How to get pregnant with endometriosis?

Hey mamas !! I’m 19 and have endometriosis, I have a healthy 6 month baby girl and me and my fiancee were thinking about having another. He works out of town for week and home for the weekend so I’ll be pregnant and have a little one. I was just wondering what other people’s thoughts are. I’d really love to have another one before my endometriosis prevents me from having anymore babys. Is it really hard having two babys? What are the pros and cons? Please no hateful comments just came to vent and get opinions of how it went with other mamas with two babys close in age!


I’m 19 with babies 15 months apart! I got pregnant with my second daughter when my first was nine months old! I can tell you it isn’t easy but it’s really amazing. I’m thoroughly enjoying being a mommy of two! Its hard but it’s worth it!

Hey my babies r 10 mths apart I got pregnant with my son when my daughter was 4 mths apart it’s not easy but it is a blast to watch them grow up together my 2 youngest are so much closer than my older 2

It does have it’s hard times but there’s plenty of fun times

I have 4 kids. Between #1 and #2 is 18 months, #2 and #3 is 25 months, and #3 and #4 is 23 months. Honestly, I feel like I was doing better when I had my 2nd baby than when I had my 1st. It definitely is hard at times, but I’m so glad we have our kids relatively close in age.

I was 30 with a baby because I knew better… Sweetie… Don’t!! Just don’t…

I did 3 in a row 15 months apart

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My boys are 21 months a part. We started trying when our oldest was a year. It is rough at the beginning but once you get into a routine it’s not too bad.

I have 3 girls they are 3,23 months and 10 months you will do it once your in that nice little routine you will see us mums have this inner strength we just do it xx

My babies are 11 months apart. It can be difficult but i wouldn’t change it. Im also a single mom.

3 close in age with another on the way. It is hard, frustrating, and sometimes makes you want to scream. But all the love, laughter, smiles, and great memories make it all worth it. The times when they genuinely are having a great time playing with each other is amazing as well. It will be rough but in my opinion worth all the hardship.

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2 is easy… when u have more than that close in it age it gets stressful…I know cause I have a 5 yr old, 3 yr old and 2 yr old and I’m pregnant… u get use to it tho and the kids always have someone to play with and r close

Its hard having just one baby, but its worth it. I’m a single mom to 4 girls and I have one on the way. I work and go to school. It gets tough but my girls are worth everything!

Having kids closer in age has been easier for me compared to the 8 year gap I had with my first two. With my last two they can do all the same things.

Why dont you wait, get married, get your shit together, THEN have another kid.

I personally wish my kids had a bigger age gap.

Back to back is hard but not too hard, I have a one year old and a two year old both girls and watching them bond is amazing

You’ll be fine! I had 2 babies by age 19 and I did just fine.

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I have a 2, 3, and 4 honestly it’s up to the parent I have some hard times but once you get a routine it’s pretty easy.

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They satlid I had that I had d&c took 7 m0nths but I got pregnant again Lord will take care of things for you

I have an 11 month old and im 8 months pregnant hopefully it wont be too hard

My kids are 13 months apart. I personally think it was easier bcuz my little one saw the older starting potty training and then he wanted to also. The feed off each other. Which can be bad too but they are best friends.

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I got pregnant again when my son was 7 months making them 16 months apart. There are hard times but I feel there probably is with any age gap! Once you get set in your own routines it’s not bad. It was hard in the beginning having a newborn and a 16 month old. Trying to give equal attention and being tired but that stage goes fast. The newest challenge is having one in terrible 2s. :roll_eyes: if I had it to do over I’d still do it the same. I love that they’re close in age and they love each other so much. Our youngest adores her brother!

I had mine close together and was a single mom (dad’s didn’t want anything to do with me when I became pregnant) I love being a mom and yes sometimes I would get frustrated but it wasn’t that bad. You can do it momma!

My kids will be 18 months apart I’m still pregnant but damn the morning sickness and being exhausted with a baby who needs their butt changed and needs your full attention and probably doesn’t sleep threw the night is quite the experience lol. It got easier after a while but I’m not excited picturing trying to go to appointments with two babies, or grocery shopping, getting them in and out of the car into stores will be hard it’s just such a hassle to do anything alone with two that young. I’m excited for their benefit I wish I had a sibling near my age to grow up with.

Observe your daughter closely and ask yourself if she’s ready to have a baby in the family?

I dont have 2 close in age yet, but I will be having what is called Irish Twins – babies within a year apart.

I too have a 6mo, a son born this last Oct. We found out in Feb of this year we are expecting a baby girl in Oct as well! I can say there is no tired like pregnant with a 6mo tired, but I am making it work – napping when baby sleeps etc.

I have heard while challenging, a routine is key and the advantages far outweigh the cons. Think of it this way, what would it mean to you? Sounds like it is important to you. Everything has pros and cons, you just gotta decide what decisions in life are worth toughing things through!

10 month old twins. Yes, it’s hard. :laughing:
I imagine a tot and a baby would be a bit easier though. Tots are a bit more independent.

Definitely harder having 2. I love my boys to death and wouldn’t trade my life for anything, but it’s a whole different Mommy level with 2… And mine are 6 yrs apart. I just tell myself that one day they’ll be grown and I’ll miss this stage. I had my tubes tied do this is it for me having babies

I had the worse case of endometriosis they’d seen. My uterus was 2 & 1/2 times thicker then normal and my polyps would grow through it and out,said it looked like a potato sprouting, and attached to my spinal cord. I would be in pain almost all the time and even have spasms that looked like seizures. Having said all that I got pregnant the first time I had sex and had 3 kids in 3 years. I was almost your age the first time I got pregnant(2 months shy of 19) and then when I was 28 they gave me an ablation. They went in and cleaned/burned everything out but it came right back and I ended up having a hysterectomy a few years later. If you choose to go that route of the ablation before a hysterectomy it’s actually the best time to conceive. My cousin got pregnant with her second and last just weeks after hers. The doctor told her it’s the best time to try because that’s when she’d be most fertile ever.

My Sis had 5 ,one every year. 5,4,3,2,1, Her husband in Military for first four years. I bet you’ll be fine.

I have Three kids. Sadly god took my firstborn home but I have my son and currently 20 weeks with my third child. If y’all both want this then I say go for it.

Youll be fine. My oldest two are 12 months apart. I had my second the day before i turned 20. I am now 27 with 5 and wouldnt change a thing.

My cousin has endo… She has 3 beautiful kids 2 of which are 8 years apart

I got a 2 & a 1 yr old. Go to school and have two pt jobs. ROUTINE is key. Kids like to be told what to do, how and when to do it. Structure. It can be done. It all depends on you, as the mother, to nurture them and guide them as you see fit

I have an 18 month old boy and a 5 month old girl some days is tough but I absolutely wouldn’t trade my babies for anything… before I had her and found out I was pregnant I was scared wondering what I was going to do how tough it would be but I absolutely love it… and they will always have each other and be close…

I was actually diagnosed with endometriosis when I was 19-20 and was told if I wanted a baby to start trying soon that it would be hard to concieve. It took 5-6 years to get pregnant with my son. But after I had him alot of that scar tissue came out after his birth. So my second daughter I got pregnant with right away. I have 5 children. Honestly once you get a routine going it’s not bad. All women are different and I think patients has alot to do with being able to handle multiple children.

We have 2 girls and my husband works out of town for a week and is home on the weekends 8 months out of the year. He has done this for almost 6 years. It’s tough at times but not all that bad and my youngest has ADHD that she manages without medication.

I had my children are 15 months apart it was great when they were little I highly recommend having them close in age

It is hard but if you work out routine it will be easier and I would not go back and change it

I’m 19 with 2, it takes a couple months to get into a routine but it’s not super hard having 2 ( my toddler is so high strung) that is what makes it a bit more difficult.

I’m 19 with two girls and it’s somewhat hard and easy with two kids.They are get along since the first time my toddler saw her little sister.Here they are at 2 yrs old and 9 months enjoying each other.Having two kids is a good thing.