How to get my 6-year-old to listen?

I count to 3 with my kids if they don’t listen by 3 they get a 1 swat on the bottom. I only ever had to actually swat them about 3x and they got the point. It was something I learned from a old friend who had an open cps case. The worker suggested it to her. The 3 seconds gives the child the chance to make the choice of listening or deal with the consequences but if you don’t like spanking a good time out will work as well. And if your in the store and you get to 3 and they don’t listen you can leave the store immediately to not cause a giant scene in public. No checking out or anything just leave and return later alone or with the child to start again. Whatever you choose as your count 3 punishment needs to be the same everytime so the child doesn’t get confused. I agree with the swat on the bottom though because I’m teaching my children to function in this world we live in and if you don’t listen to the police they can get tazed, beaten or shot and I don’t need my children growing up thinking no one can touch them because those police officer and prison guards surely can put their hands on them. Also when speaking to the child don’t just yell walk over to them get down on their level look them dead in the eye and tell them their behavior is not ok and you will not tolerate it. But don’t forget we should be telling and modeling the correct behavior for our children. Don’t always say don’t do that instead say I need you to stand with me, stay with me, keep you feet on the ground, chairs are for sitting. Whatever the desired behavior should be. People spend all day telling kids what not to do. Let’s change that let’s tell our children what to do. Be positive always and remind your child every action has a consequence whether it be good or bad and they need to be prepared for the consequences of their action. Good luck mama you got this!


Boys are hard, they seem to have so much energy and their mind wonders. Make sure you have an open relationship and he can talk with you about anything and everything. Try to stay calm while he talks and while you talk. You could even find someone he looks up to to talk with him and find out if something is going on. A lot of kids for some reason think they are not as good as others are, and it really bothers them. They see other kids being praised for great things, but feel left out. Let him know you are there for him through thick and thin. Also tell him he is amazing.

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Get down to their level and camly talk to him… Explain why his behavior is not OK, again calmly and in a way he will understand, and then set age appropriate consequences if the behavior continues. You have to follow through with the consequences. You are just as much a role in working on behavior as he does. Follow through is a huge thing.

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its sounds like he has a problum maybe he dont hear ar a mental problun whitch no one wants to hear or pressure on his brain ? there is definitely a problum maybe a doctor can help?

Mine knew what would happen if they didn’t listen and behaving felt better

Take to pediatrician. Could be attention deficit disorder.


How about spanking his little butt?

Have his ears checked, is he on the spectrum maybe behavioural therapy?

Yeah abusing him won’t make him listen

Have you checked his hearing. He may need hearing aids.

Have him tested for adhd and autism also if he runs toss him in cart

Take him for a complete physical, to be sure he can hear you and no other issues going on, also talk to his school to see if they have any concerns, if everything checks out ok, then first thing is kids get confused, if you tell him no, you can’t have a special treat because you did not listen to me in the store, if you say no,but later give in, you’re sending message to child, she’ll say no but give it to me later, explain what he did wrong, in ways that he understands, and consequences for unacceptable behavior, like staying in his room for 20 minutes, no tv or toys in room, lol, will take a little time but he will get it as long as your consistent, it’s a hard job being a parent, but the most important job there is, good luck and hang in there :two_hearts:

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Talk to his teachers and see if he’s having these same problems at school. If he is then he may have some impulse control issues. These are very common at this age (not always behavioral). If he’s only disruptive at home then I would say he’s pushing his boundaries. You need to be very firm and consistent. Example, if you are in a store and he acts out give him 1 reminder that another behavior will result in you leaving the store. Immediately, leave the store. I have a daughter who liked to push boundaries. It took me leaving a restaurant with uneaten food on the table (peanut butter/banana sandwich at home). Leaving a shopping cart full of groceries, leaving the movie theatre. After about a month of consistency, I could take her anywhere. Also, if he does really good tell him you will buy him a small surprise for being good (coloring book, picture book, matchbox car, etc). If he goes 2 weeks with no outburst reward him with a better gift ( something for 10 bucks). For this to work you must be consistent. You can’t leave one time and not the next. It’s best that you not even try if you aren’t going to be consistent, it’ll cause confusion for him.

Same at home but please pick your fight. A power struggle with a 6 year old is real, lol.

#1 - make sure he is fed and not tired. NOT sugared up.
#2 before you get of the car tell him what you expect his behavior to be like - one hand on the grocery cart at all times, or picking anything up, etc.
#3 promise his favorite snack when you get home, thanking him for his good behavior.
#4 never shop when either of you are tired or hungry :wink: