How to get my husband to dress up for our ceremony?

Toy already know you need a different Groom!

It’s not how you look that makes the day. It’s what is in your hearts. It’s a day for both of you. Let him celebrate it his way


Get his best friend to take him to get a proper suit

Buy him a jacket and tell him it will look amazing on him and that it would make you happy to see him in it.

Let him be him? He’s already dressed up and clearly that marriage didn’t work


Lay his clothes out and say this is what you’re wearing don’t give him a choice


Just go naked. Both of you. Clothes are overrated.
Life is so short and people on here complain about the smallest little things.
You know what my fiancé and I are wearing when we get married?!
Regular comfortable clothing! Oh and no shoes!!! FFS



Let the dude wear whatever he chooses to wear.
It’s not his fault you chose a ball gown dress.


Who cares what he’s wearing! He’s marrying you. He may not want to wear his military blues, it may bring back bad memories of his first marriage and he may associate it with a failed marriage.


Eh my husband wore camo 🤷🤣 let the man be comfortable.


It’s his wedding too he can wear what he wants. You got to pick what you are wearing


It’s his wedding too. How would you feel if he was trying to pick your dress for you?


Is it THAT important to you? I don’t know what a day to day jacket is. Do you mean like a sport jacket?

I’m torn on this. On one hand I see you want this very formal wedding and he isn’t compromising (which is a huge part of a marriage), but on the other hand it’s not what you wear that makes the marriage. I had a 10k wedding and that man was garbage. My now husband and I went to the courthouse. It’s not about the day, it’s about the marriage long term.


This is a very special day and it’s just taken that you want to look your best for your new partner in life… if he isn’t wiling to look at you and want to present himself at his best, you’re not asking for military blues nor a tux and tails just for him to dress nice for you on this one day that you all will never have again as a start to your life together then i would have to stop and think is he willing to go all the way for other things that will arise in the years to come… Think twice before you say I Do! You are just as special as his first trip down the aisle…


It’s also his wedding to it’s supposed to be about what he wants too not just you


Does he have a sense of humor? Because maybe he’s just telling u this to get u wound up and then surprise u the day of?.. :face_with_monocle::thinking: Something my fiancé would do. And it’ll be both our 2nd marriage :woman_shrugging:
But good luck to u.


Buy him the jacket you want…let him wear whatever else he wants otherwise. Tell him it would mean a lot if he’d wear the one you got him…if he says no…in the words of Elsa…Let it Go.
Your wedding is your special day, but it doesn’t define the type of relationship you have, nor ruin a perfectly good thing. It’s just a day…out of all of the others you signed up for. Hell I don’t even remember most of my wedding day…it went by so fast and I was exhausted lmao

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You are marrying him not his ability to dress nice


Everyone wants there partner to look there best on there wedding day . I think he’s being selfish by not wanting to look smart for her


Omg! Runnnn! DON’T MARRY HIM!!! Just kidding, this is silly. You wear what you want, he wears what he wants.


He wears what he wants…but id also stop by a men’s clothing store and maybe he will get more in the mood seeing all the nice clothes. My husband was excited to get measured for a tux for ours. Being in the store made him want to wear a tux. He let me pick the color of the vests and ties…

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Let it go. He is the one who will look inappropriate, and it isn’t your problem. You can only control you.


You have every . Reason . To be upset . It’s a wedding he knew it was a formal ceremony. Like of all things in life for y’all to stress over or argue about, you most definitely shouldn’t have to argue with a man about doing the bare minimum on your wedding day of all days


My husband and i decided to have two weddings. One for him and what he wants, and one the way i want. We did his way and now its my turn. He wanted a private and quick marriage and i want a wedding with the dress and suit and friends and family and all that. Maybe you should try that. It actually helps in the long run because both SUITS you to your happiness. Accommodate to each other.


We did jeans with a black shirt and my husband wore a vest while the groomsman/dads wore black shirts.


Wow,sounds🤔 like you have a terrible lack of communication already,
good luck with that after your married.


maybe his dress uniform doesn’t fit any more? cut him some slack. buy him a nice suit or rent one. this is not the big deal you are making it.

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I’d ask him to just make sure everything is cleaned and he’s well groomed and he can wear whatever. If there’s a color theme let him know so he can match the wedding party. Or who knows maybe he’s faking you out. But seriously let him be comfortable.

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Well shit, at this rate just walk down the aisle by yourself. :joy:
He can’t even wear a nice suit for your BIG DAY then what else will be an issue in the future?

Honestly the worse he looks the better you look standing next to him :joy::wink:. But honestly you won’t even notice the day of your wedding…having all those eyes on you you’ll forget. Maybe have him change to be comfortable for the reception and the actual ceremony have him wear nice things for pictures? Alot of people do that and it’s a good compromise.

Tell him he will have the clothes if you ever have to go to a funeral or a family thing in the future. Men don’t care about clothes they don’t want to spend the money Go buy three dress pants and have him try them on til one fits take the others back get three dress shirts and again try them on til one fits. Take the other back. Men also don’t like to shop. A bit of advice don’t ever tell him how to drive or where to park

If he plans on a jacket, be glad for that. You might purchase a new jacket and ask if he would consider wearing it. (if not, you can return it). Buy him a new pair of jeans (something he can wear afterward anywhere.) Again, you can return them but it’s worth a try.

My husband hates getting dressed up. He wore jeans and a nice button up shirt. I didn’t care. I just wanted to have him by my side always. 29yrs so far.
Don’t stress it. Just let it go. He may think you are only being materialistic.
Clothes don’t matter in the long run. Let him be him. Accept him as is. He loves you enough to marry you. God bless y’all.

My husband didn’t want to do the suit jacket but instead had a vest made and wore a nice shirt. He picked everything for the vest and it turned out amazing! Is this an alternative option that would work for him?

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Y’all getting married and you gotta pay for “half’s” his shit??

Please remember, it is his wedding too. He should be comfortable as well. Good luck! Congratulations

would he consider black jeans and a suit jacket even it out

So I’m guessing that he had the honor of choosing how your dress looks? If not what makes you think you can choose what he wears? It’s both of you’re wedding day, so both have choices… I chose my wedding dress and my husband chose his whole attire from shoes to socks to shirt… Both needs to feel comfortable in what they were and confident in what they wear…

Maybe ask him why he doesn’t want to wear something nicer and go from there it could be a reason where you can help like he doesn’t want to shop or spend money however if he can’t answer you or gets angry and refuses to communicate then I wouldn’t even marry him because that’s a bigger red flag than refusing to wear something decent to his own wedding