My 8 year old step daughter has really bad mood swings. We understand that she has a lot going on but its unreal how moody she gets. Its to the point where she was crying because our dog was not sitting beside of her. People keep telling us that she is going to start her period by the time she is 9. We have heard about this happening with girls that live with a stepfather but the only other sign of puberty is a little bit of BO. Has anyone dealt with having their child go through menstruation at such a young age or dealt with extreme mood swings?
I put my son on ADHD meds and it helped so much with his emotionalness. He is going to be 8 on Saturday. Sometimes they just get overwhelmed and medications to help them focus can help. I also think therapy would be a good idea.
Yep. Happened to my younger sister…and it has nothing to do with whom they are living with.
You really need to get her into therapy. Even if it’s the start of puberty, a therapist can help tremendously on teaching them how to control their feelings.
I myself started puberty when I was 8 but didn’t get my period until I was around 11. I would most definitely talk to a doctor about the mood swings though- there could be something else happening in her little mind.
My best friend and her mom got theirs at 9 years old! It’s a possibility
IF this is the case…please also keep in mind that because she is so young…and put a period on top of that…she still has ZERO clue on how to handle all of these emotions…please be patient while also reminding her that bad behavior is unacceptable. Give her lots of love…my sister went thru hell…
My 8 year old, she will be 9 the 27th and she’s is bitchier than a teenager with pms. So we think hers is coming too.
My daughter is nine and had had very high hormone levels since she turned 8. We went through a TIME with her. Tantrums, punching, broke all three doors down stairs, punched a hole in a wall… therapy helped some, but started to make her run laps. 5 for bad constant smart mouth, 7 for shoving, 10 for hitting or slamming doors. Eventually she evened out, but she is nine now and is getting armpit hair and ger legs are so heavy that we nail her legs now. Ive told her every detail about periods since she was like 5, and still do. Shes 4’10 and im 5’1, so they groww up so damn fast lol. Therapy and education on puberty will do wonders. I personally think letting them know as soon as they can write proper sentences in school really helps.
Just because she lives with a step dad doesnt mean that pushes up puberty lol i dont get that at all
It has nothing to do with living with a step-father.
What does her living with her step dad have to do with anything? She very well could start her period soon and that could be contributing to the extreme moods. Having her see a therapist or counselor could help too.
It could be anxiety and depression, talk to her doctor
i started going through puberty around 7 or 8 and got my period when i was 10. it’s possible. age can also depend on when the rest of the family starts.
Not sure how living with a step father brings on your period? Sounds extremly weird. My daughter acts the same way but I think its just they are getting older and they don’t know how to deal with their emotions as well.
I had precocious puberty and started my period when i was 8. It was going to stunt my growth so i had to get injections.
I was told it could be a puberty issue. She was almost 9. It was not. My daughter is 12 and her cycle has not started. Truly, you need to get her to a therapist and get some answers. Moodswing disorders are serious and if left unchecked could lead to violent outbursts, suicide, and a multitude of other serious problems. Therapy has given her tools to succeed. I wish the same for you.
Nothing to do with who you live with, I started right after my 9th birthday and my parents have always been married from way before my being brought to the world.
I was 9 when i got my period…it was very difficult for me because at that age u cant really understand whats happening to your body. It was frustrating and embarassing
I’mma throw this out there, sounds Bipolar.
I got mine at 9. Literally doesnt matter who you live with. And things like this can be completely normal, lots of children dont produce certain hormones or chemicals until after puberty. Which is commonly misdiagnosed as bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia, manic bipolar, etc
Following …so 9 1/2would be a good time to talk to my daughter about her period an tell her how to use pads . Bc what if she starts at school? Shes already started puberty bad bo an body hair ? I dread this lol?
My step daughter is 9 and I can fully relate to this post. Her period is coming soon…
I got mine the day before my 10th birthday. Same thing was happening with me; mood swings galore.
I got mine the month before I turned 9
So b\o is only one of the first things. She’ll get acne, then hair down there, then she will get a period. My daughters armpits started to smell over a year ago and she still doesn’t even have pubic hair so depending on how fast the other stuff happens it probably wont be for a bit. She could have a mental illness weather anxiety, depression, bipolar or a personality disorder. My daughter also lives with anxiety and so do I, honestly one of the best treatments for this is just counselling. Thats more than likely the cause for her acting out and mood swings. Issues kids have may seem small to us but are very very big to them. They can’t process information and emotion as adults can. Be patient with her and good luck.
If BO is an indication of a little girl starting, I better stock up NOW because my 9 year old smells like she’s got a bag of onions in a headlock…
My oldest was 10 when she started course we found out she had polycystic ovary syndrome had nothing to do with having a step father
Ok so 1st off, kids start their periods anywhere between 9-15 typically. 2nd, how would living with a step father make her start period?
3rd, maybe a visit to the Dr or psychologist would be a good place to start…
Puberty happend earlier for girls than boys and every person is different. And even so, some boys go through it earlier. Their may be an element of anxiety and stress going on with her also. Talk to her. Ask her questions- see if somethings on her mind. Dont push if she doesnt really give you an answer just let her know your there if she needs to talk.
What the fuck does a step father even have to do with this
Mine started around 7-8 with signs of puberty. The crying over nothing was only bad for about a year.
I got mine when i was 9 my “mother” got hers at 8 and my aunt at 8 as well it certainty happens and i think because of the age the mood swings tend to be worse hang in there and have lots of patience my daughter is 6 and im dreading the next few yrs lol good luck mama!!!
Make sure no one is making a woman out of her take her to a doctor
I started when i was 9.
They say that you can start earlier with a male presence something about hormones but I have read that before. However as to how early she starts will be her own. I started on my 16 or 17th birthday. I was a really late bloomer and it was a nightmere for me as well. I cried a lot and made everyone miserable. Hopefully if this is the case she will eventually get through it
My oldest started at 9 and period regulated by 10
Starting her period has more to do with genetics, when did her mother start hers? I would look more at diet and environment then just assuming her period is going to start. Is she eating a bunch of sugary high carb junk. She could be having mood swings from poor diet, also environment. How is school going, friends, family life?
I was 9… my daughter was 8… she only had 1 period. . But monthly moods and cramps since. . She’s 10 now. .
It’s due to genetics. . A stepparent can’t provide those though
My mom went through it at 9 so it’s totally possible.
Have her vitamins checked. I get moody when I’m low on vitamin D and B. Maybe get a therapist to help her work through the family changes. Talk to her about what’s going on at school. If she gets really moody have her go to her room and relax. Let her know she’s not in trouble but she needs some alone time to work out her thoughts.
I started my period at 9 hence the reason why I talked to my daughter about all that at age 6! She’s now 9 and I keep thinking anyday she’s gonna start lol! But she doesn’t act like that she just gets a bad attitude sometimes! and talks back!
I was 10 when I got mine. But I already had B.O, armpit hair and a little pubic hair. Starring at 9 isnt unheard of, although she’s still got some physical puberty to go.
Maybe shes having a rough time at school. My 8 yr old is doing achievement tests this week and they’ve stressed her out about it at school for the last two weeks. Shes not been listening to me very well at all lately.
My daughter started when she was 10.
Yes my daughter started at 8 she was young and had to explain at her age but I did
Totally normal, my daughter was 10.
Get her vitamins checked. I am deficient of b12 vitamin D, folate acid and other stuff. When my levels are low I get exactly like that and also really tired
Pretty sure its just a little girl thing.
My daughter was 10 …
That is more like over-tiredness if you ask me
That is so crazy that girls are starting so young ,I didn’t start until 15 ?nor did my sister
My sister did the day before she turned 9. Its not abnormal
I started mine at 11. Doctor says it’s totally normal but as far as mood swing it sounds like a chemical imbalance in the brain. I could b wrong but have u tried getting her tested for bipolar? Again I could b wrong.
I started at 13. My oldest started at 9 she’s 13 now and youngest is a 11 and started 2 months ago.
I was 10 when I started.
My niece just started at 7 and my daughter started at 9
I started at 9 yrs old and no one told me anything about nature.I thought i was bleeding to death as was going to dye.
My daughter started at 9
I started at 9. Started at school and before my older sister.
Anyways my mental health issues really started acting up around starting my.period.
My social anxiety developed, then it was extreme anger, depression, self harm. It spiraled extremely fast after I started my period.
I started when i was 9 hun so its not un heard of. Maybe sit down and talk to her and see if maybe something is bothering her in any way. Make it to where ahe feels comfortable coming to you to talk. Go easy on her hun.
My daughter started at 8.5 , I started at 10
U could request bloodwork, to see if there is an underlying problem
Early puberty is becoming more and more common. Some people have found that dietary changes especially cutting dairy has made a huge difference and even stopped what seemed like early puberty from progressing. That being said my oldest got moody around 9 and started late 11 my youngest is 9 and still relatively sane lol.
I myself had to deal with menstruation from the age of 9. It was very embarrassing. Was humiliated by other girls in my class who would spy at me in the bathroom stalls. No support from my mot h we, no one to understand or care
I dont think its got much to do with living with a stepnparent, but more to do with hormones. There is a surge around 7/8 and it doesnt mean she will start her period. Even boys get the hormone surges during this period of growth spurts.
Sounds like she’ll be starting in a couple of weeks. My little sister was the same were and she got hers recently. My other little sister started at 9 Too.
My oldest he’s 9 is showing signs he is hitting puberty doc also sees it outbreaks mood swings bo and voice starting to crack scares me to death he’s to young but it happens I was a late bloomer I didnt till I was 15 but I know alot of my family did at 9
She probably is gonna start soon. Just be kind and understanding with her. It’s hard being so young but maturing anyway
My daughter has mood swings and shell be 11 in a month but no period yet and she had mood swing since she was 8 years old
If she hasn’t even had her period yet, I don’t think you can blame menstruation. You just gonna wait another year and another year after that if she doesn’t start her cycle? If she doesn’t start till she is 14 your gonna waste your time blaming real issues on what some stereotypical thinking people think is going on. I’d look into mental health services before blaming a period that doesn’t even exist yet! Maybe it’s time to look for other possible causes to her behavior. As well as coping mechanisms to help her in the future.
just out of curiosity… What could your 8 year old have going on that you say “she is going through a lot” … Maybe you already have ideas about the root of her “mood swings”.
My step daughter had major mood swings. She was 7 when her dad and I got together. She didn’t start her period until 14 or 15. After years of dealing with the mood swings, she was diagnosed with bi polar disorder.
My mom was 9 and didn’t have a stepfather (this was 1970). I was 11 and also didn’t have a stepfather (2006).
My daughter started at 9
What in the world does a step father have to do with starting your period. I hope you educate yourself as her mother so you can talk with her openly about the changes in her life.
She may just need a nap. Kids are emotional when tired.
Okay first of all her living with a stepfather has nothing to do with when her period will start I’m not sure who told you that but its false. Also she is definitely starting to go through puberty which doesnt necessarily mean shes gonna get her period soon, shes gonna be moody all girls start getting moody around that age. I got my period at the age of 9 and had been moody for a year prior, my little sister got hers at the age of 11 and started having mood swings when she was around 8. Everyone is different and it legit has nothing to do with her stepfather being in the house.
My sister started at 9 in 1969
Wait… what ? What is this about girls getting their period early because the live with a step father???
Yes, I’ve dealt with and continue to deal with mood swings with my daughter.
U may see is she has a bipolar disorder
What would a step dad have to do with it? I had my first period at about 8. I’d get it checked out because there are ways doctors can intervene.
My daughter suffers severe mood swings but it’s from a val/val gene variant that was discovered with a gene sight test.
Having a stepfather has nothing to do with getting your period Really talk to her so she knows whats happening to her body I was 10 My older sister was to and thought she was dying
Hard to say. I’d talk to her about her feelings.
When I was a child I started at 10 . Was still playing with dolls. My mom cried!! And in those days she had a talk with me about never letting boys touch me. We were on vacation and I went to the bathroom at a restaurant and seen blood told my cousin who was 13 and she told my mom. Sooo could be! Or just wanting to be loved and more attention
I started at 9 years. But it may not be that. She just may be a highly sensitive girl or bipolar. I don’t remember being extra sensitive before I started and my mom didn’t find out for 3 months until she found my stash of bloody undies. And my 12 year old started hers at 11 years and she wasn’t highly sensitive before it either. It doesn’t make a difference but I lived with both bio parents, but my older 3 children have their stepdad they all think as dad.
Hormones change every half year like 7 1/2 8 1/2 ect
Me and you better know she has the answers to what is going to happen so she doesn’t get scared
I started at ten, but between 8-12 my life wasn’t normal. Your daughter could be experiencing a multiple of reasons. I would take her in for counseling, and see if you get down to what the issue is.
She probably has behavior/mental health issues. I have a 9 year old with A.D.H.D. and O.D.D. She’s something else!
I dont think having a step dad would effect her menstrual cycle?
What does her living with a stepfather have to do with her period starting or not starting early??
Why is it different with girls who live with a step father?
I was 9. 55 now and still have the damn thing
I got mine at 9. I am 44 now. This is not a new thing. People develop over a span of years, not all at once…some earlier than average, same later than average…hence the word “average” as the midpoint. Stepfather has nothing to do with it and I am kind of weirded out by anyone that would think this would have an effect on a persons biology. Far more likely the increase in early menstruation is due to all of the chemicals in our food and water than who is living under the same roof.
I got my period at 14 lol
I knew a kid who started at 8
Sounds a little extreme! Maybe take her to talk to someone. There might be more going on & she doesn’t know how to handle it or who she can talk to!
My daughter is nd has been the same way fer a few yrs nd hasnt started puberty yet. Shes 11 almost 12… I chalk it up to girls are just very emotional. Sounds like she has alot more going on. I think her talking to someone thats a neutral party will help her nd b very beneficial
I was 10 years old when mine started. I was living with my mom. Had to have a hysterectomy at 29 and I’m almost 44 now.
My daughter had a bad few years.shes pergect now.perfect