Fan Question
Breastfeeding moms! How can i get my baby to stay asleep after feeding when i put her in her bassinet? She wakes up right away and cries She’s one month old.
Fan Question
Breastfeeding moms! How can i get my baby to stay asleep after feeding when i put her in her bassinet? She wakes up right away and cries She’s one month old.
Maybe let her stay asleep a little longer on your chest Before moving her? Thats what we had to do cause my little gracyne was the same way.
Good luck with this one. Lol
She’s just so young still she is use to your touch and smell, cuddle her my now 1 year old will not sleep with me and I miss it so very much
Have you tried swaddling her in a blanket or sleep sack so she thinks you’re still holding her
I co sleep and I love every second of it
Maybe get a bassist for the bed if you need more sleep. But we sleep trained with white noise and a warm blanket out of the dryer and it worked well for us.
Cuddle that baby, mama.
Try a Woombie. It was the best thing we ever purchased. Lol
It’s not breastfeeding mums !!!
It’s mums ! bottle or breast a baby still likes to be nursed and cry’s when you put him or her down.
It’s what babies do.
We have had to co-sleep with my last 2. Neither like/liked the bassinet or the sleep sack swaddles.
You could try propping the bassinet mattress up so it’s not so flat but that didn’t work for me either.
Enjoy the snuggles mama! I tried using one of my shirts to put my boy in his bassinet after he’d fall asleep. 11mths old, still EBF, and we co-sleep. He refuses his crib and I refuse to force it.
Good luck but do whatever works best for you and babe!
Google the “five S’s” and watch a video.
I would have to swaddle my son with a blanket or swaddle wrap breast feed them lay him down. He didn’t want to sleep unless he was swaddled.
I have four living children between the ages of 23 and 4yrs old. I never figured out the answer to your question which is why co-sleeping worked better for us.
She cries because she’s 1 month and she needs to be on you. You are her comfort
I use to use an electric lap blanket to warm my daughter’s bed for 30 minutes on low. Peal it back as you lay her down and then there is not a shock of the cold sheets to wake them up!
I would try a swaddle - or maybe sleeping in a swing.
I have tried all of these and nothing has worked. I’m going crazy over here at night. I just wanna sleep on my belly instead of my back/side. My back is killing me
Every mom has to figure out what their individual child needs and what works for their family.
For us, my daughter really really wanted something to suckle. We used pacifiers and she had to be swaddled or she wouldn’t sleep. And no, the was no confusion with switching between breast and binkie. And when we switched to a bottle because of poor breast milk quality she did fine with that switch too.
Btw, there will be nights that it feels like nothing is working and baby just wants to be held. It will get easier as baby gets older and you guys figure out quirks. Hang in there, you got this!
I have my solution that worked for me and my little girl.
But you said breastfeeding moms. And I was not. Sooo oh well🤷🏼♀️
Read up about the 4th trimester. Baby is behaving like a normal baby, we as adults have unrealistic expectations of what a baby should do.
Also babywear then baby gets snuggles/closeness and you can get stuff done.
Bedshare thats the only way my little gals would ever sleep good at night.
Place your hand on the tummy until their fully asleep. Still works with my 9 month old.
Swaddle before you feed. After feed give baby a soother. Place baby in crib and Pat their side for a few minutes until they drift off again
My baby did the same thing, cried every time I put him in his bassinet. The solution was to sleep on the couch with him on my breast for the first six months. That was the only way I could get any sleep. It doesn’t last forever.
Occasionally when my daughter was having rough nights like that, I’d swaddle her up before her bedtime feeding and then pop a soother in her mouth directly after she was done feeding, after about 5 minutes of extra cuddling she would sleep contently and deeply only waking for feedings
Swaddling. Find a routine. Also if she is sleeping alot during the day try to keep her up for some of it. Theyll hate it but it helps when night comes.
Breastfed or formula fed, the baby is a month old. It’s going to happen. Read up on “fourth trimester”
Oh love this is such a hard battle, the early days are such a sleep deprived haze
Some things that worked well for me were SAFE bed sharing
Going to bed at 11pm and my fiance having bub for 3 or so hours so I can get some sort of straight sleep stretch
Continuing to demand feed bub as much as you can to encourage your milk to establish, once that happens things get a little easier
Dream feeding bub in a safe sleep space (side car crib) or your own bed
I cosleep with my daughter, when she was small I’d lay her in a rocker next to the bed, she still felt snuggled in that, that’s the only thing that I could find to help, but I still co slept with her most of the time because she was so small, and I had to nurse her so often. I had a horrible nursing back for a while, but it does go away eventually, it is tough in the beginning, but it’ll get easier.
Both my kids did the same thing so I let them sleep with me. I wake up very easily so I wasn’t worries about hurting them in my sleep. Plus I inched away slowly on the bed just to be safe and the bed was against the crib just to be safe so they couldn’t fall off or face the wall.
Just hold her. She’s waking up because she’s missing your presence. You’ll both sleep better if you just hold her.
Also consistency, just keep trying to lay her down in a rocker or whatever you find that works, she’ll eventually get used to it
The only trick I found that worked for getting loose of baby for a little while was, when she was almost asleep, keep nursing but have daddy come hold her. Once she was asleep and I could safely break suction without waking her, he was already holding her and just kept rocking. That way I could go lie down by myself for a little while.
My daughter is 6 weeks old and breastfeeding…just hang in there,it will get easier! My daughter has only just started sleeping better the last week…
Your baby may just want mummy a little more and want to cluster feed too which is a good thing for your supply!!!
Join the Australian breastfeeding page,it’s great!!!
It’s called breastfeeders in Australia
Just hold her… she’ll never be that little again.
You don’t. Lol. That’s normal behavior for a 1 month old.
I had 6 children… Every night I would give the baby a bath. ( this tires them out plus they are nice and clean…wrap them, feed them and the bassinet was beside my bed…baby would nurse and we would cuddle a while then they slept til 2-3. Started bath 10.
Good have a bit a reflux make sure burp very few minutes if BF and every two ounces if bottle feeding. Also holding upright for 30 min can help. Just keep up with routine, it is what is safe for your baby.
I would use a blanket that would retain my scent and warmth. When I put her down she would sleep for a little longer. White noise also helps.
My boyfriend put the bed against the wall so I could cosleep safely with our LO. It gets easier and these moments go by so fast.
Swaddle. Or she may not like laying flat out her on incline. My son had reflux couldn’t lay flat. He would
Cry. But swaddling him and incline always worked
I coslept with my son until he was 5 months. But he always made his way back to my bed. My daughter is 4 months and has been in her bassinet since 2 months. I nurse her. Put a blanket between you and your baby, so baby doesnt stick to you when you try and move her.
Put a heating pad in the bassinet while you feed, remove the heating pad before putting baby back in the bassinet. That way there’s not a huge temp change from the warmth of mom to the coolness of the bassinet mattress.
I just held my son when he was that young. I seriously slept on the couch with him for the first 4 months so his dad could get enough sleep to go to work in the morning. It sucked and I was sore, but I sure did love those baby cuddles.
I know I shouldn’t but I co sleep with him(I’m a very light sleeper). At first, when he would wake up to eat, I would stay awake with him until he was done. But now that hes older, he sleeps almost the whole night and once in a while he will wake up wanting to eat and I’ll just let him eat while I sleep. Most of the time he wont actually even eat, he just wants to use my boob as a pacifier.
Try putting a hot water bottle in the crib when you take her out to nurse her. Then take the bottle out and pop her in the cozy bed. works like a charm for me.
White noise , pick one that has a heart beat sound .
Good luck
Put a heating pad down where she sleeps while you nurse, and pick it up before laying her down You can also sleep with a few of her swaddling blankets for a couple nights (to get your mommy smell on them) and swaddle her with them at night