my son is 5 weeks up until now he was on a pretty good sleep schedule. recently he has been super fussy not necessarily crying all the time but not happy. we have been making sure he’s not wet or hungry but nothing seems to help. mamas have any ideas?! thanks in advance!
Check our the wonder weeks app! Could be a developmental leap.
- V
Gas, wanted to be held, uncomfortable,
He’s only 5weeks. It’ll be a guessing game for a while lol
Babies sleep schedule is constantly changing.
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Could be trapped gas?
Talk to ur ped about Gripe Water… worked wonders on my son (5 months old now)
about week 6 was the worst for my Lo. so so fussy and nonstop clusterfeeding. it didnt last long. but he was only happy on the breast for a good 3 days.
No baby/toddler has a set behaviour until much older lovely. So many possible reasons, just check the usual reasons and if not, cuddles will do