How to get baby to sleep through the night?

My 2 year old is usually the perfect sleeper!! Bed time at 8:30 and never puts up a fuss for bed it’s usually his idea to go to sleep. However tonight it’s past midnight and he’s refusing to sleep, he will scream when I try to lay him in his bed. We’ve tried everything!! (Bath, bed time stories, snack, drink, lavender lotion, even tried Tylenol at a last resort because he was teething his molars but was fine all day) Both my husband and I are not sure what to do. My poor husband wakes up at 4:00am for work but I was at a loss of what is going on and needed his help. Any suggestions or similar stories? This is so strange for him!


My son did the same, it was separation anxiety for our son. Maybe let him sleep with you?

Try just cuddling or rocking your boy. Maybe also with a small bottle for comfort. He may have separation anxiety right now babies get it for no reason. Just enjoy holding your boy hes only this little for so long. I’ve been up countless nights holding my son so he can go to sleep crying or not. But when I started working overnights I cried missing rocking my son to sleep

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He maybe having nightmare take him in bed with yoi

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Just hold him and rock with him and hum if he likes it both my kids have done that he just want you and dad sometimes they need to hear your heartbeat

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Maybe having night terrors which he is the right age for them to start. Happens to every child about the same age. Happened with all 3 of my kiddos. And is a phase they grow out of but the best thing to do is just comfort them and maybe bring him into your bed to go to sleep if you have tried everything else.


I would lay down beside him in is bed. Especially if he has teeth coming in


I wouldn’t give a child tea


Anytime my kid does this or gets sick it’s an ear infection.


Mine did this with ear and stomach ache

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If you’re husband has to get up early then go in your child’s room


Id just lock the door and go sleep in his room with him while he plays, that is if hes get a bed big enough you can sleep in, he will be contained in their with you playing hopefully quietly and fall sleep eventually


Take the baby and go to different room with him my wife does that at night with the ones up and I do it in day so wife can sleep


Put him in the car and take him for a drive. Always worked for my little one when nothing else would. 💁 Good luck!

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Maybe he is scared . Lay with him for a little


I bet his ears hurt. I’d snuggle him to sleep on the couch and take him to the dr tomorrow to check.

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Ear ache. Or stomach ache.

Ears. Laying down would change the pressure and cause pain or discomfort. Teething molars did this to my boys every single time.

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Could be one of his molars cutting thru the gums and really hurting him. Try Motrin? Or teething tablets/gel.
My daughter did the same with her 2yr molars.
I would take baby to another room and let your hubby sleep.
Check his temperature. If he has a fever could be an ear infection. If not it’s probobly just his teeth bugging him. Cuddle him/lay with him. My daughter would lay on me in an upward position when her molars came in bc laying on her back or side, idk if it was the pain in her jaw or her ears from teething but she’d just cry and cry. Cuddling helped her calm tho…
Deep breaths. Try and relax I know it’s hard with baby crying. But maybe cuddle him hum a little song/tune while rocking him.
I’d hold my daughter say mommas here, hum twinkle little star/silent night a few times and she would fall asleep on me.
Hope y’all can get some sleep. Teething is not fun.

Decongestant may help if ear.

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My nephew is the same way he is also 2 my sister usually just puts Mickey Mouse on for him and will lay him in bed with her on nights he won’t sleep usually he will watch it for 10 minutes and be out😂 So try laying him in bed with you with one of his favorite shows/movies on and see if he just wants his momma cuddles and if just cuddling and watching something before bed might ware him out.

That was my night last night and I have to get up at 330 to leave for work at 415…it was a long night. Sometimes it just happens unfortunately and we just have to push thru. The joys of Parenthood lol.

I’d sing my son to sleep. A song my mom made for me to pass on.

There has been many cases of pneumonia going on in our small town, so many babies coming down with it, & the biggest complaint is that Moms cant lay babies down, & they wont sleep.
The scary part is theres no real coughing or anything, just fluid setting up in the lungs making it painful to lay down & sleep.
Maybe go have an xray of his lungs done to rule it out.

My son did this last night. I brought him to the living room, moved a cushion and we cuddled in the couch and watched his movies/shows till he finally passed out. My boyfriend is also up at 4am for work

Take him in another room & lay with him.Cut a movie on or the t.v .Let him lay with you and watch it. Both might fall asleep.

My two year old is dealing with a growth spurt she wakes up screaming if we don’t give her meds. It’s so sad because I can’t help her except to rub her legs and snuggle her.

My two year old did this last night as well!

He got his second wind, got overtired and was harder to put to bed. Plain and simple. Tomorrow will be better