How to get rid of hemorrhoids?

Any at home remedies for hemorrhoids??? I just popped this baby out 3 days ago and I can hardly sit it hurts so bad


Stool softener, not sitting on the toilet for too long, Sitz bath and hemorrhoid cream.

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you can push it back up yourself. just get a glove and Aand D and go gentle and push it up

Prayer and witch hazel…


Preparation h. Sitz baths. Tucks pads. And stool softener. Don’t push them up. You will aggravate them!

Hemorrhoid cream twice a day
Coconut oil in between
Tucks wipes
Apple cider vinegar pill once a day (once I got mine to go away, it hasn’t been back since)
Use flushable wipes instead of tp

To be honest, the only thing that helped me was tucks it prep-h pads put there for a few minutes each time I went to the bathroom. They took the swelling down.

Tuff to follow any advice sound like Shannon Montoya has this ,hope you get better soon!

Do the bath as many times a day as you can for 15min at a time and PrepH

Soak some pads in witch hazel and freeze them.

Soaking in hot water bath with salt!

Witch Hazel cheap and easy to use.

Coconut oil, sitz bath, and they have these cushions for them but being a new mom you may have a boppy pillow that would work just as well to sit on. I refrigerate tucks pads sometimes when it gets too bad. stool softener and wipe GENTLY. The suppositories work pretty well too.

What a pain in the ass…

You do know your doctor will prescribe you miracle cream. It will help instantly

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Sitz bath. Warm water soak.

I didn’t think sitting in the bath after birth was encouraged for the fear of infection. I just took witch hazel pads and folded them up there. You can even pop the pads in the freezer a bit and that can help too.

There is a spray my daughter used and it was amazing! We kept it in the fridge. I’m trying to remember the name. Maybe someone else has used it?

Tucks pads preperation H

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I suffer from IBS and get horrible hemorrhoids… things that help are #1 call your OB and ask if they will call in a script for you. Also…I used my nursing pillow to sit on like a donut to take pressure off my hind end, witch hazel pads, make sure your taking a stool softener post baby as well, and sitz baths a few times a day.

I suffer from IBS and get horrible hemorrhoids… things that help are #1 call your OB and ask if they will call in a script for you. Also…I used my nursing pillow to sit on like a donut to take pressure off my hind end, witch hazel pads, make sure your taking a stool softener post baby as well, and sitz baths a few times a day.

Ice. And warm soaks. Prep H

Sit in water several times a day

Hemorrhoid cream at any local store.

Witch hazel pads were my best friend and a hot shower when possible. With having just had a baby it can be rough but utilize the witch hazel. Do not sit in water though since you just had the baby… not a good idea

Witch hazel. Gold Bond spray powder. And the hemorrhoids cream

Sitz bath was the best thing I found.

After 3 days PP cold compress is not recommended as it will slow down the healing process. Sitz baths arent recommended either until 6 weeks pp or you’re healed.

Talk to your doctor!

At first everything was so painful I got these pads @ medical supply store. You crack them in half & shake them & they get cold. Put them in your underwear like menstrual pads & feel the relief.

Aloe. My MIL froze it for me and i would use it before i showered. I also uaed preparation H

Witch hazel…lots of witch hazel on a warm wash cloth multiple times a day.

I use triple antibiotic cream

Try something like this… it definitely helps

Cotton rounds and witch hazel. Wipe with them. Or you can just buy Tucks pads. Same thing. I had the same problem after my last baby, but didn’t know what it was. I told my midwife my butt hurt and she said “it’s hemorrhoids. Witch hazel and cotton rounds!” Worked like a charm :blush:

Yes , preprration H , worked great for me