How to get over a relationship?

So I’m freshly out of a 2 year relationship with a guy I also dated back in high school. We have 2 girls together (14 years old and a 8 month old). I went out on medical leave early with our last daughter due to complication and made the decision to get fixed(which I did after I had her). Anyway a week after we split he started seeing someone else and try are still together (it’s only been about a month since they got together). He has already moved in with her, and introduced our girls to her. He says he ended things because he was tired of having no money because I wasn’t working(yet I was working before the pregnancy) and the bills were out weighing his checks. He tells me one moment that he is only with her because he needs somewhere to take the girls when he has them and because he needs somewhere to sleep at night. Then the next he talks about them getting a bigger place together because right now they are living rent free through government housing(an apartment). I keep telling him I only wanna hear from him if it’s about the girls but whenever we talk it’s like he slips into the old routine talking about work and his family. Emotionally I can’t handle it anymore. I’m trying to move on with my life but it’s like whenever I think I have things under control he says something or does something to cause me to break again. He has even told me recently that he will always be in love with me. How can I fully let go of him and move on? Any advice?


He probably likes her, and wants to build with her. He’s also probably just scared you might try to take the girls away if you know that.

Get tinder girl. Go on a date lol.


Tell him that you don’t wanna hear about his relationship drama.
Point blank.

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Start dating see how he acts then! Probably doesn’t want you just doesn’t want you with anyone else


Keep the conversation short. The second you start to notice him drifting to anything other than yalls girls then tell him you’re busy. Or ask him if that’s all you wanted to talk about convening the girls.


It comes with time, just stay busy,get a tinder, go out with friends, eat ice cream and cry

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If he keeps talking about I’d hang up on him and when he asks why you did that tell him you’re not interested in what’s going on with him and I also suggest to go on a few dates maybe try a dating site?

When he opens his mouth abt anything other than the kids,.Hope it allworks out. I gotta go. Click


I learned this the hard way.
Let go or be dragged. Move on girl, go on a date, go live your life and forget about him. A lot of men just want the control of you endlessly being there while they get to do as they please. You deserve to live your life. I know this is harsh but it’s so true.


Get over him and get under another. Orgasms mend hearts faster than time does… lol


I call bullshit he wants to play you and her

Don’t talk to him about anything other that the children. Shut down all other conversations.


Take him for child support, watch how fast he wants to work things out. When that happens be strong. Tell him you have already moved on just like he did. U got this


He sounds like a complete loser. You can do better.

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Move on girl, the faster the better!


Create boundaries. If you take him back your basically telling him it’s okay to leave when you want and then come home and play house again until his next fling. Also, If she’s on a government funded program for housing then obviously they aren’t telling the state he’s living there. Use that to your advantage if he’s the type to keep crossing the boundaries you’ve made for yourself.


It just takes time honestly. But you have to tell yourself your really done no matter what be may say or do. I don’t wanna say dating will help cause I was in a5 year relationship and still hung up on my husband lol.

He’s manipulating u… just because he’s unsure of his feelings doesn’t mean he has to confuse your feelings as well… it’s really up to u

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Get counceling, even if its just to figure out how to move on and co parent. No shame in having a 3rd party professional help you sort this out

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You just need to be real with him and tell him like it is just move on

He is immature and a free loader be happy in your life and get over him


Polite an civil for the children they need both parents but from personal experience let him go be a kid with her u need to focus on your children and u it will be rewarding in the end

Have a third party deal with all contact about the kids so you don’t have to talk or see him

Girlfriend, you are bring used and abused. He’s not gonna buy the cow when the milk is free. do not let him into your home or bed. He can have visitation but meet for child exchange at some place other than your home. Keep all conversations on topics re to the children. Quit setting yourself up for heartbreak.

I had this problem with my ex husband. I tried and tried to keep our talks about the kids but he would start just talking about random stuff like I was his friend again. Then he’d start talking like we were getting back together and I’d have to shut him down to which he would respond telling me that I was leading him on and stuff. Anyway, long story short I had to just stop responding to anything that wasn’t kid related. If he asked how my day was or whatever then the conversation would end right there.
Now we rarely talk and I ignore a lot of his texts if I can.

Tell him he will really be broke when he has to pay child support so dont go looking for that big apartment yet buddy. And how are they livinv in govt assis home? Is it hers because its not aloud to have another person who is not on the case

Concentrate on yourself & your children. If he hasn’t gotten himself together since high school forget about him.

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