How to get the smell of pee out of the carpet?

Does anyone have any products that get pee out of carpets but also the smell. I don’t want my house to smell like a toilet( wasn’t the Aesthetic I was going for.)


Not sure if it’s carpet or in bathroom. In the bathroom I would use white vinegar & water solution. In the carpet use a carpet cleaner with a neutralizer solution.

Vinegar and baking soda, if its really bad or cat/ dog you may need to purchase an enzyme spray.

Following!!! I rescued an older dog and he has accidents. The smell of my carpets is awful. I am constantly cleaning the carpets but the smell never goes away.

Vinegar if dried…baking soda if still wet. My dog peed on my bed and I soaked it in vinegar, let it sit for 15 mins then shampoo it up.

Odo ban may help or vinegar!!