How to get pregnant?

So me an my significant other has been trying to get pregnant for 2 years on our own. Ive dealt with ovarian cysts ever since I was 14 and irregular periods since I started at the age of 9. Me and my partner are both 23. I’ve been to the doctors an they won’t do anything other then when I had to have surgery at 14 to remove a cyst but as far as getting pregnant it’s just not happing for us an the doctor will not give any kind of answers even when they do tests they won’t give us the results. what should I do as my next step???


They won’t give you the results to your own tests?? Something doesnt seem right…


Arw you taking folic acid? If not, take it. (Found in prenatals). Try a basal thermometer … or an ovulation calendar… and try to get in tune with your body… like feeling when you ovulate and noticing the changes. Aslo if he smokes that makes his sperm count lower.

See a reproductive endocrinologist! They are Fertility specialists.

New doctor. And have y’all been tested for fertility?

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Get a new doctor for sure


Find a new dr. They’re supposed to share the results of YOUR test with you.


Have then order an HSG (hysterosalpingiogram).
It is an xray study where they check and see if your tubes are open or blocked.

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Not sure what state you’re in or what kind of insurance you have but most insurance will pay for the diagnosis of infertility and also test for endometriosis in the process, also request a hysteroscopy… you will have to see an infertility doctor but it’s so worth it and I got so many answers to all my questions and diagnosis to my troubles. Prayers!!

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Demand to get a copy of your blood work and get a new OBGYN


Me and my daughters father tried it from the opposite side and it worked :crazy_face:turns out I had a tilted uterus

I pray God will bless you and fulfill your desire. Flo

Find a doctor that will listen and tell you the next steps that need to be taken

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Maybe he’s just shooting blanks may not be you.

I would go to another Dr, a second opinion always is good,

Ask to get tested for PCOS, but find another doctor. With irregular periods all the basal thermometers and calendars and trackers aren’t going to help. Go see a fertility specialist as well. I have PCOS, had a ln early period like you and ovarian cysts rupture. Took IVF for me to get pregnant after 2 years of trying.

Do NOT get discouraged! I’m not trying to sound mean but stop trying. Don’t try to prevent but don’t actively try. You’re stressing yourself out. I have had cysts and irregular periods since I can remember. It also wouldn’t hurt to get another opinion. They may can give you medicine to make you or SO more fertile.

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Time for a new doctor. Maybe look into going to a fertility clinic

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Get yourself another doctor.

Well what does the dr say

Another doctor and opinion. Do t stop trying.

See a fertility specialist

Go to a fertility specialist. They are in the phone book.

I’d do my research and I bet you’ll find other couples who have been in your shoes. I’d go get a second or third opinion… at 23, you should have answers already so you and your man can start your future

Get copies of your records, and get new dr.

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I was scheduled for a hysterectomy and found out I was pregnant after I was pcod was so bad I would never have kids. Well I have my miracle baby, and I can tell you it was not an easy pregnancy

Find a new OBGYN. They usually make you try to get pregnant “on your own” for at least twelve months before they start to try medications and other options. Your current doctor sounds like they don’t have your best interests in mind.


Get a doc who shares the results and has a plan.

Sounds like PCOS. I had same problem and now have a 7 year old. Some times seeing a fertility Dr. could be helpful. Sometimes the problem isn’t the woman.

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Don’t give up & Also Its Not Good To Think About It While Your Trying. Just Let Nature Take Its Coarse!! Also Idk How Tru This Is But Ive Heard Having Mutiple Ovarian Cysts Can Cause Infertility. Ask Another Dr. And Ask Them They Havent Given You Results For Your Tests. That’s Not Right!!

It’s an old wives rale, but, after intimacy tilt your pelvis up on a couple of pillows for about 30 minutes to an hour!! Good luck!!

SAME! ABSOLUTE SAME. I used birth control pills till the month was up and didn’t get another and I was pregnant in weeks.

Get a new doctor but first, the next time you go see her/him, have all your questions written down that you want answers too. Then tell them you want copies of all your test results and you want him to explain the test and results.

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1 get a new Dr if there taking tests and not giving you answers then you need to mice on and find a fertility specialist

Get a new doctor, wtf, that doesnt sound right

See a fertility specialist and obtain your medical records.

Pray for that baby. Everyday get up and say. Thank you Lord for that baby that’s on it’s way.

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What do you mean they won’t give you the results of the tests?Get a new Dr. That’s unacceptable. Good luck to you and your SO.

I had this problem. Doctor told me to take folic acid tablets (you can get anywhere) and I fell pregnant within months

Change doctors, you have the right to your results.