How to get baby to stop grinding teeth?

Seeking advice on 10-month-old who grinds teeth.

In need of any advice on a ten-month-old with 12 teeth grinding his teeth constantly


My son still does it. The only thing dentist could suggest is lavender oil drops on his pillow. X he’s 7 in a few days.

My son went through a period of doing this. We got him a children’s electric toothbrush and the stimulation on his gums really helped stop his need to grind. But he was around 18 months or so, not sure how you feel about doing it with a 10 month old

My pediatric dentist said it’s them growing :person_shrugging: my daughter out grew it

My daughter did this. We were told she would grow out of it as her teeth popped out, and that it helps them break the skin so their teeth can emerge. Shes 3 now and doesnt do it anymore.

It’s a phase they grow out of but is awful to listen to. You can try to redirect by giving them something appropriate to chew on like a teether or chewy. Ark therapeutic has the best chewies for all ages.

I never grew out of it. I have to wear a mouth guard to sleep.

My son did this! at 9 or 11 months? i’d put open his mouth everytime and he eventually quit. lol

Give him a teething ring i think my second daughter did that, i think she would do that when she had to mich. Sugar, i use to put vicks in stomach where the nabor is, its a old remdie and it really helped.

I used to grind my teeth growing up, but not purposely. Mention it to your dentist or ask if they need to see an orthodontist. I used to grind because I had an improper bite. I needed braces and have TMJ, but unfortunately they found out about my issue after it was too late and I needed surgery to reconstruct my jaw because my top one was too small and grew to the left too much. The sooner you find out what it is, the better. My brother would grind his teeth as well, and he only had TMJ and not the other jaw issues I have. Mine were a birth defect

My son is 48 still grinds his teeth

It’s a faze. Teeth are still new and they vibrate when he grinds. Babies like the way it feels.

My daughter did that. Used to irk me. Like nails on a chalkboard. It wasn’t constant though. She stopped eventually.

Ignore it. He’ll stop eventually

My daughter would grind her teeth and it just made my skin crawl. She stopped once all of her teeth came in. I mentioned it to both her pediatrician and dentist and they both said it was more than likely a self induced mechanism from new teeth coming.

My almost 9yo has and still grinds

My 38 year old boyfriend still does it in his sleep