

Seeking advice on keeping my daughter in bed at night.

I need help with my 2.5-year-olds sleep. We just converted her crib to a bed because she started climbing out, and none of the stall tactics were working. She usually goes to sleep fairly easily, except I have to sit with her and hold her hand. I have to try and sneak out after she’s asleep. The problem is she wakes up several times a night, immediately climbs out of bed and starts yelling for me to come in there. She gets back in bed; I hold her hand, etc. Sometimes she wakes up when I try to leave, and then we start over again. Tonight and last night she has been up every hour. I feel like I have a newborn again. I really need help fixing her sleep situation

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I’m in the same situation with my 2.5 yo boy. He’s always getting up and we have to stick around for him to fall back asleep :neutral_face::woman_facepalming:t3:

Try a weighted blanket… it helps tremendously with my daughter… she feels like someone is holding her while she sleeps

We put a baby gate at in our daughters doorway, so she can still hear and see us if need be, and we did leave a toy box in her room. When she throws fits we let her have a bit of a cry out, and then she either crawls back into bed because she’s tired or she plays a bit until she gets more tired. Have to be consistent and not give in. Also, my daughter has one of those glow worm toys, she knows it’s her sleep toy, she gets it when she’s in bed and it sings.


Google sleep training methods and choose one or combine them to fit your needs. There are other ways besides cry it out. Whatever you choose, you have to stick with it until it works. That means no picking her up or continuing to hold her hand until she falls asleep. You’ve trained her to only fall asleep with that comfort. It seems harsh but my son went through a similar phase. He didn’t get up but woke up often making this terrible noise that I thought was sleep apnea. The sleep neurologist said I had conditioned him to only fall asleep with me. I sleep trained him at 3yo. He can’t climb the baby gate so when he got out of bed, I left him. He would eventually get tired and go back to bed by himself.

My daughter did the same thing when she turned two in May and we moved her from a crib to a twin bed due to climbing out of the crib. She would get out of her bed and come into our room multiple times a night. She never cried or was unhappy, she just kept getting up. Our solution was to just keep putting her back in her bed. Sometimes multiple times per hour. It was exhausting and frustrating but she eventually learned that she needed to stay in her bed. She was determined to get up, but I was more determined to have her learn to sleep in her own space. Just be persistent and don’t give up…she’ll get it eventually. Good luck.

Please don’t let her cry it out that disgusting and abuse, just continue with what you’re doing she will eventually stop


We spent two days breaking my 2.5 year old son of this habit. We found that if we do not stay in the room until he falls asleep, and just wait for him to do it on his own by himself, he actually stops waking in the middle of the night. After two nights of doing this, he now regularly goes to sleep on his own and does not wake up in the middle of the night crying for us to come get him. The first two nights, he definitely was not happy going to bed without us, but it gets much better after that and now us leaving the room before he is asleep is part of the normal routine. We read with him in his room for a half hour at bedtime and then leave him to put himself to bed.

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It takes time and consistency, that’s all. Keep putting her back in bed, be there to comfort her, it may take months, but when she sees that this is how it’s going to be and she realizes there is nothing to be afraid of and you will be right there when she needs you, then it will all fall into place. Routine takes about 23 days to form and only 7 to break, so be very patient and consistent!

My daughter did the same thing when she was first moved into a bed. For weeks she would come out and sleep in the hallway. Finally I started shutting her door we never had a problem after that. We also did the soft cry it out method, when she was a baby, so she already knew how to self sooth.

Honestly happened with my daughter at that age. When we moved I put her from a crib toddler bed to a twin bed, she has slept all night since!! Best investment ever!

Try playing music all night. She’s too young for a weighted blanket. I was gunna try that for my 2 yr old and my doctor said no she can actually suffocate herself still. But by being consistent with putting her back to bed every time she gets up is the key. Don’t sit with her. She’ll figure it out that she needs to stay in bed.

She needs you. Why not just let her come lay with you so you both get sleep? This is such a short phase and when it ends and then also when she’s moved out and doesn’t need you anymore, you’re going to miss those times you lay with your baby. :woman_shrugging:t2: