How to get rid of hemorrhoids?

Okay, so kind of TMI, kind of embarrassing question.
What did you mamas do about postpartum hemorrhoids? I am a first time mom, and my daughter 8 months old. Should they be gone by now, should I go to the doctor?? I didn’t wanna go and have it be a waste of time because it’s normal. I’m just sick of the pain

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Have you tried any over the counter treatments?
I’d say be seen. Till then try warm baths with peroxide and Epsom salts.

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It’s normal mine have never gone away, it’s been 18 yrs.

Honestly, my son is two and a half… Mine JUST went away. Do you use medicine? I put witch hazel on every time I went to the bathroom (even pee) for a couple weeks and it helped so much! I hadn’t tried that before, but after only a couple weeks, they were gone… After 2 years of suffering. Also, they can go and come back. Personally, I’ll just use the witch hazel next time too. It’s super cheap to buy. It also takes care of the pain.


Hopefully your using something. They won’t go away but they will go down. Surgery is the only way to have them removed.


Sit in epsom salt and use hemorrhoid creams.


Tucks wipes. Worked amazing they went away and have never come back. My son is almost 7. It did take a few weeks

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Tucks pads & preparation H

Take a couple in the morning and at night for a few days and then a couple a day for the rest of week. This works for

I’ve had them come and go since my first born, she’s 17 now. If you’ve tried everything that has been suggested so far, and it’s still painful…go see a doctor for something stronger. You don’t want to wait too long, since it is a swollen blood vessel. The worst is having it removed. I’ve had 7 different surgeries, and that one was by far the worst to recover from.

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They’ll never really be gone. Sorry, hun.

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You will probably get them every now and then forever now tbh. I really like the witch hazel wipes they sell at drug stores. Good luck to you :joy: they suck but mine usually go away within about a week.

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