I have stage 3 hemorrhoids Disease and I had to have them removed the best way to get rid of them is going to the emergency room and having them remove them yes it sounds terrible but it’s the only way to remove them u can shrink them but once you pass gas they’ll flair up again I had to go see a doctor to remove veins and I still got them but sense my surgery and having them removed in the ER I no longer get them this is truly the only cure for them. I’ve had 5 kids and you never know how many blockages you have til it’s looked at by a professional. I will tell you this once you have surgery there u will know if u have just a small on the other side and they’ll lance it out if it’s a normal thing for u like it was me but every doctor told me never force one inside if it won’t go in go to the Er bc I could very well release the clot in your blood stream
As a retired Rn we used Witch Hazel and/tucks. Also sitz baths really help
Use Vick vapor rub…initialy it hurts like h*** but they will never come back. Good luck
my husband hadca procedure where they put a band around them and choke them off.
I use noxema after each wipe!!
I had them last year and I use to use toothpaste and it helped I never got them till to date.
Try toothpaste the white Colgate
Granulated Sugar. on your hemorrhoids for about 15 minutes. Mine were half the size the next day.
My stepfather had them bad. He was looking at surgery when his doctor told him to always use wipes after going to the potty. It worked, keeping the area super clean and never had to have surgery. I got them bad during all my pregnancies and I do the same. Use wipes and always keep the area clean. I swear it works. Haven’t had a flair in years! Crazy, but true.
Ask your doctor if he will do a rubber banding procedure on one at a time. Now mine are internal but that is exactly what they did and are doing. You don’t want to have your rectum cut into my doctor said that is the most painful surgery you will ever have. I had one that was an external one cut out in a doctor’s office and I felt great until The lidocaine wore off and then it was hell for several days
Stop thinking so and so is a pain in your butt. Thoughts work out in your body.
Try Balmex. It really does take away the pain.
Put some ice-cubes in a plastic bag and cover with a cloth lay down and put them directly on the hemorrhoids …people for years assumed heat was good but cold shrinks them ,this was advice my ex husband was given directly off his doctor . Better than the ice cubes a bag of frozen peas , that is what my ex used .
Try coconut oil use it like preparation H
Prune juice regularly, witch hazel?
Get you a package of unscented pure baby wipes and dump some witch hazel in there …set it by your toilet use every time you go
I had surgery for them. It was horrible pain while recuperating.
I put my suppositories in the fridge, it’s pure relief
Beg doctor for removal. If they are big and won’t stay in you need them gone. The pain can become unbearable.
My Dr. gave me hydrocortisone. Apply twice daily
Google Venixxa. It’s the only thing that worked for me.
Id seek further medical advice and find someone who will help you. This is no way to live.
Get a second opinion.
Homeopathy medicine would be my next step.
Put Aquaphore Healing Ointment on them. Only way I can get relief.
I had surgery on them twice and now there back again .
Find a doctor who will remove them!
Salt water baths sort mine
Try witch hazel it worked for me
Put your preparation H capsules in freezer and use frozen.
Try a epsom salt bath.
Just use some plain old Vaseline…works better than most anything
Sit in a bowl of ice cream
Vicks vaporub. Morning and night
Water balloons filled with water and frozen
I feel for you. They can be painful.
Sounds stupid. But use vicks vaporub it smoves and shrink
Vicks my grandma is 101 and puts it on everything it is a miracle ointment
Witch hazel on a cotton ball, and tucks wipes
Sit in warm Episodes salt
Bag Balm in the green can.
go on the internet and look it up
The operation to remove is horrible Pain .so try to use another way for relief.
im sure thedred are products she can b uy and try
Dr. Oz says Witch Hazel
Get a qtips cotton swab, dig it with Vaseline Petrouleum jelly apply to your hemorroids regurlary it will help ease your pain.
Vicks vapor rub helps
Surgery to remove is best option
Baños de asiento con agua lo más fría que aguantes .si es posible le vas poniendo hielitos .eso ayuda bastante …así me las trate yo .suerte !!
Cannabis oil or cream the best
I got this from Amazon. It has an attachment that allows you to stick it up your butt and you can squirt out the cream to shrink the hemorrhoids. Very handy stuff and made a difference for me within a couple of uses.
Cbd cream I got chub rub and had a flare up I was in major pain I baught some and in 10 min pain was better in 20 min pain was gone. put a second coat on and sores were gone and completely healed by morning. Put cream on around 5 pm
Find you another Doctor!!
I suffered for years, until I had them surgically removed and although it’s not a pleasant procedure, it damn sure beats living with hemorrhoids every day or even regularly!
Keep looking till you find a sympathetic doctor.
Buy gauze pads and soak them in Witch Hazel. Place in a jar and keep in the refigerator. It is an astrigent and soothing. Short of that, it is just a “live with it” situation.
My Mom used a slice of raw potato it draws out the inflammation and stops the pain!
Take vitamin C 2000 mg twice a day morning and night you will be healed by next day vitamin c is water sulable you will pee out what your body doesn’t need keep taking for a week or until healed and take when ever you have a flare up drink plenty of water
The only this that helped me was Rutin 500 one a day I have been taking them for 15 years…
You can shrink hemorrhoids but you can not ever rid of them unless you have surgery. You know how to prevent. Shrinking is hemmriod cream and not reinjuring causes blood to inflate the riod. Otherwise contact your doctor about having them removed. GL
Everyone needs a bidet or at least an attachment to hook up to your toilet, they’re cheap and easy to install and can be ordered online from Lowe’s.
You will be happy you ordered it and you will be cleaner than you’ve ever been, toilet paper can rough on your tender rear and can cause infection and lots of germs.
Use witch hazel wipes to clean them, they also have a witch hazel
spray, hopefully you have someone that can assist you with the spraying.
This is from personal experience, believe me I was in total torment.
You can get all these products at CVS Pharmacy
I use cotton round makeup removers soaked in witchhazel. Very effective and inexpensive.
Find a new Dr. I got mine Cut off in Kansas.
Get Plexus Triplex and get your gut healthy, hormones balanced, and regular!
I worked for an on/gyn… witch hazel is what he had his patients use! Works wonderfully!
I make my own witch hazel wipes. Helps a great deal to reduce the swelling.
Try taking fibre every morning will help ease passing stools.also using wipes instead of toilet paper.
TUCKS pads work great
Need a script for proctofoam……
Try some zinc oxide ointment for some relief.
Witch hazel worked great for me.
Ann Marie Lawlor-Lebo
Kick the hubby out lol
Nature sunshine verigone. Wonderful stuff
Vote them out of office
The aftermath of child bearing.
Lay on back put legs above heart, and they will go back in
Ibuprofen works everytime
If you have a Proctologist near you, thehy
I had to have mine banded
You need another doctor…
Most painful operation…
E V E R !!
Vicks salve will work…
Wheat grass spray or cream from Dr. Wheat grass. Cleared mine up after baby. Tried stuff from the doctors and didnt work or was to harsh. This also works for many other things which I use for now like razer burn, sun burn , eczema, cuts, etc. Also very affordable! https://grassfactor.com/
Follow medical advice!
Witch hazel and suppositories
Use the suppositorys they wrk great
Witch hazel works great to relieve itch and shrink them. Wad up toilet paper, soak it with with hazel and wipe. I think Preparation H makes ready made wipes with witch hazel but there’s not as much witch hazel on the wipe. But both ways work great.
I am having the same issue thank you. I will try the witch hazel stuff and a sitz bath
I’d say use ice pack. I used Preparation H & cold packs!!
Buy concentrated carrot juice - drink eight ounces a day for a few days and then at least eight ounces a week.
Witch hazel is the best I bought the wipes and use those. I have cortisone cream for back up but I usually use the witch hazel.