How to handle inconsiderate neighbors?

Need advice!

My neighbours can be inconsiderate and it’s getting annoying.

Children are always throwing their toys (deliberately) in to our yard. They come on to our property when we aren’t home to retrieve their items.

They allow their children to be unsupervised in the front yard. Running in front of vehicles as their pulling in to drive ways and to dangerous intersection.

Please provide recommendation on how to approach the parents without offending them and to keep peace.

Thank you in advance.


Write an anonymous letter and put it in their mailbox

You don’t. You live near children. They will come in to your yard to get their things, it’s not the end of the world. As far as how they supervise, that isn’t up to you.


Put a few clearly visible Private Property signs up or and keep off grass


Honestly depends on the children’s ages
Is your property fenced?

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What u gonna do keep their toys? They arent doing any harm leave them be.


Sounds like poor supervision I would try sending an annonymous letter if you’re uncomfortable talking to the parents 1 on 1. It sounds like a tragic accident waiting to happen.


We used to toss things back over the property line. After speaking with the children and their parents it didn’t stop. Things get thrown away now if they stay for more than 24 hours


Do you want to be THAT neighbour ?

Children need to be taught how to respect another’s property. When I was a kid I wouldn’t dare even walk in a neighbors grass. I mean if it’s just a couple of times yes I get it they are children but if they are constantly making a mess in someone else’s yard that is very disrespectful. Some people pay a lot of money for
upkeep of their yard and such so yeah I can understand the frustration but if it’s only once or happens on occasion I would just let it go


I agree with OP! i don’t want kids on my lawn i pay a lot for landscaping and maintenance i don’t want them
Their toys or the loose dogs period. I live a mile in the woods and these brats thought they could use my driveway to sled. That ended fast. Not gonna drive up a ice slicked driveway so they can slide not today Satan not today. Parents need to teach kids respect

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Be friends (not besties), be neighborly.

Seriously? You’re pissed because a toy goes into your yard & they get it back?..
Get a new hobby & stop being a jerk… kids playing outdoors is a good thing…

No they shouldn’t be in the road… but you griping about a toy coming into your yard is pretty dang ridiculous


The first time you run over their toys with a lawnmower they’ll keep a better eye on where their toys end up. As far as them running in front of cars, that’s something that should be reported to the police. The children are in danger of severe injury due to the parents failing to properly supervise them. Get a dog and put up “beware of dog” signs. If they enter your yard and get bit, they’ll learn. People need to learn to respect their neighbors, and if it takes a toy under the lawnmower or a visit from the cops, so be it. They have no right to be on your property uninvited.


Those are their kids, their business. Mind your own. If you have a problem with the toys throw them in the trash then, just as if something blew into your yard you’d pick it up and through it away not go track down who littered. No need to be dramatic about it, after a few times of not getting their toys back they’ll stop. Kids will be kids, regardless of how strict or careless a parent is


I’d throw it away, or take up mowing your yard every day. If they care about the toys, they won’t wonder over there anymore.

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Put up a fence if you are that annoyed.


I have the same problem. Awful neighbors. Problems with their dogs waking us up at 5 am, they throw their trash over their privacy fence into my back yard, their kids always running everywhere unsupervised and could easily get hit just by someone backing out of their driveway, mowing their yard and blowing it into my and their other neighbors house, they cut down OUR tree that had branches over their yard (did it when we weren’t home to stop them), BLARING their F-ing music, we can’t go outside without it blasting. We can’t even open our windows without hearing either their dogs, their kids, their damn music, if not ALL THREE! Etc, etc. Not a DAMN thing u can do except talk to them. Unfortunately MY neighbor doesn’t give a crap! Hopefully URS is different. Stop it now before it just gets worse!! Good luck!!

Yall are petty toward this women. I would be pissed if i was her and the neighbors kids did this. And i have many kids myself. Accidents happen but for it to be a continuous problem I wouldnt hesitate to say something. What happens when they go in her yard and get hurt and the parents want to sue her home owners… I would go knock on their door and ask them very nicely to try to keep their items in their yard because you dont want any accidents on your property then I would tell them the kids are not welcome on your property if they accidentally loose something in your yard you would appreciate an adult knocking on your door and you’ll go with them to retrieve the item.


Other peoples kids ARE our business. They grow up to be civilized human beings or they grow up to be delinquents.

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When my toys went over fences they were gone, my children were also raised like that. It is disrespectful to be somewhere they know she doesn’t want them, what if she had a pool and they were hot is that ok too?


I’d just go over and say hey your kids seem to keep losing their toys in my yard. I was going to pick them up and bring them over but my dog urinated on them and the next day they were gone. Lol maybe the toys will stop :rofl::rofl:


I have same issues. My driveway is gravel. The kids come up and throw rocks in the air and into the street. Parents didnt listen to me and said oh my children dont do that. Well I gotten securtiy system. Well came to find out they broke into my house! I called the police. The kids were only in 5th grade!


Get them first and destroy them then throw them back. :person_shrugging:


For the backyard problem, get a fence. For the rest of it, let them play and learn to embrace childhood. They aren’t doing anything out of the ordinary. Stop being such a kill joy.


We are blessed with our neighbours, we had young children. They were newly married, however they made an entrance in the hedge from their drive so our children could go visit without walking on the busy roadway. Years later ours were grown up, theirs were young and the entrance through the hedge is still busy. They are now like family, A good neighbour is a treasure.


Oh or get no trespassing signs and then a security camera when they don’t listen get the law involved. :ok_hand:


Most of yall missed the bigger picture here and are focused on the yard. These kids are running in front of moving cars trying to park in their driveways… Like, what? Obviously there is no supervision coming from the parents and the neighbors are expected to deal with crazy kids.
I live in a subdivision full of kids and they all stay in their lane, dont throw their crap onto other peoples property, dont run out in front of cars. Kids arent stupid. They’ll follow rules if they’re given rules… These kids are obviously just being turned lose on the neighborhood and its inconsiderate at best, but at worst one of them is going to get hit by a fucking car.

Write parents a letter of concern.

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Put up cameras outside to have proof of what is going on heck you can use deer cameras. This day and time people will sue for anything if they are hurt on your property etc. . If you throw toys away you may be accused of stealing yes thinking with my paralegal brain. Speak with parents record it. I do allow children to play in my yard , when I or hubs are outside , we have trampoline it can only be used by neighbors with written permission, not being grumpy just have to protect yourself these days !

You sound like a great neighbor to live next door too​:roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Burn the toys or throw them out. They will stop fast

Please do not call the cops. Talk to the parents and make sure they’re aware of the circumstances first. I would just frame it as a safety issue. Tell them you’re worried the kids will get hurt. The toys, toss them back in their yard, or gather them up and take them back to their parents at the end of a day and say “these are the toys your kids put in my yard, please ask them to stop.” If they don’t, trash them


If the kids are running in front of cars that’s definitely an issue and sadly if they are so incompetent as parents to watch their children I cant image any approach would go over well, goodluck your gonna need it!!!

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When the toys go in your yard run out asap and start playing with them and act like they are the greatest toys ever and be very loud about it. Guarantee those kids will run right over to get them back and problem solved! Lmfao and goodluck

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It is not the children, look at the parents. I feel for those children not being taught respect. Heres a question? Are the children seeing respect and compassion in you?


Seriously curious if you’re one of my neighbors! My neighbors never watch their kids the kids constantly come into our yard without permission whether we here or not and play on my kids swing, trampoline and whatever else. They steal out of our yard feed our dogs when we have told them not to. IT IS A NIGHTMARE. I swear i am the only parent that keeps their kid in their own yard. I see two and three year olds running around completely unsupervised! Its so ridiculous! So i feel your pain!!!


If the kids aren’t bein watched a call CPS that’s considered child endangerment


At least the kids are playing outside. I personally wouldn’t mind the neighbor kids to come grab their toys in a respectful manner. I can see the liability if they get hurt or something happens that you could be worried about. Their your neighbors you should be able to have a discussion with them and let them know your concerns.

Pick their toys up in a box take them to the parents and let them know from this point on all toys found on your lawn will be thrown out with the garbage on gaebage day or they will be donatated to a c hatity, thank them and leave


Put up no trespassing signs, then call the police.


So many questions asked on this post n no replies? What’s the point commenting folks :thinking:

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I mean… Everything minus the running in front of car stuff is a little much to be complaining. That’s exactly how it is where we live. Theor kids and my kids leave stuff in one another’s back yards and they all go get it regardless of who is home. The kids will play in their own respective yards if the other kids aren’t outside. But if they leave toys, they’ll run over and get them and bring them back home. Like I said, all the kids do this. And the kids in this neighborhood play outside without parents out there. Granted, I can see and hear them from pretty much anywhere in the house. My bedroom window faces the back yard and my kitchen window faces the side yard. Again this is just the norm. These kids play together daily. Sometimes they are on my patio, sometimes they are in their yard or ours. I agree the car thing needs to be addressed. Why not even talk to the kids? I’ve gone out and said to all the kids to stay away from the road becasue of cars. It’s not actual a road here though, it’s a back alley that the people who live here pull into to get to their parking spots behind all our homes. But again why not just say something to the kids? You don’t have to be mean or scolding, jsut tell them it’s not safe and to stay away from cars. If they don’t stop then I would catch the parents outside and jsut casually mention you saw the kdis have a habit of not paying attention to cars pulling into the drive (jsut make it sound like it’s all of them doing it so they don’t feel like their kids are being singled out) and you told them to watch out but they still do it and you don’t want someone tk get hurt so you just wanted to give them a heads up. It’s all in how you word stuff. Just make it casual and friendly when you bring it up. As for the other stuff, that just sounds like parenting styles are different and there’s not much you can do there.


As a wise man once said : “tall fences make for good neighbors.” If you cant put up a fence, a hedge of very thorny holly bushes also works wonders.


Is it the kids coming in the yard or issue of them getting hit by car??
If you invite over and say you are concerned about kids getting hurt then you are a concerned neighbor not just a complaining neighbor

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Offending or not, they should have better control over their children! I had a similar situation and I went to their front door and told them to keep them off our property. We had stuff in the yard they could get hurt on and if no one was home, how would the parents know where they were or if they were hurt considering they were coming inside our privacy fence.


Welcome to summer vacation in my community!

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Mind your own business… sounds like you have to much time on your hands worrying about things that aren’t a big deal. Never read anything about anyone being hurt, or destruction of property. Leave those kids alone, at least they are playing outside :woman_shrugging:


I started calling the law on my neighbors for everything. They still havent figured out it was me, but they quit breaking all the rules

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Sounds like one of my neighbors where I live! Lmao

Put up no trespassing signs, if they still come on your property call the police. If the kids arent being watched cps needs to be called.

Fake dog Barker scare them and a beware of dog sign on the fence😂

Definitely talk to them. Tell them you are concerned for their safety and be very cordial and sincere. They need to watch their children especially if they are running into the street.

My backyard is fully fenced (cyclone fence) the kids would throw stuff then another would climb my fence and they would play catch over my fence. Told them ‘no more’. So they started doing it when I was at work. When I drove in they climbed the fence back over. I gathered the stuff and brought it inside. Balls and all. Did that for about 3 months. When they quit I gave the bag of stuff back to them in front of their MOM. Told them if they start again they won’t get them back. I liked the kids and later I hired them to do outside chores for x-tra money. An older one I let use my computer for his homework info while I was in here. The kids learned to respect me.

Fuck that go knock on that door and explain how unresponsble they are

Why can you not knock on the door or talk to them the next time you see them outside? I mean…how would YOU like to be approached if your kids were bothering your neighbors? Would you like anonymous notes and other childish bs or would you prefer calm, friendly adult conversation? Hostility will likely be met with hostility. Is that really the relationship you want with your neighbors that you may be stuck with for 30 years or more? Now if you ask nicely and nothing changes…different story.

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I would leave them alone and mind your own business! You might want to avoid confrontation. You never know how much a parent is dealing with. I have 4 kids 5 and under we have our own yard that I let my kids play in I’m mostly out there with them but if I have to walk inside for a second to do something or get something they have ran over into our neighbors yard. Doesn’t mean they are not being supervised. I am a mom that stays at home and their dad works full time. I do everything myself with no help. We live on a dead end street. You might not know how difficult it is to keep them all under control at all times. All a mother can do with no help is the best that she possibly can! Taking care of all the housework keeping up with the yardwork and taking care of all 4 kids alone is not easy! All you people saying call CPS or the police are real assholes. Kids are kids. All you can do is your very best to correct them. If a parent is doing the best they can that’s all that matters. If they leave things in your yard just be nice and give it back. My kids have left sippy cups and such in my neighbors yard and they simply just walked it over when they saw us out and gave it back. They will.parent how they want and it’s no one else’s place or business to get involved. Also Calling CPS or the police won’t solve your problem. I say get used to kids being around or move! :person_shrugging: