How to get rid of lice?

Vinegar, mayo, or shave head

Nix. You can use it as early as 2 months old

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Mayo or comb hair with vinegar… Totally works

Do mayonnaise. Put a plastic bag around the cap of his head. Tie securely. Over that put a hat he likes to wear so he doesn’t play with the bag. The mayonaise suffocates the lice. Then rinse with warm water. After rinse with vinegar. The vinegar destroys the sticky residue that holds the eggs to the hair.
Use a lice comb. You will see how the eggs and dead lice easily come out of the hair at this point.

Make sure you wash all clothes and dry on high heat so you do not have a re-infestation.
Take care to bag up ALL stuffed animals and pillows for two weeks or throw out.

Best treatment for the whole house is a product called KNOCK OUT. It is sold by veterinarians. I believe you can find online as well. You spray it through hoyse from one end to another. Spray furniture, base boards, carpets etc.

I can almost guarantee that I you do all of this ypu will not have a re-infestation unless you allow your kids around the family that you acquired it from in the future.

Good Luck!


Go through his hair strand by strand and get it all out

Virgin olive oil. Let soak for an hour. Go through it with a nit comb. I had it HORRIBLY in high school. It just kept going around. This is what FINALLY got rid of it. I tried everything else. Mayo, peanut butter, live treatment, bleaching my hair. Nothing worked except the olive oil. I ended up going to the ER it was so bad, and this is what the nurse recommended. Worked like a charm!!!

I’ve heard conditioner works wonders

Shave his head, problem solved


Get his hair cut super short, with the razor, and then go through it with the comb. My son had a couple when he was that age, cut his hair, super easy to get rid of on a boy.

shaving his hair down will help but mayo with a touch of extra vinegar and if you can freeze your unwashables overnight or high temp dry

Walgreens sells this. Safe to use for any age. Best stuff…

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KaSandra agree! Not rocket science! U tried to get rid of it didnt work…he’s a boy…shave it!

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I’ve used a mixture with tea tree, peppermint, rosemary and lavender in a shampoo. It helps repel them too

Sauve coconut shampoo! Kills & keep a them away! Yes kids sauve too!

Virgin olive oil…after you get the problem cleared up, spray with hair spray everyday. The lice can’t breath with the hair spray.

Mayo with a shower cape leave in for 1_2 hours

mayonnaise I heard works amazing a hairstylist told my mom olive oil and I used to get it bad that worked like a charm

Cut his hair short. Sounds gross but mayo

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Try apple cider vinegar, or a bottle of coke, Mayonnaise

Mayo. Coconut oil or shave his head if they have no hair to hide in then they can’t be in his head

If this were a little girl would you all be suggestion to shave her head… I think not. You all say it as if its the only solution. Maybe she, the mom isn’t ready to cut her son’s hair. So back off and offer something more helpful. I would think if she wanted to cut his hair she would have instead of reaching out for other suggestions.


Get a good lice comb. Cover their hair in mayo let it sit for a long while. Part by part go threw it with the lice comb. Wash it out and add the tea tree oil let that be in their hair over night. And in the morning do the mayo again to be sure. Also treat your house! Wash and vacuum everythingg.

The tea tree oil should repel the lice but that mean everyone needs to be treated asap EVEN PETS with flea medication or shampoo
Lice cannot feed off of pets BUT they can hide on them!

My dad use mayo when i was a kid.

I would call my doctor and see what they say.

Dawn dish soap kills fleas. Could work. Mayo does not.

Thank God he’s a boy and shave his head then treat with one of the previous suggestions.

Smother with coconut oil and let sit for 2 hours. Worked like a charm when my daughter got lice last year

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This is 100% chemical free

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Please do not listen to the home remedies. Majority of them do not work!


Crisco then comb with a lice comb, then wash it out

Mayonnaise… Let it sit there

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Fairy Tails hair products. We had a scare at my sons daycare and though he didn’t get it, we’re now armed.

Make sure to wash all bedding and stuffed animals in hot water. There is a lice spray to spray anything that can’t go into the washer. Now, for baby I suggest anything that suffocates: mayo, baby oil, coconut oil, etc. This does not kill the nits or eggs. You will have to carefully pick out the nits/ eggs. Depending on whether or not my baby has super fine hair and his/her soft spot hasn’t closed to where I would feel comfortable using a metal nit comb. The plastic nit combs are garbage. You can try the nit comb but you will still need to pick out what you can. Oh and leave the suffocation solution of your choice in for 15-20 min. Good luck.

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Lice combs. This happened with my Granddaughter when she was about that age.

Rosemary spray. We used it when I was younger

Coat the head in Vaseline. Put on a shower cap and let it sit as long as baby will allow it. Couple hours if possible. It’s a pain to get out (likely will take a couple weeks to completely remove) but works like a charm. I had “super lice” following a school field trip, 20+ years ago, and we tried every OTC, Rx, and home remedy known to man…and pretty much all of them mentioned here…and Vaseline was the only thing they finally choked them out and got rid of them.

Mayonnaise… Used it plenty of times when I was a kid. Cover their head. Wrap it up. Let them sleep I. It. And wash it out next day and come the dead lice outm

Shave it off :tipping_hand_woman: i use the number 5 blade so its not to short ( so he doesn’t look fully bald ) lol and he can’t get hurt if he goes to grab at the clippers

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Mouthwash works wonders!!

Hairspray is a lice repellent

Lice free spray safe for kids no pesticides kills instantly!! Only thing we found to work and u have to comb out the hair gonna with a metal comb , or u could cut his hair also wash everything and treat your self ! Use tea tree oil after to keep them away !

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Uhhh take him to the doctors there is some advice for you

Anything you can to coat the hair and suffocate…lack of oxygen!!

mayonnaise. I have used this method many times. highlight of all five kiddos in school and girls who love to share hair things :confused:

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Wash his hair with vinegar.

Mayonnaise, coat hair good and cover in shower cap for a bit then rinse and comb


thicken with hair conditioner cover and leave for a few hours then gently comb with a fine comb then shampoo

Cover the hair generously with Vaseline, cover with a shower cap and leave on 8 hours. Comb through the hair with a flea comb and then shampoo. May take several washes, but it is 100%. The hair will be so soft.

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Just cheap conditioner and a lice comb couple of times a week for a couple of weeks

He not too young i was usong it on my 1 year old

Separate into sections and apply mayonnaise like you would an all over color to fully saturate all of the hair. Cover in a shower cap. After you wash his hair, go through it with a lice comb. It’s the safest and most effective way to not damage baby’s hair, as well as not risk getting anything in his eyes that could harm them.

Both of my girls have extremely thick hair and LOVE to hug everyone. There are also preventative sprays to spray on his hair everyday. I purchase tea tree oil, mix with water in a spray bottle, and spray my girls hair each morning before we leave the house. Vacuum everything including your beds in your house and wash everything in your house with hot water and dry in the highest heat setting. Stuffed animals and any cloth toys should be placed in a trash bag, if they aren’t washable in the washing machine, and kept there for 7 days. It seems impossible to get rid of. However, lice can live without a human host for up to 48hrs. So you need to vacuum your vehicles really well too.

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Lice free spray. Its $8 and you just spray it in and comb while wet. The bugs will die as soon as it hits them. A lot less complicated then these home remedies

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Wash hair with a bottle of coca cola let it dry while soda is in hair than rinse and brush with not comb

I used hand sanitizer and but a bag to cover the hair. Let it sit for 15mins and wash it out. Comb it out with the lice removed comb. Coconut oil helps as well

Shave it bald. It will grow back. But you need to do something about the bedding also.

They make a homeopathic lice spray by “lice free” completely safe for infants

Vinegar and put his hair into a shower cap to let it sit. The lice will suffocate

Make sure to clean all bedding in HOT water. If you don’t it will keep coming back. Also vacuum and clean all couches and anything with fabric.


My grandma treated mine with keroseen

You can call in talk his doctor about it they could figure it out with you they might be able to send a prescription to his pharmacy

Just shave him bald. You’ll spend hundreds on treatments that dont work.

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The live can hold breath for hours. My sister and I used mayo in our hair for as long as we could like all night n day with a shower cap. It’s so thick it will suffocate them.

Soak head in olive oil and put a shower cap on for an hour.

They like clean hair so they can grab on to it good try someth8ng like Vaseline or some grease

I had to use a live treatment on my then 2 year old when her big sister brought them home. It was a nightmare combing that stuff through every strand of her hair. And then washing EVERYTHING they may have touched. Ugh I’m sorry. I know it sucks.

Have you tried mayonnaise?? It works great

They make lice prescriptions safe down to 6 months old. Slice is one. It boasts most cases treated with one treatment. Call MD. (Im a peds nurse)

Be sure and remove the eggs (nits) and treat again in 9 days. Wash hats, combs , sheets and blankets etc. bag up stuffed animals

Put oil on their hair. Leave for a few hours to make sure they are suffocated. Comb bugs and nuts out. Squish them. Wash out with dish soap in a shower. Do this every 6-7 days for a month. They will be gone. If you have older children in school they will continue to get it. Put tea tree oil in everyone’s shampoo to help keep them away once they are gone. Tea tree is just a preventative. I also add tea tree oil to the oil before it goes on their head. Good luck. Lice likes clean hair. So only wash hair every 3 days or so with soap

Coconut oil and comb his hair if u can keep the big ones out of his hair u can get rid of them

Wash all bedclothes and other laundry, pillows in dryer

U can use regular conditioner… it makes it too slippery for the lice to hold on. Soak his hair in conditioner…let it sit for about a half hour and then use the comb to comb them out…wash his hair normally afterwarda

Conditioner and nit comb

Coconut oil overnight with a cap on (or grocery bag) will suffocate them. Comb out in the am and repeat every other day for a week. It will kill the live and make it easier to get the eggs out. Good luck. Lice are awful

Vinegar leave it in his hair and put a plactic bag around it fro 30 min to an hour, use a lice comb to get lice out do this twice a day until you see no more, wash all bedding and jackets oh and through out all brushes

Loads of conditioner in to dry hair brush it through metal zig zag lice comb through hair in all directions . My daughter was headlice free in 3 days as was i. This is what lice squad taught us :blush:

They have an electric comb at Wal-Mart completely safe and no treatment needed …kills lice and eggs on contact (the lice will still move after but it’s jus still shocking it)

There is a spray in stuff called lice freeee. It is amazing! Instead of using the chemicals to kill the lice it has natural ingredients that dehydrate and dry them up on contact. Works with the eggs too! I have 4 girls and two years ago we all got lice. After only one treatment we were all lice free! A comb is included to get the dead bugs and eggs out. You don’t have to be meticulous with the eggs like you do with the harsh treatments because this stuff really works! Also, be sure to get the stuff to spray on furniture, carpets, toys, and stuff.

Comb his hair with a lice comb every day for at least 3 weeks

White Vinegar works a treat

Mayonnaise is the best for a child that age

Thus worked for us! Based on the pediatricians recommendation Instructions - Nontoxic Head Lice Treatment

Go talk to your local pharmacist. :slight_smile: once you do that and they tell you what’s safe, take everything and bag it up for 24hrs and wash and dry it all.

Call your Dr. and ask what she (he ) recommends

Mayo is great. Or…just shave his head and mayo it up. No hair makes it soooooo much easier to gwt rid off. Make sure to bad up everything and wash in hot water. Or dry in hoy hot dryer. Steam the matresses and couch. Bag up all stuffed animals for 24-48 hrs.

Omgosh I would smear vaseline on his head to suffocate them and use the small comb that comes the the treatment package to comb them out.

50/50 vinegar and Dawn dish soap

Definitely call a Dr.

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Look up the cetaphil treatment.

Ulta has some stuff that is all natural and safe for any age… I cant think of the name but look it up on there website

Robi comb and alcohol

Lady Bugs makes a pesticide free lice treatment. Most Great Clips carry it. Otherwise call your dr

Mayonnaise is what my mom and aunt used on my sister, cousin and me when we kept passing it when we were young. Put a bag on his head and keep it on so it suffocates them. My daughters got it and I called the doctor and he prescribed a stronger (but safe) hair treatment. It was one and done! Haven’t had it since. I also use the “prevention shampoo” every few weeks.