How to get baby to sleep through the night?

Fan Question

  • V :dizzy:

I’m making a doctor’s appointment but my 7 month old has woken up around the same time each night the last couple nights SCREAMING bloody murder. Thought she was hurt took forever to calm her down and usually she goes back to sleep within an hour (She has been sleeping through the night for months now) but last night was HORRIBLE I could not get her calmed down and when I finally did she would start again minutes later. is this teething? is she getting sick? please let me know what you think.

P.S. she is completely fine during the day.


Could be night terrors?

Teething could definitely be part of it, but it sounds like night terrors to me. And unfortunately with night terrors are really can’t do anyting besides Comfort them

Could be night terrors.

Could be night terrors.

Sounds like another sleep regression. There’s usually another one around 8 months. We had to try some different times for bed, we ended up finding the sweet spot was an earlier bed time.

She could be teething. Could be night terrors.


Night terrors, my daughter has had them since 4m and she still has them and is now 15 months

Night terrors and or sleep regression this has hit my 19 mth old as well

My son had night terrors, he would only calm down if I laid him on a blanket on the floor. No idea why it helped, I just sat in the floor one night and laid him down to fix his pajamas and he calmed down. Once he was sound asleep I could put him back in his crib

Have her ears check. Any time my babies woke up thru the night crying they had an ear infection.

Could be ear infection! My daughter did the same and they’re hard (if you’re not a dr) to notice. I had no idea until her ear drum burst and ear started dripping stuff out. Hope your little one is back to the norm soon!

Night terrors my grandson had them. Nothing you can do but hold them love them and reassure them

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Ears? That was always the culprit with mine. When they lay down the pressure builds and increases the pain.

Night terrors could also be growing pains

Could the little one be to hot?
My son did that a few times and he was sweating bad so I’d take off his pajamas and cool him off then snuggle back to sleep. <3

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Sounds like night terrors. My son started getting them about 6 months. They don’t even know you’re in the room with them. It’s so sad. And there is nothing you can do but wait it out.

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Night terrors. My daughter had them around 3 years old. Screamed bloody murder around 2 am every night. Thought she was pocessed. Scary.

Could be pinworms. Ask dr

When my son has done this it was always teething

Sounds like night terrors. My oldest son would have them around that age and I could not calm him down unless I put him in the bathtub. He had them for like 2 years. My youngest son also had them too, actually he still gets them occasionally and he’s 5. Good luck

Good thing your asking your kids doctor because you’ll always get mixed answers

My daughter did that. Screamed bloody murder for hours off and on. More on than off. Turns out it was gas. We gave her gas drops and I laid her on my chest in her belly and patted her to put some pressure on her belly. She was fine… but for awhile it was unnerving. Could be a million other things but maybe she is gassy at night.

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She might have a ear infection. The pain can get worse at night…

Gas in the belly causing tummy pain in your baby-

Night terrors. Growing pains. Teething. Any number of other pain related things.

My son always had stomach aches when he would scream & cry. It would be at the most random times & it would last for hours.
You’ll have to get to the doctor to find a solution. That can be exhausting for you both.

Could be ear or teething, when baby lays down pressure builds up it could painful, I would have to sleep sitting up with my granddaughter in my arms she couldn’t lay down it hurt her

Was always ear infections for mine ( I have 4 children) two of my boys had horrible problems with thier ears. This sounds like it could be that.

I was actually going to say too warm maybe my first born I over dressed in winter and he would wake up each night around midnight grumpy and hot like as adults when u fall asleep in a jumper and u wake up all shitty otherwise teeth are a possibility as well but my second child slept through but when she did wake up randomly she would think I assume it was time too be up but was still tired so was grumpy and sooky

Night terrors possibly. My daughter did this when she was 1 1/2 and she would scream for me and I would be right in front of her and its like she couldn’t see me. It took hours to calm her down but they stopped just as fast as they started. She is 15 years old now.

Sounds like night terrors. A dr appt won’t fix those.

Sounds like night terrors to me…

Teething or acid reflux

I would get her checked out.

Teething , nightmares or sleep regression.

Maybe gas. Try gas drops.

Night terror is what it sounds like. My daughter use to get them. Once in a great while it will happen. But she would scream BLOODY murder for like 2 hours straight and if you’d pick up she’d hit and punch ect. Very scary!!!

Welcome to night terrors… my son had them for years :woman_facepalming:. Finally we sat down to talk about them and that’s when he told me about his fear of fire and he had dreams he would die or someone he loved died in a fire

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Ear infections hurt when they lay down at night. Have that looked at as well.

She could be going through a mental leap! Google it!!! Best thing I ever found out with my baby. I had NO idea about them until my sister showed me!

My son has started to do that every now and then, I know I googled it but he has all the symptoms of night terrors. It says do not wake them up and try to wake them up 15 minutes before they usually go into the terror

Too young for night terrors…

My little boy has done this, it’s been his teeth :disappointed_relieved:

Welcome to teething…my son will be 9 months the 28th. He cut his bottom tooth last month and now has 3 coming in at once…it SUCKS!

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Night Terrors :pensive: My little cuz had them when she was little

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Sounds like night terrors. My 1 year old still does it at times. Could be teething too, my daughter acts like that when she gets a tooth in

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Try leaving a small light on? Some babies wake up in fear bc they dont know where they are. Gripe water helps calm so maybe try that? Or light noise machine.

Sounds like night terrors. :disappointed: My son had it badly, he was inconsolable, but eventually settled back down and went right back to sleep after a while.

Sounds like it could be teething or ears.

Check her bed. Make sure something is not poking her. Also check for strings caught between toes and fingers.

Shes not too young for night terrors- but its important to note night terrors are very diff than nightmares. The terrors are usually brought on by a traumatic incident, nightmares are regular dreams of the minds imagination. Ask your dr the difference they can tell you about it. If nothing new or traumatic has happened(which. For a 7mo old a LOT of things could worry or startle them- so dont panic )
Then its safe to say just nightmares and she’s going thru the normal brain changes she needs. At her appt you can ask her Dr about all these things.
At bedtime try some more soothing /comforting things for her routine. When you lay her down read a bedtime story with her bottle, sing or hum a lullaby, rub her head, try a singing lullaby mobile, anything that’s calming that can hopefully send her into a calm nights rest.

Could be night terrors!

That sounds like my baby. She has severe acid reflux. Two medications a day and sleeping like well… a baby … lol

Teething or ear infection

Could be night terrors my baby has them. They are really bad with my daughter so I did some research on them. Long story short when a baby is as young as they are sometimes determining a dream/ sleeping from being awake and reality is hard for them. Thats ehybthey react so bad but us as parents trying to calm them down makes it almost worse!! Half the time they are still sleeping. My kids 3 now and still has them if you look in her eyes while she’s having them you can tell she’s not really there. My doctor told me that it’s actually worse for us to witness then for the child because the child doesn’t even remember it the next day. It’s like it never happened. When we interact with themndurring thebterror it can make it worse too. Doc said to me sometimes we just have to let them run through it. Hold them of corse but DONT try to wake them and whatever you do don’t put them in the tub ( I guess a bath is something parents try)

Night terrors/nightmares. They will go away eventually.

Here’s my advice if you don’t have her around people that aren’t your family or people that you don’t completely trust with your baby like a daycare or something and you’re absolutely positive that your baby is not getting mistreated or abused physically in any kind of way then it probably is teething if the baby does not have a rash a diaper rash or doesn’t show any signs of a cold. Did the baby fall from anywhere lately get hurt in any way? If the answer is no then it probably is teething teething is horrible on the little ones you have to find ways to relieve the teething pain because for some babies it is horrible. Ask the pediatrician to prescribe infant Tylenol or infant ibuprofen and how much you should give the baby and how often get teething rings and freeze them in the freezer and give them to you baby to chew you could also wet clean baby washcloths put them in the freezer bag or Ziploc bags freeze them I’m giving them to you baby to chew on of course with supervision. If your baby eats food you could be feeding your baby something that your baby’s little stomach can’t handle before bed. Ask the doctor to check your baby’s throat ears and nose for infection

My 2 year old does it with growing pains. She used to do it when little too

My grandson suffered from Night terrors, They are horrible. You feel so useless, They tremble scream. All you can do is comfort them and pray that is the only one that night. For a time he was having 3 and 4 a night. he is 7 now and no longer has them.