How to get rid of lice?

Home remedies to get rid of lice!!! Please help!! My sister got lice recently and I’m barely ever around her but SOMEHOW caught it. Please please please help this is driving me crazy!!


Vinegar. Wash hair with it. That’s what my mom did when we were younger.


Mayonnaise and a very thin toothed comb! Put a ton of mayo all over your head for a while and then comb out the bits and such. Mayo suffocates the lice and it’s good for your hair!
Tea tree shampoo and conditioner will help keep lice away

Lots and lots of conditioner and a fine tooth comb. Do this every other day to break the cycle as they would of already laid eggs by now. Or just buy some headlice shampoo from a pharmacy

Baby oil or coconut oil or mayo helps

U literally have to pick the eggs they will still be attached to scalp even with washing &coming out


Green listerine! Soak your hair in it. Leave on for like 2 hours.! Then mix some in a water bottle with a sprayer and spray your hair with it daily it also acts as a repellent.

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Vaseline apply it to your whole head then plastic wrap all your hair it suffocates them wear at least an hour wash out with dish soap

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Tea Tree oil will rid them if your hair and fabrics… Someone will need to pick all the nit eggs out of your hair… Just went through this with my daughter… Wash everything you’ve been in contact with, buy a new hair brush!!

Cinnamon leaf oil 6 drops tea tree oil 3 drops you can use this as a repallant and treatment you put it in a cup under the bed in each room as well I use it in a spray bottle with water as a rep every morning I have 4 girls dont forget u must delice your vechile i think people overlook this.

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Listerine mouthwash,works wonders,just soak your hair and leave it for 30 mins -1 hours

tea tree oil in your shampoo helps keep them away

Tea tree oil kills conditioner turns loose. My nephew is a mixed boy and it worked great for us!

Mayo or oil and you can use these essential oils with that as well.

Use coconut oil or mayo and completely cover your head with it and then put a shower cap on and wrap it up with another plastic bad and leave over night it will suffocate them. And then wash with vinegar and comb out with lice comb. Continue until they are gone

It kills the bugs and grab the eggs

Chemical treatments are garbage. These combs are professional grade and work miracles. There are also professional nit pickers that guarentee bug and nit free hair after one visit.

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PattyPatty omg these comments… please :roll_eyes:

Mineral oil and vinegar mixed together then put a shower cap on your head for at least a hour I usually leave longer the oil kills the bugs and the vinegar loosens the nits so they come out easier be sure to wash everything in HOT water

Listerine and a shower cap. Let it soak a few hours then shampoo out. To physically get live ones out you can soak your head in olive oil and comb which will kill and catch live ones but not eggs. I got it for the first time at like 29 and this was the only thing that worked. The nit kit was garbage

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2 liter bottle of coke. Pour over whole head, let dry. Then wash out.

Mayo and dawn dish soap.

Tea tree oils kills them.

Mayo does not work​:joy::joy::joy:

Apple cider vinegar or cooking spray! Drench ur hair wrap a plastic bag on hair for 30 mins or so and rinse

Get the stuff that kills nits and live in one treatment. Best way

Soak hair in Listerine mouth wash in shower cap …keep cap on for a good 30 mins or so…kills them instantly.

Get vamoose to treat it with and a robicomb and comb through your hair every day as they hatch. The robicomb kills them on contact. Wash all bedding and dry on high heat for an hour and spray all furniture with bedding spray the same day you treat it. I have 3 girls and this has happened a few times with us. You can get all that at walgreens

Coat your hair root to tip with mayonnaise. It has to be mayo because of the oils. Leave on for 30 minutes. Wash your hair with Dawn dish soap and rinse with water.Make sure to get all the mayo out. Rinse your hair again with white vinegar being sure to get all of your hair. Leave it in. Blow dry on the hottest setting and then comb through with a lice comb. The mayo suffocates the lice and the vinegar dries the eggs so they are easier to comb out. Repeat this every 7 days and be sure to comb out eggs everyday.
I got this from our very elderly pediatrician and it works amazingly.

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Home remedies help, but you miss one egg and they are small. You starting again all over

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We have a local company called Rapunzel’s Lice that remove them with an oil and heat treatment wand. Results are guaranteed and you come back in 2 weeks for a recheck. It was pricey, $165 … but worth it!!

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Go to the store and get a lice treatment kit

Honestly lice have become so resistant to lots of “at home” treatments. And you have to stay on top of it for weeks. Look to see if you have a lice clinic near you. They are kind of expensive but it always solves the problem for us, and after trying so many at home treatments I spent close to what they charge. I’m a hairstylist so once my step daughter got them I had to do everything to avoid them, so we always go to the clinic if I see signs of them. Gone every time. And means I usually only have one load of laundry and vacuuming to do instead of weeks worth

I had to get prescription shampoo from my Dr to get rid of them nothing else worked. You have to wash EVERYTHING in hot water bedding, stuffed animals, ect. I bought spray for my carpet and furniture. You have to spray everything then vacuum and take the vacuum bag straight outside. They are a pain in the ass to get rid of. Good luck!

Tea tree oil with rosemary and mint

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Mayo, olive oil, few drops of tea tree oil into your regular shampoo, and comb out hair regularly with a nit comb

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Olive oil, soak the hair and put in shower cap for an hour should suffocate them. Then comb through and get all the lil yuckies out with the special comb.

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Find a local lice salon guranteed lice free in 2hrs then bomb your house home remedies never work

I’ve tried all the home treatments and nothing worked. When my whole house got it, including me. I bought licefree spray. Smells like licorice and was the only thing that killed live and eggs. We also maintain with fairytales rosemary repel. You have to wash all bedding in hot and anything you can’t wash bag up and keep in a closet for a few days.

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Olive oil, comb through hair with a fine toothed comb, let sit for about 10-15 minutes, wash with Dawn dish detergent, DRY with hair dryer and repeat!

Heard a bottle of Coca-Cola. But also can run to your local dollar general and get some treatment

Tea tree oil is the best to kill them and to prevent them from coming back. Put two to three drops in the shampoo and wash every night. Take water and two drops of tea tree oil place it in a spray bottle and spray everything down everyday

The girls in my family just dyed our hair and put a bag over our heads with the dye in lol worked every time :person_shrugging:

My twin daughters use to get it all the time. For 2 years straight because they use to go to their dads. Honestly none of that home remedy stuff worked for us. Not even the store bought lice stuff. I had to end up calling a lice expert into my home and I bought her oil treatment . Since then they had it once and it never came back again. It’s all trial and error. Good luck. I know it can be a big headache

Lice FREEEEE is a chemical free spray on that kills lice and eggs so effectively you don’t have to comb the eggs out if you don’t want. 5 of us in my house got lice a few years back and it took care of them with the first try! Make sure you also treat your house and car with lice furniture spray!!#

My son has had lice twice and the second time we done the tea tree oil and it worked. He has been around kids with lice and doesn’t get them due to the tea tree oil.

Robi comb. Cheap, easy, reusable, no need to wash linens.

Ninety minutes with head saturated in green Listerine with a hair cap on. Rinse then saturated the hair and head with white vinegar for ninety minutes with a hair cap. Comb out the nits and live is gone…found this out after three hundo in products that didn’t work

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Wash your hair with kerosene

Drench hair in Olive oil let it sit in for 3 hrs. Wash hair apply tea tree oil in hair and keep it up, repeat for 4 days! And make sure you buy a nit comb and get all the dead ones out! Get everything that they can hide in and put it in plastic bags for 2 weeks!! Always wear hair up and keep tea tree oil in it for future reference or coconut oil, i use it every day on mine and my kids hair.

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Coconut oil and Apple cider vinegar mix together or you can apply separately. And put a shower cap on over the hair with it in for 40 mins and it conditions the hair. Coconut oil actually strips the exoskeleton or something and helps kill them. My daughter got a lettwr saying there is lice in the school and I looked under her ponytail and sure enough there’s lice but they were all dead nits. No bugs. Getting them all out took me about 1-2hours. Buy we do the coconut oil and Apple cider vinegar at least once a week. And when she goes to school her hair is always up and I always hair spray it to be safe. But she hasn’t caught it since and will wear her hair down once in a while.

You can literally but lice treatment over the counter.

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And change your bedding everyday.

Get tea tree oil shampoos it kills them and prevents them

All you need to get rid of head lice is a professional comb. Skip the home remedies and invest $15 in a Nit Free Terminator comb

Tea tree oil works, put a few drops in your shampoo to try n keep it away.
Freeze all your brushes and hair ties for 2days if you don’t want or have time to do the boiling. Put all stuffed toys pillows and large comforters in airtight trash bags for 2days.
You can vaseline your head if you eant to deal with all that greasy gunk on your head- or you can pour rubbing alcohol over your head. Just flip your head over, slowly and carefully pour and massage into your hair. Let it sit at least 15 mins. It will kill all live and eggs. Then wash and condition your hair well. Blow dry and use that lice comb through your hair. Be sure you wash all laundry that came in contact with all infected. Use the carpet powder on all your carpets, use the furniture spray on all your furniture. Get the repel mouse as a extra measure along with your tea tree oil in the shampoo. In 5 days reuse your sprays and carpet powders- check all heads in the house.
Rubbing alcohol is the best lice killer. It will work.

Wash hair with vinger

Buy the Rid. One application wont kill you but it will guarantee kill those little boogers. Home remedies if you want but there is a reason they made up the chemical solution of Rid in the first place. Home remedies werent working well enough.

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My mom put kerosene on our hair for three minutes. Wash it out with dawn maybe a few times… lice are dead and fall out no combing necessary. Also your hair will be super soft… it might smell funny a couple days but itll keep what ever starys away from you long empugh for them to die off

Listorine mouth wash worked for me!

I used coconut oil mixed with tea tree oil. Leave on for an hour or so with shower cap

Treat head and house 3 days in a row, no matter what, pharmacy told me that when my daughter had problems with it and it worked, if u miss 1 nit/egg it will be dead with treating 3 days in a row.

Tree tree will help after you treat your hair. Most insurances cover lice treatment call your doctor and ask for some.

Do the rid then put tea tree oil in your shampoo

Coconut oil with tea tree oil you can also use mayonnaise and you can take any stuffed animals and run them through the warmest sitting in the dryer and then bagged them as soon as they come out

Your best bet really is the over the counter stuff or the stuff you can get with a Dr prescription. Lice is so used to all the natural stuff and even some over the counter stuff that nothing is killing them. The best thing is to go through your ENTIRE HEAD STRAND BY STRAND. Tea Tree oil helps for after to not get them again. You have to wash ALL bedding in hot water, as hot as you can get it, things that can’t be washed like stuffed animals, some pillows, need to be put in the dryer on hottest setting g or in a garbage bag for 2 weeks and put in the basement or outside. Remember to also do your car and couches, hats, they sell a spray for them. Vacuum everything! It is terribly hard to get rid of lice unless you do your entire home and everyone’s head at the same time. I know it’s time consuming but you really need to get out every single nit. Dead or not. I went through strand by strand and had a bowl of boiling hot water next to me to put the bugs and eggs in to kill any live ones. Good luck!

Lice likes very clean hair that I know. I’d try both.

Tea tree oil in your shampoo and a spray bottle of it and olive oil mixed will do the trick. I leave tea tree oil and olive oil on the head for 30 minutes to an hour with a shower cap, then I wash with my treated shampoo and condition. I repeat every THREE days. Also wash with the tea tree oil in your shampoo every time you wash your hair. It will keep them away.

We used Queen Helene Cholesterol Treatment for hair when my daughter had it 6years ago and we just COULD NOT get rid of it & we all ended up w/ it. We used it recently too when my youngest got it… You put it in your hair put on a shower cap & leave it in over night… & Of course wash all bed clothes jackets & stuff & spray beds & furniture down & comb nits out… It works AMAZING for us when NOTHING else would… I believe we kept it away for 6years also by using leave in conditioners, detangler sprays, & stuff like that… When we stopped getting that kind of stuff for a while my youngest gets lice from someone in her class…

Coconut oil on your hair before bed, wrap in towel and leave while you sleep, wash out next day, repeat at least 3 days. Blue Listerene in your laundry, wash with hot water, wash everything you can and put what you can in trash bags and tie tight for at least a week. Gel and hairspray your hair, they don’t like “dirty” hair. Use a shampoo/conditioner with coconut in it. I’ve also seen to rinse your hair with Coca Cola but never tried that. Also have heard they don’t like tea tree oil so you could add it to your shampoo/conditioner.

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there is a type called quit nits if you can find it, which is amazing. however they don’t sell it in my neck of the woods anymore, its wyld chyld products.
another that works really well is vamoose. I actually got rid of the problem with one application with vamoose. most of the others all need 2 applications or more

Apple cider vinegar coca cola

MAYO!!! I did t believe it either but it definately worked for me!! Just go get a cheap jar of mayo and apply it to your scalp and hair then wrap in plastic wrap and a towel. Go about your household business for an hour or so then go rinse it out and shampoo as you normally would. Then yes…wash all bed linens etc in hot water…


They have spray to spray on furniture. And u can call doc and ask for a script of lice shampoo

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I’ve known people that tried home remedies and they didn’t work which means longer infestation, more chance of spreading, etc. just head down to the store and buy lice treatment.


Use vamouse it’s sold @ walmart one use and their gone it took me 3 days to clean and de egg but they were gone

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Mayo. I used it when I was pregnant. But you have to get the comb. Make sure you leave the mayo on for I believe at least an hour.

Then make sure you use any type of tea trea oil to prevent them from coming back

Mayo. Wrap your head with a cheap shower cap and leave it for a few hours. Bag everything you can’t fit in the washer for at the very least 7 days. It’s recommended for 14. Vacuum all furniture really well even your vehicle. Wash everything on the hottest cycle and dry on the hottest cycle possible. Have someone else go through your hair to find the nits if you have fine hair, the comb won’t grab them all. Retreat yourself in 7 days, and again have another person go through your hair to get the nits. The mayo and shower cap smother the live lice and kill them. The eggs can hatch within a 7 day period, which is why it’s recommended To retreat. Plus side to the mayo, it will make your hair feel SUPER soft!

The only real way is make sure u comb all out.

Mayo. Vinegar. Wrap it leave it on over night!

Wash EVERYTHING ! blankets furniture sheets pillows couches floor shampoo rugs

Wash clean everything !

Everyone is probably gonna jump on me for this but my gram use to out some kerosene on our hair for alittle bit and then wash with dawn dish soap. Then go through our heads and comb them all out.

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I got headlice from my husband’s sister days before our wedding. So I combed all the bugs out then used a super hot flat irom to straighten my hair. Once that was done 5 women and a little over an hour later to get the now dead eggs out and I was safe and wedding went off without a hitch

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Mayo, coconut oil, hair conditioner,

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You can get a really cheap box of Rid or various brand Anti Lice shampoo that you rub in, comb with a fine comb, and wash out. Easy, quick fix. Smells kinda bad so best to shower after. Worth though, they’re not ridiculously expensive and it’s guaranteed to work (stuff like tea tree oil is nice to use for prevention but no promises on it removing them fully.) As long as you shampoo and wash all your chairs, piloows, bedding, cushions, etc.

We paid $100 for a professional to come out and she told us all that’s in the bottle is a mint scented liquid. So the tea tree will probably work as someone suggested. Just a heads up though all 4 of my kids had it at separate times and every one of them had a round 2 with it. It is the most annoying process to deal with. The Combs that come with the lice kits in my opinion have too big of a gap to catch the lice. I lucked out though cause the woman that came to my house had a comb that the gaps were really close together so the bugs and eggs slid right out.

90% isopropyl rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle. Spray it on hair. Be careful not to.get into eyes. Kills on contact and then the nits can be picked out. Treat again in 5-7 days.

Lice treatment and a flat iron your hair for remainder eggs youll hear them pop like popcorn my daughters hair was so think was all i could do but worked

It resolved the eggs and kills them all.

Rinse hair in scope (blue). Leave on 5 minutes . Repeat every other day. The alcohol in the scope kills the lice and removes the sticky on the eggs. Good luck.

Put mayo on it. Comb with a lice comb after make sure you comb at least 3 times. Get some rosemary mint shampoo and comditioner. Thats wht my step mom got us when the schools got lice bad. Didnt have to worry.

My mama always used mayonnaise. Shit was nasty but it works

Years ago one of boys had them wet his hair tiped a load of conditioner on then combed them all out got rid of all them.

I’d go to the drug store get a box of head lice treatment and a box of hair dye than straighten you hair.

Coconut, lavender, geranium, tea tree oil mixed together. Mostly coconut with a few drops of each essential oil. Leave it on with a shower cap then comb through with the lice comb and wash with regular shampoo 2 or 3 times or once with blue dawn condition and rinse. Then blow dry and use a straightener. It works. My daughter brought it home 4 times when she was in kindergarten and this was what we used the last time. She hasn’t brought it home since.

Mayo and a shower cap for an hour or Olive oil and a shower cap for an hour I put tea tree oil in all my shampoo for preventative while I have school age kids

Go to drug store and buy the right shampoo.they will help u there.


Olive oil and a lice comb that’s all you need