How to get rid of bed bugs?

any tips to get rid of bed bugs? i swear ive tried everything except the professional stuff and thats $180 a gallon!! should i just burn my house down?


I rented a portable heater and it destroyed them…500 deposit and 200 to use for 5 days…it worked Cheapest way…and do all laundry at the laundromat first on high for 1 hour

Home Depot sells Ortho home defense for bed bugs, fleas, and ticks
You could also use hot shots bomb/fogger
Powder form of diatomaceous earth
Silica gel
Rubbing Alcohol highest concentrate

Ummm I’d just up n move :joy::joy:

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We spray rubbing alcohol on our mattress

It’s going to take a lot to get rid of them. I heard the diatomaceous earth works

My dad had got this powder stuff I don’t know from where but it’s called D-earth and we just put a little leak under the chairs under the couch didn’t vacuum it up or anything just put a little in the corners in the kitchen and everything because it doesn’t just repels bedbugs it also repels roaches and everything as well that was a few years ago and when we put it down we didn’t see anything until we moved out

Burn the house would be expensive :thinking:
Home Depot has this powder thingy forgot what the name of it was. So im going to google it… BRB HUN.

Heat treatment. Laundromat hot washes and dries for anything that can go in there.

DE (diatomaceous earth) won’t work if they are in the walls.

If I caught that in my house I would lose my mind. Not to mention move everything cloth out and never bring it back

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This is going to sound crazy as hell but melt a couple of tide pods in a small cup of hot water and pour into a spray bottle with more hot water. It kills them instantly and makes your house smell great!

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Mix rubbing alcohol, blue dawn dish soap and water and soak all the furniture, carpets and cracks. Wash and dry all clothes, pillows,beddingand stuffed animals in hot water and dry and turn the heat up as high as possible in your house. That’s what I had to do

Move all furniture about 6 inches from the wall. Put DE along all base boards and furniture legs. Get the spray from walmart for your bed and fabric furniture. After you spray your bed put a cover on it and leave it on for at least a year because they can live a year without feeding. If your couches have rips just get rid of them. You can get a big bag of DE at a feed store for cheap. Use a cheap ketchup squeeze bottle you can get at the dollar tree to spread the DE. Trust me it will work. If they are in the walls they will come out to feed and the DE will kill them. First time I had them the professionals approach did not work. I got rid of them twice on my own.