How to get pregnant with tubes tied naturally?

I heard from someone it was possible to get pregnant after your tubes have been tied. Is it true? Can you naturally untie your tubes or do you have to get a reversal?

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It is possible. However, the risk of a tubal pregnancy is extremely high! A doctor should be notified immediately

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No… You’ll need medical intervention for this

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It’s possible but you’re more than likely going to have an ectopic pregnancy and do better to have the reversal surgery done my mom got her pregnant twice with my brother and my sister with her tubes tied but she’s fertile Myrtle and then after that she’s had nothing but miscarriages for years

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I would deff have a medical professional un tie them. Mess around and cause yourself to never be able to get pregnant again

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You have to go get them untied… there’s no way to get pregnant naturally with them tied.
Whoever told you this is an idiot

It’s possible but very dangerous and will most likely result in surgery and never being able to get pregnant again. Definitely talk to a obgyn and get it reversed before trying

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Back in the day, the tubes could untie themselves after about 7 years. I was very fertile and I knew my tubes would untie. I had my tubes Clipped, tied, and burned. Yes I believe after 7 years your tubes will untie.

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Its rare but dangerous. You should really talk to your doctor.

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My sister in-law got pregnant 3 years after her tubes were cut,burnt and tied so yes it’s very possible.

If a doctor “tied” them, a doctor needs to “untie” them. I can’t imagine it’s safe to naturally reverse a medical procedure.


Not to be mean but why would you ask such a question on here? Ask your Dr. every case is different.

It’s possible, but only because it can rarely regrow on its own. But generally, no. You need to talk to the doctor

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I got pregnant after my tubes were tied for 9 years. It turned out to be a very painful tubal pregnancy .

You can still get pregnant through in vetro, which can be costly.

How do Naturally untie your tubes


After so many years they can become untied but if you want them undone then you have to get a reversal. Them becoming untied on there own is no guarantee

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I have a uncle in his 20s because my step grandmother had her tubes tied and didn’t know she was pregnant

Some women have healed causing them to become pregnant again but it can take many years. Ivf may be cheaper.

I don’t think you can naturally do it. I mean there’s the RARE occasion where they do untie on their own but that’s only if the doctor didn’t do it right. Ideally you would need a reversal.

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It can grow back but that is after years and on rare occasions, the ones I know about always ended up an eptopic pregnancy. It won’t fix itself you need to have a reversal surgery or ivf.

You have to get a reversal or go through IVF

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Tabbatha Rines u can answer this ur proof this can happen…

I got pregnant 3 times after I had my tubes tied, there is the risk of it being a ectopic pregnancy but all 3 of mine weren’t. I just recently had to have a hysterectomy and my tubes were still tied so mine were miracle babies. They were meant to be here lol


U can still get pregnant but not common. Your tubes can NOT become untied naturally WTF

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Depending on how they were “tied”, it’s incredibly rare for them to reverse on their own. And having surgery done for a reversal is no guarantee it will work. Most doctors would suggest IVF for a higher chance of successful conception than rely on a reversal that isn’t 100% and possible scar on top of it.

Not saying it hasn’t ever happened. But it’s rare to spontaneously conceive after tubes are tied.

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I got pregnant with my tubes tied. Naturally. They grew back together after being cut.

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You would need a reversal Other wise getting pregnant after tubes tied could be a risk to your health

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I know from experience I just went through it this past October and I had my tubes tied over 6 years ago

You cant. Theres no reversing it ! And if you do reverse its not guaranteed youll get prego.

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There are major risk factors with reversal or hoping u get pregnant with ur tubes tied, the main one being a pregnancy that fertilises outside of the womb, either within the pelvic cavity or within the abdominal cavity (ectopic pregnancy). IVF is the best course for wanting a pregnancy after Tubal.

you have to have a reversal and can be quite successful i know quite a few women that have had reversal and have gone on to have more babies

I have a 3-year-old and 18-month twin grandbabies born after a reversal with no hassles conceiving or pregnancy :slight_smile:

Im going through this now… had my tubes tied in January 2014 during my c-section with my youngest. I found out last weekend that I was pregnant for the first time since. Unfortunately, it’s ectopic. I haven’t had a reversal, nor have I done anything to purposefully TTC. I have severe cardiovascular issues that make pregnancy dangerous for me.

RN here. Back in the day they used to actually tie the tubes which could in rare occasions still cause a pregnancy. Generally now they go in laproscopicaly and laser cut the tubes in half leaving the open ends basically burnt closed and floating between the uterus and ovaries leaving the chance for future pregnancies much less likely and harder to reverse due to all the scar tissue

Some of these questions man. :woman_facepalming:t2:


I got mine done with clips, I’ve been told if I do get pregnant it would most likely be ectopic or a clip has come off (which us uncommon)

That is not a thing you can do.

Mine were completely removed they asked if i wanted to keep mine. I said what for to risk my life and a babys. Just take them

My mom had her tubes tied for 12 years then had a reversal done and was told she would never have kids because they had been tied so long. Doctors were wrong because then she had me, my sister, and my brother.

Losing weight after 2 years is the best way naturally had 2 friends tie there tubes and after 2 years was losing weight and they got pergnant healthy babies

You would need to have a reversal or invetro fertilized

You can’t untie your tubes yourself lmao and you’re not supposed to get pregnant if they are tied- that’s the whole point of tying them. You’ll have to get the surgery reversed.

Im pretty sure those that get pregnant after getting their tubes tied didnt do anything for it to happen. Their tubes just grew back together or untie enough for it to work i guess, depends on how it was done. It does happen but you can’t make it happen or know if it does happen. If your tubes are tied and you want another kid then you’d have to have it reversed surgically.


It can reverse on it’s own & you get pregnant but you can’t force it without a doctor. Depending on the method you had done there could be more complications trying to get pregnant after having a doctor reverse it. There is also a very slight possibility of getting pregnant after a double salpingectomy (both tubes removed) but very rare. There is no reversal & to purposely become pregnant you’ll have to look into IVF.


It’s dangerous to have a tubal pregnancy, which sometimes has acurred after tubes were tied.
But u can get a reversal
Exspensive tho.
or in vitro;
But that’s a long exspensive ordeal too I guess .
tho I have heard it had a high success rate


It’s my understanding that while it’s possible, it’s pretty rare by chance to get pregnant with tubes tied. I’m not sure that there’s a way to ‘naturally untie’ them, as usually actual clamps are used.

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My aunt had her tubes untied so she could have more children with her current husband. Honestly mine have been done for 13 years with no issues. Mine were snipped clipped tied and burned! No way I could have kids again due to medical conditions.


I believe accidents can happen. That is why I went a bit further by having mine burned also. I have heard of that happening before but not often. I’m not sure you could do it yourself but I’m most positive with enough money you could have it undone by a doctor.

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That’s nearly impossible for me, mine had a chunk cut out, then burned, then tied. I was 40 when i had my last and very high risk.

as it is possible it is very rare! literally it is a freak occurrence so you there is nothing you can do naturally to increase the chances. if you want a baby IVF is the recommended way. don’t rely on “nature”

I’m not sure how mine were done but the doctor warned me it was still 1 in 100 chance and after 5 years 3 in 200. She advised my husband to get fixed as well to reduce the risk to 1 in 1000.

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Really depends on how the procedure was done. There is always a chance of them growing back but the chances are smaller if they’re cut tied and burned


Check with a fertility clinic. If they by small chance come undone yes, but otherwise it reversal and comes with a smaller chance of getting pregnant. Also to watch for tubal pregnancy as they can cause serious pain and possible death.


I got mine tied after having my surprise baby at 42. They were not burned like they did years ago. I was told burning caused too many infections. Had a hysterectomy 2 years later. Yippee…


Just tied will come untied over time is my understanding that is why I told them to cut and burn mine.I also told them and stomp them if that is what it years later and no more pregnancies but could have had it reversed later if I had wanted to

Shoot mine came untied and 6 yrs later had a 2nd kid. I never planned on having her but i dang sure dont know how id ever live without her. My dr told me its very dangerous to get pregnant once there tied and can cause so many complications. I had so many and she showed up 7 weeks early.

Reversal. Or in vitro. If you get pregnant right now, chances of having a life threatening tubal pregnancy are pretty good. You don’t want that.


You can’t naturally untie them, like there is no method lol, but yes people can become pregnant with their tubes tied and it can cause an ectopic pregnancy, which is something you DO NOT want! I have heard of surgeries to reverse the ties so that is something to look into.

When I signed my papers to get my tubes tied my Dr said ok,but just so you know theres a 30 percent chance you can still get pregnant…I said back to him so its only 70 percent guaranteed that I wont get pregnant and he said exactly…That was 15 yrs ago…I was terrified to have sex after that,Thankfully I met my S.O whos had a vasectomy…:raised_hands::heart:


If they are just tied they can sometimes reverse themselves. 17 years ago though when I got mine done they cut and burned them and said there was still a change they do could grow back together.


Well I had a daycare parent that got her tubes tied, she got pregnant. A year later they grew back. It does happen her doctor told her there is a 1 - 1000 chance well she was that 1.
Most often you would have to get a reversal and it depends on the type you had done mine is a none reversal so no chances of me getting pregnant again.

Nowadays they are not really ‘tied’ they cut them and remove them. That cannot be reversed. Most people that do get pregnant after getting a ligation usually end up in an ectopic pregnancy.


Yes there are a lot of women who have gotten pregnant after having their tubes tied which is why some doctors don’t do it anymore and just remove them.

I don’t think you can naturally untie them gotta go to the doctor for that.


I was born after my mother had her tubes cut cauterized and tied! After my sister who is 6 years older than me she had them cut/cauterized/tied but she got pregnant with me!!! It is very possible and not as rare as some would like to think!!!

I had mine done and am currently 7 months pregnant. And no I did nothing to reverse it. Surprise. Dr said its a miracle


You have to get insiminated I think. Once they are cut they are now usually burned closed because some instances have been happening of women getting pregnant after getting their tubes tied. However if you trying you probably gonna need some help. Most likely won’t happen naturally on purpose.

I thought they did laser surgery( cut, not tied) . Had mine done decades ago and they weren’t tying then.

My mom got pregnant after a tubal ligation, so yes it possible. But if you WANT to get pregnant, your best option is to get it reversed.

I had mine cut, tied, and burnt and had a baby 2 and half years later and shes now 10. And I got them done again and so far so good.:neutral_face:

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You can get pregnant with your tubes tied, but that usually is an etopic pregnancy which you have to have surgery to clean it out. It’s dangerous. If you want to have a viable pregnancy you have to get them untied and put back together.

Tied tubes aren’t a sure thing-for men or women. Snip snip is 99.9% sure. But there is always that “miracle” that can happen any time.

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I had mine "clamped " 21 yrs ago …right after my c- section with my daughter .I have had no issues .My boyfriend never had kids , so my kids are our kids .

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Where I’m from, reversal surgery is $7,500 up front or $8,000 paid out over time, and they won’t do it if there’s too much scar tissue or if they were cut too short. It’s between $10,000-$15,000 for IVF. Otherwise just cross your fingers and hope they grow back together…

If you get pregnant with your tubes tied you can have an ectopic pregnancy. If you want to have more kids get a reversal.


Ok so here is the thing. The can heal themselves which is rare and become productive again. But it is considered rare. If you are wanting to try having children you may need a reversal. A quick ultrasound can tell u one way or another.

I got pregnant 6 years after having a tubal ligation basically put a ring around my tube I miscarried at 4 weeks i had no clue that was my problem I knew I had a period 10 days prior and I just started gushing blood i had to close my job down and go to emergency afterwards it was hell they did a pregnancy test and examined me and told me I was miscarring i didnt know what to think rather i should be upset or not since I had no clue I had lost 2 babies prior and have 3 beautiful children

A person i know that has gotten pregnant with her tubes tied had a ectopic pregnancy and it can be very dangerous. Not something you want to try and do. There has been woman that got pregnant amd was able to carry the baby but its not a high percentage.

My mom had her tubes tied and got pregnant with my brother … he’s perfectly fine… he’s 32 now

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You’re tubes can untie themselves on their own. Also tubals are not guaranteed after 10 years. But you can’t make them come untied.


Yes they can untie. My sister in law had tubes tied and she got pregnant with her son.

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I got a reversal 3 years ago and still not pregnant Doctor says all looks good

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Although I know one person who did and then got pregnant again after her husband got fixed too. Other than that one freak thing, no.

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I’ve heard of people getting reversals done. I’ve also heard of people getting pregnant without a reversal but now days the clip your tubes and burn them so that doesn’t happen.

Those are usually tubal pregnancies which are dangerous. Unless you have it reversed there’s no planned way to do it it just happens if it happens.

I had mine done with fulguration-which I think means they were burned, this was 2.5 years ago.
I’m super sad because now I want another child. I’m only 29-worst decision ever.

For some reason the 7-9 year mark many women were finding themselves premiers again. Thankfully for me it didn’t. I didn’t want another at 41…I’m done. But hope things work for you. :slight_smile:

A friend of mine got pregnant 7 years after having theirs tied. I always knew there was a chance you could get pregnant after having your tubes tied so I did not want to take the chance of a tubal pregnancy so I had my tubes removed after my last son was born.

Once they are tied it’s a done deal. I knew someone who tried to get it reversed she was in a lot of pain and it’s not guaranteed to even work

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I’ve had mine cut, cauterized, and asked the doctor to move the ends as far away from the others as possible. After surgery I asked him and he said likelihood of me ever getting pregnant again is less than .1%. That’s why I got mine done, at 27 I was done having babies. Don’t get it if you want kids.


It’s possible but rare. Its be easiest to do reversal, but even then they can’t guarantee you will be able to get pregnant (they tell you that before you sign the paperwork for tubal). My tubes were cut, tied and burnt to avoid pregnancy :rofl:

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Mine have been clamped for almost 7 years. And nothing i regret it big time. Im 30 and with someone new and want a baby. I might get a reversal in the next 4 years or so. But as for getting pregnant now it just depends on what kind. But it can be risky i would not recommend.

My daughter in law had hers tied and burned for 11 yrs and then after 11 yrs gave birth to my beautiful grandson thru invitro. One of the best days of my life. :heart:

The first 5 years after are the highest, but it could be an ectopic pregnancy. Higher chances of that. And then sometimes with those they’d cut it all out. I’d suggest a reversal if you really wanted one or surrogacy

Most women’s tubes grow back naturally…however they are almost always in menopause when this would finally happen! They’re is always gonna be a case where this isn’t true but for the moat part once they are tied the deal is sealed!!!

I have one 7 years after so.It is possible but totally accidentally and hi risk . Usually u have to get your tubes untied or have ivf which is safer if you only want 1 more.

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I have a question… and there is no judgment because everyone has there walks in life. But if one decides to get their tubes tied. Don’t you have to be 100% sure before they will tie them. When I saw a doctor a few years ago she asked me and as I’m sitting in the OB room
With all the baby stuff I realized I was not ready… well at 41 and fostered a 2 week old who is 10 months now! I am ready lol. What makes someone want to reverse? I am really just asking.

I had a, tubal done the same day my youngest daughter was born (cut tied and burned), dr told me with a tubal only way to get pregnant again is to get mine reversed… If your just tied and get them untied you have a possibility of the tubes growing back together just depends on how the procedure is done.

I’m such a baby… my sister n brother r 9&6 years older… she did not believe I was a baby and not a cold for a few blood tests w the doctors…
But here I am… after me my bio father got snipped too lol

It is absolutely possible and I know 4 people its happened to. The reversal can be done but it’s extremely expensive and not guaranteed to work!