Sorry for the TMI but HELPPPP!
I gave birth 3 years ago and I had hemorrhoids but hardly at all so I guess very minimal. I noticed today I have one 3 years later…do these things just come and go randomly? I have not been having any GI issues. I know you can get tucks and stuff but any other options to get rid of them?? Thanks!!!
Preparation H helped me a lot. And sitting in a very warm bath tub helps.
Yes they come and can move the wrong way lift something heavy or just something you ate irritates it.definitly use otc products
Yes they come and ago had my son 4 and a half years ago and got them again
literally have had them consistently since i got pregnant with my son in May of 2015. the struggle is real
Ya I had them too with both pregnancies and just recently had them come back and my youngest is 4 now. Preparation h helps the itching. But mine just seem to go away lol its cause were old 
Just an FYI they never go away, they just swell/flair up and then when the swelling goes down it “seems” like they aren’t there, but they are, they’re just not swollen. The only way to actually get rid of them is surgery. I think it’s sad Drs just say “oh just get some cream” instead of informing people that the only real way to get rid of them is a fairly simple surgery. I personally don’t have them but I know about this because of a close friend.
Yes, once you get them, you will always have them. Could be from sitting too much.
Preparation H. I have the same issue!
Don’t strain while pooping
The only way to fully get rid of a hemorrhoid is surgery. Depending on what you do will depend on how often they flare up. Talk to your doctor about management or removal.
From my experience taking care of my mother once you get hemorrhoids you have to have them removed or they will keep coming back
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to get rid of hemorrhoids?
Vitamin E. Do an internet search on natural methods to cure them.
Tucks…the medicated kind usually works wonders
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Tucks pads & hemorrhoid cream. Your Dr can even write you a prescription for cream.
Try a cold towel when there inflamed it will shrink them
Should get a second opinion from a different doctor
You need to insert a suppository. Its the only way they will start shrinking.
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Depending on what part of NC you are, see if you can get a referral to a Dr or specialist in VA
Come to VA we do hemorrhoid bandings
Only thing that helps me order from Amazon
My dad has had them his whole life , oddly enough eating peppermints helped him greatly , it’s was his doctor who recommended it
Your obgyn should write you a rx for a steroid cream.
Proctofoam is a God sent for hemorrhoids is rx only a bit pricy even with medical insurance but its worth it 
There is a surgery they can do. Be done having children though, you don’t want to have to repeat the surgery again.
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I’ve never had them but my grandma had them so bad that she eventually needed surgery. She used witch hazel for comfort, took metamucil every day to help soften stools and make bowel movements easier. I hope you get some relief 
Get another opinion. I just had two surgeries to remove mine. They were exterior. Although they didn’t bleed they hurt and made it impossible to be fully clean. I made an appointment for a general surgery consult and got them removed. Best decision ever. Nothing else I tried worked. It’s painful. The recovery was rough. Using the restroom afterwards was awful for the first few weeks. I’d highly recommend getting them removed. I also had some prolapse that had to be repaired. Having children will do that to you.
I had mine when I was pregnant with my first child 32 yrs ago. They use to be painful throughout the years and one day I just sat in a tub of icy cold water and the pain went away and haven’t had any pain since (I say about 20 yrs now). I use still softeners daily and once in a while they do bleed even without straining but they no longer hurt. I wish you luck with your issue I know they can be very painful for some folks and require surgery.
Raw organic coconut oil works best for me. I get them all the time and plus now I’m pregnant. After trying this, they haven’t come back.
I dont think you can permanently get rid of them unless you have surgery but you can shrink them with creams or which hazel. I soaked in warm Epson salt baths after my last pregnancy cuz they were so bad.
I didn’t realize this has turned into an advice page not really anything to do with nail art anymore
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Use preperation h wipes. Also put some in fridge and u can fold it and put on hemorrhoid leave it their for relief. I also prefer the preperation h cooling gel
Smh it doesnt matter why they felt the need to ask in this group they dont need immature responses that won’t help the person so grow up. It’s even more pointless that those of you that responded in a negative way or any way that wasn’t helpful just like u felt it was pointless of the person to ask so grow up and move on to a different post . smh
Following been three years and no change
Even with surgery, they can and do come back. Even if you don’t have anymore kids. And the surgery is horribly painful. I don’t recommend that
I feel your pain. I had my 3rd daughter 3 months ago and I was
Fine after birth EXCEPT for the hemorrhoids. Mine were so bad I thought that I would need surgery. But my doc prescribed me some suppositories. It’s not fun by any means but they gave me relief. I did that along with some suppository cream and wipes to wipe and clean the area. Also you i did some witch hazel bath like fizz type things. You could try those as well! Good luck! Hope this helps.
My exs step dad would honestly put his wife’s back into her behind 

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The two girls who laugh reacted are
Grow up
Cold tucks pads ! Try that might work…
See if your dr will band them.
Fill a condom with water and freeze it. When its frozen put it between your cheeks. This is the only thing that works for my best friend and she has a few very large ones. Brings her relief anytime.
Look into Hemroid Banding. A procedure where they put a small band around the Vein inside the anus (people have 3 veins there) and each bed is done in office and 1 vein at a time. It’s preventive and you will not get Hemroids plus should shrink what you have. Speak to a different doctor. I was referred to my Gastroenterologist and he did this in office.
Idk… maybe get your nails done and see what happens 
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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to get rid of hemorrhoids?
Oh my, I had hemorrhoid surgery, would not wish that on anyone
CBD oil and a self massage.
Mine bleed monthly so I have been told it’s Endometriosis related so no doctor but a gynecologist can ‘treat’ it… it’s a catch 22… fixing the problem looses the customer/ patent.
Anyway, self soothing is the choice I have left… I usually use a CBD/CBN oil. It’s enough to calm everything down. If that doesn’t work I have used THC oils… but a little goes a long way. Don’t over do it.
Please purchase a doughnut for yourself to sit on to ease the pain when you do have it. And please continue to use the doughnut even after it’s gone away as the doughnut releases any pressure sitting may cause.
Further to this, my Dr recommended drinking psyllium husk on an empty stomach with juice/water every morning and this assists reducing inflammations.
Lastly, reduce spicy foods and gassy foods.
After following the above, mine has not given me any issues for a long time.
Best of luck to you
I take baths in Epsom salt it will help shrink them and I usually put Vaseline on my butt it softens the tissue and inflammation
Also try looking for a stool softener because it usually acts up if you’re constipated
How much pain are you in–alot? I thought I had hemorrhoids, but it turned out to be an anal fizzure.
I’ve heard that UV light helps. I know someone who tanned naked with the cheeks split for that purpose!
Germaloids cream is a million times better than prep H and also has a numbing agent
Are you constipated? If so absolutely must be treated 1st. No straining at all. AT ALL. Incorporate lax a day into your diet, prunes, bran, quonia and drink lots of water. You can get home sitz baths which may help symptoms. Ask for referral to proctologist. That is their specialty. Good luck.
Warm baths can ease the pain and help the swelling go down. What I found that worked was watching my diet, medicated wipes like tucks brand, prep h and a warm bath. Also, it seemed like being in the sitting position too often or long aggravated the situation.
Don’t wipe with toilet paper so much. Just go wash up after the first wipe. Sitz bath with espalm salt. Try some type of miralax with stool softener. (Ask your Dr. For the amount you should take a day) use some Prep H gel. Maybe some Tucks as well. Iono just throwing ideas out there.
You may actually have IBS, it can cause sphincter spasms, making your butt hole not open all the way when pooping. It causes pretty sucky hemmerhoids.
Ask your doctor. Not random strangers on Facebook
Calmospetine ointment over the counter
25-35 g fiber a day
6 to 8 glasses water
Stool softener
No straining
Everyone has hemorrhoid tissue its when we strain or become constipated that they become bothersome. Inwork for a colon rectal surgeon.
Tucks and witch hazel I get them bad when I sit on concrete alot
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I would take hemroid cream and push them back in with tucks
They are awful!! I had them for 4 months straight after I had my daughter. Stool softeners help some.
This may sound crazy, but it works! Spray with neosynepherin nasal spray. We used on a postpartum patient and the doctor didn’t have to lance the hemorrhoids.
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Ask to see be referred to a proctologist. If all else fails, tell them they bleed and uv tried every possible treatment. If ur in that much pain, what, are u just supposed to live like that the rest of ur life? I know I wouldn’t. But, that being said, try one more time to do things the right way and get that referral. If ur primary refuses to give u a referral, just call a proctologist’s office on ur own.
Use cosmetic cotton pads and put witch-hazel on it and dab the area. Once done put the pad in the trashcan. You can buy witch-hazel at Walgreens. It is in a clear bottle and the liquid is clear as well. Stings like hell but worth it.
Can relate best are anusal suppository but now prices for them went from $2.69. To $46.00 with Obama care as insurance refuses to cover. Makes you sad when prefer care for self but have to ask (demand) for first time in life when they go varicose
Blow dryer. Keep them dry and they shrink up faster. Try blow drying every time you use the bathroom if you can.
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Not all haemorrhoid have cure,so the only remedy I is to do a lot of exercise, avoid eating a lot of protein, always drink water and don’t force yourself while using the toilet and make sure get up after passing the first stool not minding if you’re still pressed, don’t use the toilet again as for the main time.
The same problem here , Everytime im in the toilet its bleed im afraid of losing a lot of blood too
Bag balm…takes a couple of weeks… they rupture and then heal… no more problems in that area
Prevent or treat? Your diet may be causing them. Lack of fiber or lack of water or both. Or a food intolerance.
It works for me all the time VICKS or Witch Hazel
I’ve had a bunch of nurses say put powdered sugar on it and it will go away. Nurse trick
Ice packs between your cheeks hemorrhoid suppository and cream my wife suffered badly with these and she doesn’t recommend surgery
I’ve heard they never go away once you get them. You need to keep the area as dry as possible and CLEAN. Using an antibacterial soap also helps.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to get rid of hemorrhoids?
My ob suggests to use ice packs on them.
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Tucks pads in the freezer helps!
Are you able to get them banded? This is not a surgical procedure and can actually be done at your doctor’s office. They insert a tiny rubber band and tie them off. They will die and fall off (out) in about a week.
If they are out side you must push them back inside and put humroaid cream on them they will quite hurting
Go see Gastrointestinal and get colonoscopy. They will remove them then.
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Ask your doctor for Proctofoam, works very well. I have the same issue, my son is 8 and I get occasional flare ups. I try to always have some of this on hand just in case.
There are some lidocaine wipes for hemorrhoids in walgreens and they sell it in walmart too! They are life savers!
My dr prescribed some hydrocortisone cream for me. Worked better than the prep H stuff.
Mine developed during my pregnancy years ago too. I get flare ups occasionally and the cream works.
Witch hazel, high fiber diet (to help with complete bms and less straining) and you can always try fasting. I did adf (alternate day fasting) after my last and it helped tremendously!!
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If you get the witch hazel pads keep them in the fridge. That always felt nice to me. My baby wasn’t even big (6lbs 7oz) it was just because he was low why I got them. I was told they’d go away and most did. Then my 5th baby I got them bad again. That baby was only 5lbs 10oz at birth. I definitely understand and was told why they dont like to remove them is because they can only do a surface removal. There’s still more hemmoroid underneath which means there’s a 90% chance it’s just going to come back. And it’s painful putting a rubber band on it until it falls off. That’s what i was told anyway.
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I know it sounds crazy, but my chiropractor popped bones in my ankles and I stopped having them!
They sell. Hemorrhoid cream at the store it works great!!
I’m in NC and the dr. can band them
after going to the toilet and you wiped,put water and witch hazel in an sprayer and wash your behind and dab with a clean towel… if they are out you have to put them back in, air out your behind well before putting pants on. remember that wiping with toilet paper aggravetes it more. eat light.
I had mine removed after getting them from pregnancy. Proctologist put a small rubber band on them and they fell off on there own. Easy and simple.
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They gave me dermoplast spray when I had my baby and got one! It’s lidocaine in a spray, completely numbs everything, I was stitched and couldn’t even tell lol.
My 81 year old mother swears on Witch Hazel. Put some on a cotton ball and dab on
I heard putting sugar on them shrinks them