How to get baby to sleep through the night?

How did you get your littles to sleep in their big kid bed all night? We switched my daughter out of her crib to the day bed. (Which is only taking off 1 side of the rail so she can get in and out on her own.) She slept 90% of the time, all night long in her crib. Every so often she’ll sleep a whole night, but she’s mainly been sleeping for a few hours and then getting in bed with us. We try to put her back to her bed after she falls back alseep but she wakes up and comes back. Stuffed animals don’t help either. She’s also paci free for about a month. We broke her a few days before we changed the bed. She’s almost 2.

When my daughter was that young I had to baby gate her in her room and keep going in and laying her back down it took like a week of constantly up every 20 mins making her lay back down but she finally got it. It helped having a baby monitor to listen for the first little footsteps out of her toddler bed

Mine is 2.5 and we are going thru this. I work so I can’t stay up all night putting her back in bed so I’ve caved and sleep with her. I wish I had an answer. Hopefully they grow out of it.

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My youngest child is 3 and a half and still eitger puts up a fight to fall asleep in my bed or gives in, falls asleep in his bed, just to wake up in the middle of the night to sleep in my bed. Him falling asleep and stsying asleep in his bed is very rare. I wish i was more stern about it when he was younger, it seems impossible to get him to stay in his bed all night now.

You just got keep putting her back in her bed. Sitting there on bed in room till she goes back to sleep. Then slowly working ur way out of the room. Key is keep putting her back in her bed each time. She learn before long. I had same problem with my granddaughter. I talked her peds doc that way she suggested. After a few weeks she learn. I know ur probably tired but stay presisenten

Give the kids some melatonin gummys it helps them sleep and has no side effects…works on my grand kids…my sons wife gives it to them…they sleep thru the night are well rested not groggy in the morning…another thing is put them on a bedtime schedule if its 8 PM…bath by 7:30pm…in bed by 8 pm no later, every day…

You have to take her right back to bed as soon as she goes into your room…every time. Do not let her fall asleep in your bed then move her because of course she is going to want to keep doing what she is doing. It is probably really confusing to her as well.

Be consistent with her back in her bed right away

Put her right back in her bed, consistency is everything. My daughter (just shy of 2) did this when we moved into our new house a couple of months ago. Our other house had baby gates everywhere but in this home it’s open concept and the stairs are right next to my bedroom and they have iron railings so baby gates won’t work. We ended up putting a NEST camera in her room which alerts me when there is movement and a knob cover on the inside handle of the door. She will occasionally get down and play for 20 mins or so and go back to bed. She is also on a strict 7:15 pm to 5:45 sleep schedule.

My 4 girls I had no issues with my last the monster boy I tried I caved n built his crib again he will not stay in it lol 5 kids I need my sleep so I plan to try again in a few more months

Just keep taking her back to bed don’t let her fall a sleep in your bed when she comes in take her back to her bed right away be constant with it so she knows and understands

Just keep putting her back in her own bed. Do not ket her fall asleep in your bed. As soon as she comes through just tell her it’s bed time and she needs to be in her bed. She has had a lot all at once. Out of her crib and no pacifier at once. She maybe struggling a bit with the changes.

Get her an actual big kid bed lol. My 3 year old has been in a full sized bed since she was 2. She had a toddler bed for only a few months.