How to get pregnant?

I have a question it took me 4 to 5 months before I got pregnant I was bout to give up now we want to try for another but I’m so scared it might take just as long or longer any other moms had this problem


… it takes the average woman a year. And those who struggle can try for years with no luck. Months is nothing.


My second took no time at all! Like I got pregnant first try where my first we weren’t trying but we weren’t careful and it took awhile

Its usually easier the second time!

It took me a year, 4 to 5 months is quick. If you stress about it it’ll only make it seems like it takes longer. Just enjoy having intimate time with your man and try not to think too much about it, let it surprise you.

Dont stress so hard about it. Keep it calm and relaxed. 5 months is nothing!!! Stress wont help lol

Track your periods. After you have 1 kid it should be easier on 2nd and so on

4-5 months isn’t long at all. Took 3 yrs for my first and 18 months for my second.


My first two kids I never tried they turned up. This pregnancy we were trying for months before we got knocked up. I think the answer is to relax. Let it happen unless theres a reason to have one in a hurry.

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Dont rush it. Stress plays a huge part in getting pregnant. If it happens it happens. Dont think or stress over it to much.

1st try with 1st (loss at 16 weeks) 14 months with 2nd (loss again at 16 weeks) 4 months with rainbow baby. Every body and every attempt can be completely different than the previous. Patience and tracking.

Just have sex and dont track anything. Stress makes it take longer

I was using 3 different kinds of birth control and still got pregnant

Took us a little over a year for #1, and over 2 years for #2

Well took me 3 or 4 months to get pregnant and 2nd baby I never knew I was pregnant.

Look up a basil thermometer. They sell them at c.v.s. worked within 2 weeks of using it

First time was a surprise. Wasn’t even trying. Second time took us almost 8 months. I don’t have any advice. I just want to eat I can understand how you feel. It’s so hard every month waiting to see if your period comes and then the disappointment all while dealing with period cramps and whatnot. Just know that technically most docs don’t see a serious issue until you’ve tried over a year and haven’t conceived. Wish you luck!!!

It took me almost 3 years of trying for one of mine, 5 months is nothing lol

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Months? Try years and years


I get what you mean, but it’s going on 15 months without protection for me and it’s pretty depressing. Until there’s a problem, or it’s been over a year, I wouldn’t worry about it.

It took us almost a year to conceive our son. Now hes almost 2 & I have baby fever again lol. I’m nervous too about how long it will take this time since we are both getting older & I heard that its harder. Is that true??

My first was our little surprise, now that we are trying for a second it has been a little over a year and a half. My advice is stop stressing, don’t really track, let it happen…

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Try having it take you 12 years. 4 and 5 montha is nothing. Be very thankful thats the only amount of time it takes you. Be blessed. Just know sperm lives 5 days in the vagina. Bump that down to 3 for good measure and have sex every 2 to 3 days dont fret dont track.

Our 1st(mc @8 wks) took us 3 mo. Our 2nd (mc @6 wks) took 4 mo. Our 3rd (early mc) happened the month following my 2nd mc. And then it took 10 mo. And fertility iui to get our 4th (mc @6 wks) and then 2 months after that i became pregnant again with iui and I am now 36 wks and 4 days pregnant with my rainbow girl. Time in between means nothing… Its the quality of the ingredients thats needed to make magic work :wink: also before i got pregnant with # 5 i quit a high stress job also

I wish it only took me 5 months…took me 8 years.

The misinformation in this thread is killing me.

I’ve had that problem. If your on birth control it can take a min before you start fully ovulate normally

It took my 3 years sand a couple rounds of fertility treatments. The average woman takes 6 months to a year to get pregnant.

It can take a healthy couple under the age of 35 1 year to get pregnant. 4 to 5 months is not a long time at all in the grand scheme of things, yes it sucks when your trying but many try for a lot longer. It took me 7 years before I had my son.

Took me 8yrs with my husband…

5-6 is pretty average I think, some try for years and others don’t try at all and fall pregnant, it’ll happen when it happens love :heart:

Took that long for my 2 oldest. Even longer for my last baby n current baby im prego with

4-5 months is a really quick ttc period. Like super quick. Most people don’t get pregnant while TTC for much longer. A healthy couple only had a 23% chance if conceiving each month. It took 4 cycles of trying for my first and 2 years of trying not trying to conceive my second.