How to get baby to sleep through the night?

Take the legs off the bassinet and put it in the crib


Time, patience, and consistency. Repeating over the next few weeks of picking up and putting down. Mind you it’s normal for kids not to sleep through the night for the first 2yrs

Try putting the bassinet in the cot for a few days , that’s how I transitioned my daughter into the cot and maybe get a boomerang pillow and pillows ( put under bottom sheet ) on the side of the baby to make it feel like the bassinet . Hope this helps x

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I ferberized my son about the same age. It was a rough week that worked well for me.

Can you put the bassinet inside the cot somehow?
You should also try to put her in the cot during the day as well so she gets used to it, is just a big change for her

will bed part of bassinet detach so u can place it in crib & let her start making transition to crib?

I always put my daughter in her crib for naps only to get her used to it, before I transitioned from bassinet at night.

My son did not like the mattress in the crib. I changed mattresses and that did the trick!. It was 25 years ago but hey. It worked.

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Absolutely get rid of the bassinet - - - it’s time for a baby bed with guards on the side.

Can you put her bassinet on the floor or in her cot Untill she gets used to the transition
Also put her favorite toys in the cot at night time
Yes she will play but she will tier herself out and fall asleep where she is

Put the bassinet in the crib. Something about it comforts her. Then if she falls out or over, she is supported by the crib. Good luck with this, let us know the outcome <3

It’s tough for the first couple nights but the cry it out method works wonders…

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to get baby to sleep through the night?

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Top the tank before bed. We did puffs and a movie nightly before bed. Fresh diaper. Sippy cup of ice water went with her to sleep. That way we knew if she was complaining through the night she was fine. Obviously if she was legit crying and upset we went to check and re tuck her in.

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She might be hungry. Feed her baby food that fills her up.

It’s just a growth spurt it will pass. My daughter never slept through the night til 18 months lol.


Fill up the belly. Try shortening naptimes a bit.

Eliminate a nap during the day. Get her up before you go to bed. Get her a little drink. change diaper and get her comfy again. Then hope for the best…

Don’t eliminate naps or shorten naps. You will just end up with an over tired baby. She is only 1. My boys never slept through the night until they were almost 2. All kids go through development changes that effect sleep. It doesn’t last long. Just stick to your routine and it will work itself out.


Is she cutting teeth? Her molars may be coming in feel the back of her gums. Also at a year old a growth spurt hits. When she wakes soothe and comfort back to sleep if you can without picking her up. If you need to pick her up then do it. It’s a small period in her life. You’ll be exhausted but she will know you’re there

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It’s extremely normal for kids up to 2 not to sleep through the night developmentally. Also normal for sleep regressions. Just a full belly and consistent routine.


My pediatrician told me my 6-month old should be sleeping all night. He said do this… When he cries in the middle of the night go stand by his door but do not let him see you. Let him cry for 5 minutes. I cried along with him. The little shit laid back down and went to sleep, after 1 minute and 20 seconds. He slept all night from that night on. If they cry more than 5 minutes then pick them up. It’s worth a try. I’m glad I did it.

I’m with the rest of them feed her a snack before bed babies tend to sleep better with something in their stomach. I’ve raised 6 kids and am no helping my daughter with hers

Short nap times have glass of milk before bed time

Cut out the last afternoon nap before bed and when you put her to bed give her a bottle of water she will stop waking up expecting milk it worked for two out of three of my kids.

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You can give her chamomile tea. It is caffeine free. I give it to my 6 month old every now and then. Helps relax them. And puts them to sleep

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I used Badger Sleep Balm for my 2… They and me slept wonderful.

Leave a night light on for her
And put her toys in her cot
When she wakes up through the night
She can happily play
And she will nod off again

Is she teething? That could be hurting a bit, ask her dr if she can have a baby tylenol at bedtime. Does she have a blanket she likes, also a toy - - -.

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Put her in an old T-shirt of yours to sleep in
One that smells like you
Or wrap a teddy bear or make a pillow case out of it
Cut the last nap of the day
Have her do a lil work out routine with you or help pick up toys or dust furniture/wipe off tables with you
You’re not looking for perfection just have her do an activity of some sort to work off some energy.
Keep her up 15 extra minutes
Nothing with dye in it before bed
Turn on a fan, music, something soothing

Ummmm mine was 5 before sleeping through the night. My son was a dream sleeper so i struggled with all the broken sleep with having her.
She slept better when was with me. So we co slept a lot for when i needed better sleeps


Maybe try a little later bedtime like 9-9:15. Warm milk before bed, how long does she nap during the day? My son use to take a two hour nap in the day but eventually he would start not wanting to go to bed so now his naps are 45 minutes. I also use a lotion that’s supposed to help with sleep.

My son didn’t sleep through the night until he was 2 1/2. I stopped going in his room to get him when he woke up at about 1 year. I had toys and pacifiers in his bed. He would happily play and fall back asleep. Your baby will be fine and start sleeping through the night again


Put her down a little later if you can and limit to one nap a day

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Babies don’t sleep through the night. And shouldnt if their hungry and need to be changed.

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You may need to adjust naptime during the day. She may need to cut down on the length a little. Or she may need more time between naptime and bedtime.

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if going to bed at 830 now maybe give a warm bath at night with night time soap about that time and maybe bed about 900 just an idea thats what i did and number of other things with a child that never slept. and if did she fell asleep at the time had to get upat 730 am.

My daughter just started to sleep through the night. She’s almost six. Trying calming sounds, night light and something that smells like you. My daughter has to sleep with a blanket of mine or she won’t sleep.

Belly full of food does the trick. If she still gets a bottle mix baby cereal in it if not some warm oatmeal before bed

Cut out or shorten afternoon nap and do lavender bath before bed. Worked for all 3 of mine.

My kids are 5 and 8 and still wake up in the middle of the night

Does the child still take naps? How does the child do with eating dinner? Does it seem like the child has a high metabolism and burn through the calories? Is the child teething? All things to consider. My son would be starving in the middle of the night and after a snack he would be restless. He’s ADHD and his metabolism is through the roof. He’s a freaking bean pole lol but at tht age the doctor advised me to add a little protein shake to his diet. At first I just added it to his cup of milk and it seemed to help so then I decided to have him eat at a semi early dinner time and then give him a protein shake in his cup before bed and he just started waking up around 5:30-6ish hungry and ready for his day. My daughter I had to cut afternoon naps out but I believe she was a little older than your child. Growth spurt and teething can both cause restlessness with a child as well.

Sounds like babe is going through a phase. This too shall pass. Enjoy the snuggles. Make her feel comfortable and loved.

Is she teething? Molars will do this

Maybe Sleep regression? its a thing, Look it up. It’s a phase and hopefully will pass sooner rather than later.

My daughter woke up every 2 hours like a newborn til she was 2!! Now she’s 6, and she has such a hard time falling asleep most nights. The dr gave her melatonin to help with falling asleep

No more nap time.
Play with her at night for a full hour
Feed her good before bedtime
Let her go to bed later
Let her wake up later
Warm lavender bath before bedtime
Soothing sounds through out the night.

Sleeping through the night is an unrealistic expectation for a child. Most adults don’t even sleep through the night

My child is 3, about to be 4 and still doesn’t sleep through the night. Stop expecting a child to sleep through the night.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to get baby to sleep through the night?

Your baby needs you and that’s their sign. If you’re thirsty you get up and get yourself a drink… your baby is hungry a 6 month old shouldn’t sleep through the night…


Try a rice cereal bottle before bed (with pediatrician approval )


Mine is 6 months as well I get up and feed her if she’s hungry but one way to help her sleep longer maybe baby food try giving her baby food not long before bed and it may help doctor recommended we do it for ours she still wakes up during night but not as often also try to make sure she finishes bottle when she wakes up

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My son is 16 months and still wakes up once a night, your baby needs you, they won’t be small for ever xx


These comments tho IM 1000000% SURE SHE KNOWS HER BABY NEEDS HER like duh captain obvious

Maybe give an extra ounce at bed time?

Starting foods. Baby is still hungry. Also, there’s teething, growth spurts, and sleep regression…good luck.


Stop giving her a bottle during the night give her her last feed as late as you can & try to up her ounces during the day if she’s full she won’t wake up. If she wakes up during the night just give her her soother it’ll be hard the first few nights but the more you do it the easier it’ll gey she’s used to getting a bottle during the night now that’s why she wakes


With my boy I just made sure to have a bedtime routine. (Night bottle, bath, diaper and pj’s, story then bed) if he got hungry I got up but eventually he just would sleep.

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Talk to the pediatrician and see if it’s time to start introducing cereals. It will definitely keep them fuller for longer.

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There 6 months?!?! There still a baby, they get thursty/hungry! My son never slept though until 2.5 years x


You’re able to start food. I would give cereal before bed. Mix it puree food to have flavor. But it is completely normal for a baby to still wake up that young for a bottle.

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Baby cereal right before bed

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Rice cereal with warm formula a little sugar


My girl is 8 months and still wakes up 2 to 3 times a night. She will stop when she is ready


Sleep is developmental. This is still totally normal for a six month old. Join the fb group Sleepy Littles for credible info regarding infant sleep.


I used to give my girls baby porridge before bed at 6 months as it helped them sleep through :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Try sleep training with a bedtime routine bath baby bedtime cereal and nursery rhymes then bed after a while will catch on and sleep better they say sleep train after 2 months as baby doesn’t need to be woken up for bottles then

Top the bottle up she obviously isn’t getting enough to need feedin like a newborn

It is normal for a 6 month old to still be waking up in the middle of the night. Some babies do sleep thru the night but it’s perfectly normal for your baby to still be waking.


Feed her something like pablum or a food pouch before bed she should sleep longer.

It’s normal for babies to wake through the night to be fed. It’s normal for kids up to around age 5/6 to wake up multiple times through the night and need help going back to sleep. Just feed her and put her back down. See if your partner can help with feedings so you can get a longer block of sleep. If you don’t have a partner maybe see if someone can help out with the first feeding and you go to bed earlier to get a longer block of sleep. But it’s totally normal for her to be waking up so much for feeds.


Put cereal in the bottle. She’s hungry!!


Rice cereal in a bottle is the most outdated advice, stop giving it out to parents. Zero nutritional value and NO it doesn’t keep them asleep.:rofl: It’s nothing but a choking hazard, and could confuse your baby about solids and liquids.


6 months is still super early to expect a baby to sleep through the night. And to people saying put cereal in a bottle, that’s a choking hazard.


It becomes a habit for them. If you just give them a pacifier or don’t get them out of the bed they will go back to sleep. I would say once a night would be good depending how long they go to sleep after the last feeding. If they go to bed at 8pm then feed at 12 or 1am and then 6am should be sufficient. But you can get in some infant/baby mom groups and see what they are doing. You will always have mixed opinions and none are wrong it’s just what works best for them and for you and your child. They get used to getting up at certain times just like we do. But the habit can be changed just don’t jump up out of bed and go feed every time they cry or it will keep happening. Ask your pediatrician and see what they recommend bc I’m sure there is a recommendation and also ask about the cereal. Every child is different so just try to make small adjustments for a few nights to see if it helps. Good luck momma! I’ve raised three girls and they were all different😊

Nobody should be recommending anything especially cereal in a bottle. It’s normal for babies to wake up and eat.


Sleeping through the night is developmental


Start giving baby food for lunch and dinner. cereal in morning and at night before bed. Of course give bottles as well after a little food/cereal. Doesn’t mean the baby won’t wake up still.

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I just tried to keep mine up as much as possible during the day, obviously naps if they are getting crabby but i tried to stimulate them as much as possible during the day. This always worked for me but every baby is different :slight_smile:

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Some kids just wake up more often. One of mine did till like 10 months. I tried to not give a bottle right away and eventually they started sleeping thru the night

She’s hungry. Put a teaspoon of baby cereal in that bottle. It will fill her up.


That’s biologically normal sleep. Babies aren’t suppose to sleep through the night at that age :woman_shrugging:t3:


Hungry,feed that child

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Feed more solids in the evening before bed. A full belly doesn’t rumble. Don’t overdo it tho and cause a tummy ache.
Don’t put cereal in a bottle. At 6 mths your baby is old enough to start eating soft solids.
Food helped with my first 3. Nothing helped with my 4th. He didn’t start sleeping through the night until he turned 1. For some it’s just a development thing


Ask your doctor before giving any food or cereal.

Add baby food to bottle to thicken it a little and gives it flavor and fills the baby up more

Is she eating solids? Or oatmeal? Feed her a bit before her bedtime bottle. My 7 month old gets a snack and sleeps from 930pm to 7am

It becomes a habit. If them a soother, don’t pick them up and they’ll go back to sleep. Introduce solids during the day. She’s 6 months, a bottle isn’t going to keep her full. Do not put anything in her bottle except her formula/breastmilk.

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She can have food already. Feed her before bedtime.

My child’s doctor always told me that a little bit of rice cereal or oatmeal cereal would help hold them over until morning. You don’t want a lot just a wee bit to thicken the milk some.

Baby food , or banana in her milk bottle… most baby do not sleep through the night til age 1. But baby food will help them sleep longer periods.

It’s normal but for the last time bottle try a little bit of baby food (in a bowl w/a spoon) do a whole night routine like food, bath, bottle, snuggles ect and off to bed. It worked for 2 out 4 so far for me. My 3rd baby well she didn’t sleep all night till she was over a year old maybe close to a yr and half… my 4th well shes just over 6 weeks (she does 4-7hr stretches at night. Like 10p-4a/5a)… DO NOT PUT RICE CEREAL IN A BOTTLE…

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Cereal and milk before bed. Rice cereal. Feed it on a spoon and give milk in bottle​:ok_hand:t5::+1:t5: should work…at least 5 to 6 hrs instead of (3)

It’s not something to be helped or “fed”… it’s just what babies do.


At 6 months you can be introducing solid food as well as formula. If baby is waking regularly and taking a full bottle…chances are they are hungry and need more solids.
Also try hungry baby formula at bed time or rusk soaked in formula as well as a milk feed . If they continue to waken and you feel they are not hungry…offer water instead of milk. Could be they are thirsty rather than hungry and water often breaks the habit of waking
Have to say by 6 months mine were settled at night but its not unusual at that age to still be waking . They are growing fast , more active but still have a small tummy

A 6 month old baby waking every 3 hours to eat is completely normal.

There is some very harmful/deadly advice on this post. Be so careful who you listen too momma and I feel this is not the group to ask advice on this topic.


Give her oatmeal or cereal before bed it will keep he tummy full


Getting older. At this age she will start eating more real food so naturally she won’t need more throughout the night. Don’t worry, the time will come when you’re not up all night with the baby. Naturally.

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No, you just deal with it. The baby is hungry, feed the baby. However, the baby should be eating food already so you can try to feed the baby more during the day. As they start sleeping longer through the night they naturally eat more during the day anyways so you can try that

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