How to get mattes out of hair?

Use a hair oil serum made for frizz! I will work wonders use as much as you need a gently comb sections. Wash well afterwards

Just 4 ME! They have a pink conditioner that is leave in & works great

Brush her hair out with conditioner still in it. Keep her hair as wet as you can the whole time. Start at the ends and work your way up. I have also used coconut oil in my kid’s hair while brushing.


Go to the salon and get a detangler and big tooth comb :slightly_smiling_face:

Look at ways to remove dreds. My best friend in highschool had dreads and used a certain shampoo and 2 days later had straight beautiful hair. Just a thought.

I como my daughter hair out while she’s in the tub. Wet her hair and put lots of conditioner. Wide toothed comb I begin detangling. I start at the bottom and work my way up towards the root.


Get her hair wet then take a bottle of conditioner, put as much you can on your palms and lather it onto her hair start brushing from the bottom going up. Rinse and repeat. I have had to do this from personal experience. I used to have long thick wavy hair. Used almost a whole bottle of conditioner on mine so good luck.

After brushing my girls hair would braid for night

I know it sounds crazy but I just saw a stylist on tiktok that said wd 40


Tons of conditioner. It has to have slip in order to work the knots out. Lots of patience.

Get mayonaise, an egg, and a teaspoon of vinegar and put it in her hair. Let it sit for about 20-30 minutes. Wash it out and use shampoo and conditioner, let the conditioner sit in her hair for 10 minutes. Dry it with a shirt not a towel. Towels causes more knots. Wait until its damp before combing. Use a comb and start from the bottom of her hair all the way up. I have done this multiple times in my past with my hair and children’s hair and it works wonders. Please do not use any children’s detangler, it makes the hair break more causing more mats.

Coconut oil , and Aussie 5 minute miracle with wet hair . I go through phases of depression where I don’t brush my hair sometimes and it ends up matting up., This is what I use , with a wide thick brush , and a comb with a pick at the end. It’ll hurt and it’ll take some time to get it all out but it will come out.

Thank you for taking care of her . :heart:

Just get a bottle of conditioner. Get the hair wet and put a lot of conditioner on and then use a comb to start working through the hair


Try a wet brush! It works miracles!


Mane and tail might also work

My daughter hates her hair brushed. It tangles soo easily. We shampoo the scalp only, than condition mid to ends. Sit for 5 minutes rinse. Than I use either a leave in conditioner or a mix of 50/50 hair mask and water and take it section by section starting on one side at the bottom and work our way up and round her head… than we either braid It to her scalp or loosely down but braided to let her hair relax leaving the conditioner in and than washing the next day.

It’s a 10 product. Works amazing. Gentle on hair. Use a WeT Brush to comb

I use “marvelous oil hair elixir” from Garnier. It’s works great.

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This stuff is amazing you can buy it at Walmart my daughter has a very thick curly hair and this is what we use on hers

If all else fails buy a straight razor andd cut them “down andd out”

So I had to do the same thing for my sister once and it took awhile and a lot of hard work but I didn’t have to cut any of it. Use a crap ton of leave in conditioner (I used the Garnier fructis sleek and shine), you’ll have to keep applying as you go and uncover more hair because it’s hard to work any product into the matts. Seperate as best you can into sections, pulling the different matts apart will keep you from tangling them together as you go. Just pull apart what wants to be pulled apart, let the hair talk so to speak lol, and you probably won’t be able to seperate them all the way to the top. Even getting the bottoms a little more apart will help. When you do this, be super gentle. Pulling hard will cause the knots to tighten on each other. Gently loosening it with your fingers will help the hairs slide free instead. Work from the bottom up in small sections with a small hairbrush. When you brush them out don’t pull straight down. Gently pull it down and towards you, kinda pulling different parts free. Sort of like your flipping the end of the hair with a straightening iron. Sometimes you’ll just have to use your fingers to gently pull parts apart like you’re untangling string.

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When its wet load up on conditioner. I leave mine in.Nvr brush when dry. If its longer braid it.also use a pick not a brush good luck

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You should take her to get her hair thinned out. If it’s thick it really helps

Spray head from sink or shower in combing motion against a solid surface , the standing water fr surface tension floats and supports the hair while the streams push the hair apart , starting at the tips working up and out.

Untangles the bad ones by hand.

Lather it in conditioner, and get a rat tail comb to pick out the mats starting at the bottom. Keep the hair wet by using a spray bottle filled with water and a little conditioner.

How about one of the after shampoo detanglers?

W D 40 it works and washes out