How to get pregnant?

The more you try the less youll get. Stop trying to get pregnant and just go with the flow. It will happen if meant to be. Also have you had your vitamin d level checked (was told that could be a huge factor in getting prego) or both been checked out other wise? It could also be the stress you maybe putting on yourself or dealing with. Again just relax and when your ovulating is the best time to try.

Accupenture has helped women obtain ovulation. Many insurance now covers them. It could be pcos - polycystic ovarian syndrome, one of symptoms is infertility. Weight training helped with weight loss and other suggestions people provided.

Go back to your manufactured: ask God to grant the desires of your heart…he will guide you to the right help…or perhaps if you pray that’s all the help you’ll need


Do the temperature test. First thing in the morning before even getting out of bed and moving very little take you temperature if your temperature is low not ready. As soon as your body temperature goes up your body is ready.

It took us three Anda half years to get pregnant with our first and six months with our second. If you’ve been trying for a long period of time and it’s not happening maybe talk to a professional. I found out that I did not in fact ovulate when the app that I was using said I did. Asking your OB/GYN is probably a good place to start.

Go drs and have blood work done or ask for referral to fertility specialists. All these tricks wouldnt do anything if theres an underlaying issue.

Seek medical advice from an obgyn honey. That way they can test you and your husband and if there is anything wrong they can refer you to an endocrinologist who is a fertility doctor who can assist you in getting pregnant. Please don’t waste money on these online “hacks” that supposedly can help you get pregnant. Don’t buy into all these adds. Go to a doctor and let them advise you on what to do.

Stop “trying” …relax, enjoy each other and stop working at having a baby…stress can mess up so much ,including conceiving.
If it isn’t a medical/physical problem then just go with the flow…love each other , support each other emotionally. Don’t make it a “job”.

I used a tracker app for my menstrual cycle. It told me what day I ovulated and it was pretty accurate for me.

I am really low on eggs, my hubby and myself got checked at a fertility clinic, he was perfect but that’s how I found out about my eggs. Booked in to get tubes flushed incase that was my issue aswell, 5 days before my app found out I was pregnant. Stop trying and try not to think of it as much as it’s possible and I’m sure you’ll fall pregnant.

You’ll have to try on your own for a year to get any doctor to look into it sadly. Once that year passes ask for progesterone and mutation testing and ask to talk about pcos because even skinny women can have it and not know it. It took a lot of work and medication to get my daughter here so don’t let people tell you to “relax” or “just have sex alot” cuz it’s not that easy for alot of people

Stop keeping track, stop timing , stop looking at dates on calendars, stop doing ovulation tests, stop stop stop. Relax. Have sex because you love each other and want to be with each other. Military schedules are the worst thing to help you conceive. Just let it happen x

If this is your first pregnancy it may take a while. It took almost a year before me and my bf got pregnant. Some take even longer. I say just enjoy the process but if you truly feel like something is wrong then get both you and your husband checked out.

Before sex douche using a homemade baking soda douche. This will liquify secretions and help sperm to swim. So not have sex more than once per day as more often depletes sperm counts. Afterwards lay with pillow under buttocks for 30 minutes. Good luck.

Just relax and enjoy your partner. If its meant to be it will be. Also BOTH OF YOU GET A PHYSICAL. it might not be you? Or maybe y’all just dont have the right chemistry. Many couple’s have terminated their relationships and when they are with another they conceive. If you must you can blame it on mother nature.

Other than medical advice, just stop trying and relax. That’s usually how it happens when you don’t get all hung up with the stress of it all.

Relax and enjoy the moment. Surround your self in nature. Forget about getting pregnant.

These things take time. After trying for a bit. I tried upspring fertility vitamins I think we conceived like a week or 2 later

Start working out lol I was losing weight and suddenly I was fertile like I’ve never been

Maybe look into the ketogenic diet… keto babies are a very real thing.

It might be your husband! Why do we always blame ourselves??
I know somebody whose husband left her because she couldn’t get pregnant, well, The jokes on him, she got a new man and got pregnant right away, It wasn’t her at all…

Look into Maya abdominal massage. Can also help with fertility.

Try an ovulation test

Not a problem nowadays unless you are on the menopause stage.

Talk to your doctor. And stop trying. Once you stop you’ll probably be more successful.
Seriously does no one know the internet has other sites than Facebook?

Also have him do a sperm count, if he’s firing blanks you will never get pregnant.

Stop trying and forget about having a baby. You will get pregnant super quick.

When you don’t try that’s when it’ll happen

After you have sex stand on your head for 5 min my daughter and her friend had problems getting pregnant they tried this and both got pregnant

Sometimes, maybe just forget about it and have a good time. Relax.

Make love with your husband. … Often … Isn’t the fun in the trying :wink:. All the best to you.

App called Flo best to track x

Take mucinex the day of your ovulation and get busy.

I stopped trying and then it just happened

Relax, breath and love each other!! Let nature itself surprise you.

See a Reproductive Endocrinologist aka a Fertility Specialist.

Start prenatals before pregnancy and just relax! The more u try, the harder it will be

My husband and I tried for a year. We did the vitamins, the period tracking, the ovulation kits, eating healthy, no alcohol, exercising. I took pregnancy tests every month. The whole shebang. When we stopped stressing over it and just decided to have fun, I got pregnant. She’s almost 2 now :hugs: it’s more than likely the stress of trying that’s causing it to not happen.

It seemed harder to get pregnant for us when we tried… turns out it happened when we didn’t try. Go out and have drinks and relax do some boning. Also, our specialist said semen can actually get old and not be healthy so it’s best to always try and get rid of old to produce new and something else about morning boning cause of more testosterone or something like that . I wasn’t paying attention

Some people are just not compatible

See a fertility Dr for goodness sake.

Stick Tab A into Slot B, I SAID SLOT!!

Ummmmmm. Insert tab A into slot B.

Zonterapi har hjälpt många. Lycka till <3

Prenatal vitamins, eliminate alcohol, get the ovulation tracker pee sticks or ovulation bracelet

Don’t have sex for a week or 2 and then try…trying too hard can lower sperm count

My advice? Have lots and lots of sex :grin::heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

go see an experienced Clinical Nutritionist, get tested, and get nutritional/supplementation programs to support eggs and sperm production.

Relax don’t rush :wink: keep your mind in other things on day time night keep worries away

Relax and don’t try so hard and it will happen

Try prayet it sure couldn’t hurt. O will add you to my prayer list. God be with you.

Ovulation tests, clear blue. The digital ones with the smiley face. But don’t let the process consume you or your husband. Don’t beat yourself up if it doesn’t happen straight away. Be kind and patient with your body. Positive vibes and prayers on your journey!

Relax, enjoy and have sex whenever you can💕

Sometimes its Gods will.

Put the penis in the vagina.

Don’t smoke any cannabis. Fact.

Go hold a baby. Start hanging around babies and hold them. Get your hormones jump started

Praying for you to have babies!!!

Hannah Marriner maybe you should share your secret? :thinking::joy:

See a doctor and stop consulting internet weirdos

I don’t know if this works or not but I did it and got pregnant twice with no problems. After your male partner is done (you know what i mean😊)
Don’t get up and don’t use the restroom. Lay on the bed and put a pillow under your hip. Prop your hips up and lay there for awhile.