How to get mattes out of hair?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum! How to get mattes out of hair?

Use some thinning shears

Spray “tangle free”on it “

Swear by this stuff!

Wet brush and leave in conditioner spray.

Johnson and Johnson no tangles spray

No more tangles spray helps

Paul Mitchell leave in conditioner

Stylist in Salons use WD-40

Leave in conditioner and comb out

Cut it and Start over

Leave in conditioner and a wide comb

Use It’s a 10 leave in conditioner. Start from the bottom.

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Thank you for caring.

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Paul Mitchell skinny serum.

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Shea moisture detangler!!!

Patience and conditioner

Do a leave in conditioner to get the matted parts. From now on, In the shower, let the conditioner sit in her hair while she washes her body. I have thick wavy hair and doing that helps.

I forget to brush my hair (I use to have a pixie cut) so when it looks knotted and bad I just take a bath and get conditioner in as good as I can and when I get out I brush my hair.

Get a really good deep conditioner or hair mask wet the hair and pile it on wrap hair in a tshirt or towel and let the conditioner sit for awhile (maybe even over night) go back to thr bath add even nore conditioner separate into sections if possible and brush through start from the bottom while wet you may even need to use your fingers and hold on to big knots with a fist and pull a few hairs out of the knot at a time until the knotted dead hair is out and the healthy hair is all freed if you cant get a brush through (could take a while)

Wash hair after its detangled


I suggest sitting with a really good quality deep conditioner mask on and brush while it’s still in the hair. Curly hair loves moisture so get that hair completely drenched in the stuff! Start very slowly with a wide comb or fingers from the bottom up


My hair gets really bad mats in it as well. I got myself a wet brush and I use it in the shower while I have conditioner in my hair. It’s like magic. Gets all the mats out pain free and reduces breakage.


Get a deep conditioning mask and let it sit for awhile and then start brushing with a “wet brush” while the mask is still in. Then use a detangling spray. I have thick curly hair as well and it’s a disaster to comb out sometimes.

Try a kids detangler spray or a mositurizer spray daily. With a thick tooth comb.

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My nephew has similar hair, and I used coconut oil. You dont need a lot either. It’s good for the hair. Also, I would get them a trim once you get the knots out. The hair is probably really damaged and will keep knotting up.

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I would use a deep conditioning cowash and a wide tooth comb or pick. Let it sit on her head a few minutes and start at the bottom with the comb with the cowash in her hair. Rinse out. Blot dry. Soak hair in detangling spray and comb again.
Try not to rub the hair together when applying co wash and just focus on saturation. Shampoo will only make the mattes worse from friction of rubbing. Same when towel drying…. Blot don’t rub and let it air dry.

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Beach Bum has a de tangler that is awesome. Their conditioning products are great too. Good luck :blush:

Wd40 !!! And let it soak and then after u get most out get a oil treatment them slowly use a comb at get the rest out then if needed go amd get her a trim and then just upkeeping


Fabric softener has worked on a stray matted dog I adopted.

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They have little girls detangler , it’s not very expensive either . Works wonders.

Olive oil and a shower cap for 3-4 hours. Soak hair and massage into scalp. Put on shower cap 20 min- 4 hours. Go to shower and use wide toothed comb or wet brush to get as many mats out before washing. Wash with water as warm as she can handle and use a moisturizing shampoo and wrap hair in towel-no rubbing. Spray Its a 10 leave in conditioner into hair and comb while wet. You will be amazed!

You can use a leave in conditioner . You’ll want to try and section her hair if you can and brush one section at a time starting at the ends. Take breaks if you need to . You can also braid her hair after to keep it from tangling .

I’ve suffered from depression and have had to have my husband sit and brush my hair for me , sometimes it would take 45 minutes plus .

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Hi I sure to be terrible with my hair , wouldn’t brush I’d just put it up…lots of conditioner and a good brush …start at the bottom and work your way up less damage to hair and less painful …hope this helps

Hair oil, leave in conditioner spray, detangler spray, or leave a thick conditioner on her hair for an hour. If they are bad enough and you’ve tried everything, you may have to just cut them out and give her a pixie haircut until it grows out

Depends how matted it is. I would use it’s a 10 leave in conditioner and a wet brush to start. If it’s very matted then a rat tail comb and any hair oil you have and pick it out

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For the first timeyou probably should take her to a beautician, she’s going to lose a lot of hair and they would how to trim and treat the hair

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My hair was thick wavy and down to my knees when I was younger and it would get knotted and matted sooo bad…my mom used spray detangler or mayonnaise and a rat tail comb!

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It’s a 10 is a really food leave in conditioner. I have really thick hair and it works on mine and my daughters hair really well.

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I have the same problem when my depression gets bad & I let myself go. I like to use vitamin E oil, or coconut oil, and then comb out from the ends to the scalp. It’s a process, but it helps reduce breakage in the hair when starting from the ends & working your way up.


I legit have a flea comb for my child because he twirls Mattes into his hair

Highly recommend a wet brush for her. This will help her maintain it and makes wavy, thick hair so much more manageable in the future. I own probably 5 of them now.

Downy and water in spray bottle. Use wide tooth comb to work out the biggest tangles.

Mane and Tail Detangler. Like seriously!

do it in the shower with a ton i mean a ton of conditioner in her hair

I have to do small sections of hair that i can pull apart spray in leave in conditioner lather hair with it and start pulling small sections of knots apart untanglimg as best you can then comb out the section and repeat all over .

In addition to the deep conditioning while wet, I would comb from the bottom up.

There is a spray detangler that might help. Look in the haircare isle of a drugstore or Walmart.

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I use tons olive oil - then brush with tangle teezer in the shower

Coconut oil and a wide tooth comb
Start at ends and work your way up.

Get wet and soak in conditioner for like 5 mins then start at end with a wide tooth comb.

Lots of conditioner and start combing from the bottom!

Leave that conditioner in. Thick thick and tons of it. Use a thick tooth comb or pick and start at the bottom and come up

Conditioner will do it too just let it set a while then rinse. Use a big tooth comb

The brand “wet brush” in the shower w conditioner…

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conditioner and detangler. Use a wide tooth comb. start from the bottom

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Wet brush on Amazon or at Walmart and brush when wet with conditioner

Leave in hair conditioner or detangler and a pick.

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Mayonnaise , olive oil, thick conditioner.

Sounds crazy but wd 40 and a lot of patience

U can use manise it’s oily and washes out

Dollar store hair detangler

Conditioner… a ton and patiently comb it through

Coat in conditioner with a bag for an hour, brush out with conditioner still in. Start at the bottom of the mat and work your way up!

Try tangle free it’s a spray that works really well!

Pomifera Radiant Hair oil is AMAZING AT detangling
Alas, it’s only available-online.

I put this in my hair right out of the shower and the brush slides right through where I normally have trouble without it. It might help!


This stuff does wonders its a little pricey but a little bit goes along ways…we used it on hair that was permed and not brushed for months it was impossible to get any type of comb brush or anything thru without it just put a little on and brush or comb

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I have curly hair and these are my favorite. Also a good leave in conditioner.

I use this on my daughter hair

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Coconut whipped cream leave in conditioner. You can get it on Amazon or at some stores.

Same problem with my daughter this works miracles but a big bottle at Sally’s is 42 bucks :confounded:

Also never try to brush it dry.

My daughter has very very thick wavy hair like we actually shaved about half of it and its still thick. Best thing ive found is cantu leave in conditioner and detangler. I then divide the hair in half like a half ponytail and then break that into smaller sections brush through that starting at the bottom of the hair and working my way up then i let the hair all the way down and repeat. I also try to gently pull some of the tangles apart with my fingers as i go. Of i dont do that she goes in the tub and coats her hair in conditioner we leave it sit for about 5 minutes then brush out i also find that anything other then a soft brush or ones that look like the picture below tens to hurt my daughter so i stick to them

This works every time. No tears at all

Soak her hair in hugh quality leave in conditioner spray, then gently start from the bottom up using both wide and fine tooth combs.
Its gonna take so much patience and a lot of tears, but you’ll get through it. Take her to get her hair thinned out asap.

Soak it in water and conditioner and get a wide tooth comb and just slowly work at it

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum! How to get mattes out of hair?

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Coconut oil or baby oil

Use a WET brush. Brush from the bottum up.

Have you tried one of those de-tanglling sprays?

Neem plant silk serum.

Try No more tangle spray.

Use a wet or wig brush

You can use this. It works great

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Leave in conditioner, start from the bottom to top, if you already didn’t know.

I’ve heard from a professional stylist to use wd40

I’m a dog groomer and recently learned that cornstarch can help break the mats up so they can be brushed out easier. I haven’t tried it yet because I shave mostly in the summer. Just put some on the mat and work it in as good as you can then brush gently

I was able to get some mattes out of my brothers thick wavy hair by letting it soak in conditioner before getting it wet so it absorbs better. Uses some coconut oil and worked it out section by section. Good luck! X

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I’ve read wd40 works

Please give us an update on how you did and how your foster is doing :two_hearts:

Castor oil. Comb gently.

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K hear me out… Wd40… Start at the ends and spray and massage into the matte

I used the Aussie detangler leave in it comes in a purple bottle and then the Shea moisture detangler spray for kids it’s gotta a peachy pink label :slightly_smiling_face: also a wet brush helps we have tried a few my girl has my hair and it just stays a whole ass mess no matter how often we brush it oh and start at the bottom of her hair and work ur way upwards make sure ur using a good conditioner when she washes brush it wet heck if it’s real bad u can brush it in the shower with the conditioner in the running water helps detangle too big hugs you got this

I have curly hair. When I get really depressed it mattes up bad… Get a good leave in conditioner start with your finger. ( just work your finger in it) then a wide tooth comb. I was on life support for 10 days…my sister in law… Got the matte about 3- 4 hours

Kids spray in de-tangler. I have long straight hair andI keep a bottle of it in my beach bag to use after swimming. Works great to help comb out the tangles.

Get a tub of water, set her hair on, then gently pull apart the mats and brush out as you can.

Wd40. It sounds crazy but I have a lot of hair stylists I follow on social media that swear by it.


There’s so many detangler sprays and creams :woman_shrugging:t2:

Unscented coconut oil & a very good conditioner. Leave it for 2 days, then wash her hair thoroughly, rinse well, gently comb through until the knots are gone, then blow as desired

This is my hair when it’s brushed out after a shower and I I feel as if her hair is the same as mine. My hair mattes very easily. I start by showering and using a large amount of conditioner while in the shower. I let it sit for roughly 5 minutes before rinsing. After I get out of the shower, I use a decent amount of leave in conditioner. I let it air dry completely. I start with my clean dry hair and use kids detangler. (I haven’t used mane and tail but I do plan on getting some today actually) Start at the bottom and work your way up. It is going to be tiring and it’s going to take a while. I generally turn on my favorite show and start workin away. Hoping all works out!