How to get breastfed baby to gain weight?

my son is 3 months 14 days old. He was breast feeding up till last week soley when we figured out he wasn’t going proper amount of weight so we started formuala Similac pro senestive 4 oz. We didn’t know how he’s do on it but he is eating every two hours all thru the day and night is this okay ? But he is spitting up quiet a bit and never did that breastfeed I can only breast feed now like before or after bottle my breast milk doesn’t fill him.up anymore at all and I’m freaking out wondering if I’m doing this right it’s my first child so any nice advice would be appreciated ! If need more information about post let me know in comments and I’ll do my best to explain thanks in advance


Have you tried increasing your supply? Due to almost dying with my first child I had very little milk and was supplementing. I took fenogreek pills to increase my milk and pumped every two hrs. It took two months but my supply bumped up and I was able to solely breast feed, they have the fenegreek pills, mothers milk tea, lactation cookies, and drink mixes you can make… Hope you can figure something out! Hang in there!

When formula feeds every 3 hours vs 2 Hours breastfeeding, also that formula might not agree with him… make sure every 3 hours and burps good !! Then if that doesn’t help then I would switch in about a week to a different formula

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Make him rice cereal bottles. I work with babies and one is 7 wks and I have to make thick bottles so he doesn’t spit up… per parents permission… Good luck

First off, Mama breathe. My youngest daughter was same way. She just wouldn’t get full off breast milk. If not careful it can make you feel inadequate, so please remember to take care of yourself mentally as well. You are doing great. Second. try switching the formula up to test. also talk to dr about possibly adding a little rice cereal to bottle to help. but consult with dr first. Can also try natural products that help with milk production to see if that helps.

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He may be lactose intolerant and may need a different formula. Hopefully if you can stop him from spitting up he will eat in 3-4 hours instead of every 2 hours


If he’s spitting up you need to change formula. Try gentle

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look into acid reflux or may be lactose intolerant

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The same thing happened with my daughter, first baby also. I put a lot of time into learning about breast feeding, was so invested and then at 3 months she wasn’t gaining enough and her doctor insisted formula. These are the things I wish I had known right then that I’ve learned over time, and even too late.

Check for a lip tie, it’s often overlooked and can cause every bit of what you’re describing. A sign to look for is clicking when nursing. It’s pretty common and not very serious, it’s worth a check though, and may answer so many questions.

If you continue to bottle feed, a schedule is SO important, I can’t stress it enough. My daughter went from underweight to overweight in less than 6 months, and the doctor never really explained a feeding schedule by age. Wish so much that I had known.

She had reflux and lactose issues, but after finding her slight lip tie it all added up. She has out grown all of these issues now at 16 months.

Most important thing I can say is, you are doing a great job and your baby will be just fine. Best of luck you two :heart::heart:

I had to put a little bit of cereal into the formula for my son to keep it down.