How to get pregnant?

My husband & I have been trying for 2 years to have another baby . Our first child is now 4 . How did you make your family grow ? Any advice on how to get pregnant ?


Talk to your doctor, changes in diet, exercise, start taking a prenatal vitamin, and track your ovulation.


Stop trying. (it never works when your trying) it will happen. Stop stressing, it doesnt help.


I took some vitamins on amazon and it happened within 3 weeks

Stop trying to get pregnant and have a weekend away with no pressure!

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Sometime during the first week after your period and woman on top

I’ve had to be on Clomid 100mg followed by estradiol followed by progesterone. Not pregnant yet but giving it another round after this time and then I’m not trying anymore-im 40.

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Practice makes perfect :slight_smile:

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Don’t stress, relax and let it just happen. A romantic weekend maybe.

My first son is 6…I used the flo app on my phone for my others… Had my 2nd and 3rd kid one after another using this app…no prob.

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Try the keto diet worked for me

I was admitted for a hysterectomy due to multiple miscarriages (11 to be exact) and endometriosis. 4 years after my first born IVF baby. I miscarried 2 naturally prior to him and 1 miscarried set of twins with IVF. I was all set ready to go in… IV’s running, my hair in a cap and my gown on, then my surgeon came in and told me there was a hiccup to my appointment. I was Pregnant!!! That’s how my family grew!


Stop trying… The minute you “give up” and just make love and enjoy each other it will happen


Stop trying/stressing and just have sex.


Vitex works amazingly

after 10 years, I thought I couldn’t have kids…
Just give up and begin nursing school…:laughing:


Stand on your head!!!

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Just relax it will happen

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Don’t even think about it will happen when you least expect it. I waited 4 years, thought I couldn’t have children. Then wham!! I turned 24 right before he was born.

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Get your tubes flushed! I got pregnant 2 months later

I think it’s important to know your cycle and how it works.

I made it grow by having sex :person_shrugging: I’m sorry I couldn’t resist that …

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Once I stopped trying I got pregnant :joy:


we never really “tried” we just let it happen.

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Learn how you cycle works you basically have a space of about 3-5 days a month any other day is useless.
(unless the sperm beats the odds and stays alive for a week which it technically can but likely won’t)

Many people believe your most fertile period is straight after your period which is so wrong

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have him uumm… wait no i think u already know that…

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Tried for 4 years, 4 surgeries, tons of meds and many tears, quit trying and low and behold. He just graduated HS lol and has a sister 4 years younger than him :slightly_smiling_face:

Dont stress it. I tried for years w my now husband and my 1st is 14! I just recently had my 2nd child at 35. He is 7mths old! It’s when we accepted it might not happen is when it did ironically enough. Dont dwell on it. Just enjoy your life now and it will happen when least expected

Stop trying and it will happen…

Fucking lots and lots of fucking :joy:

We tried for 6 years, and nothing happened. We quit trying, and it finally happened. We were in shock! My oldest daughter was 14, before we conceived. I am so happy it happened this way, because my daughter’s couldn’t be closer. :purple_heart: If you are having problems I have heard being artificially inseminated with your husband’s sperm at the right time of the month helps. If you don’t want your kids spaced out like mine I would ask him about other options. I was pregnant at 21, and then at 35. Lol :slight_smile: :green_heart:

Dont put too much pressure on yourselves. Enjoy each other. It took my husband and I a year to get pregnant with our son who is now 3 and a year to get pregnant now. We quit focusing on trying and just had fun.

Go on birth control for a little while then go off.


stop trying, I only have one kid, but honestly just stop trying, I got pregnant when I finally gave up and was honestly starting to believe it would never happen haha, I was shocked when I found out because I was already 8 weeks and hadn’t had a period in 8 months due to medication I shouldn’t have been put on

Try doing it every day for an entire month :wink:

I think it’s called SEX !