How to get baby to sleep through the night?

Baby girl is 4 months old. She sleeps with us at night but naps are in her bassinet or crib. She only naps for 25-28 minutes and maybe 4-5 naps a day. How can I get her to take longer naps? I keep reading they should be longer at this age.


Make sure she’s full. Try having some background noise

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Try looking up White Noise on YouTube. Let it play in the background. Hope it works for you :slight_smile:

I played mazzy star fade into you album and that’s only way I was able to get my oldest son to sleep

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I play classical no singing just instrument music for my daughter

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We used music instead of white noise and being sure she’s cool and in a dark room preferably re-creating her bedtime situation so is comfortable and familiar

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At that age I played with my son and he would nap for about 3 hours I tried to keep him awake making funny faces weird sounds basically anything I could do to get him to smile and make noises that he’d tired himself out

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Make sure she’s full and try cutting some of the naps out. The more naps=less time she will sleep, the less naps=greater sleep time. That’s how it worked with mine anyways

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I always played classical music for my 2 girls when they were little and will likely do the same this time around. It worked so well and I played the music well into their toddler years too.

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She’s maturing at her own pace. Give her time.

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She might be overly tired. Try following this :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Mine is 6 months and just started taking hour naps, before that it would only be like 20 minute naps