what do ladies do when there pregnant and can’t keep anything down, not even liquids??
I was like that my first 5 months, suck on ice cubes or take Gatorade and make ice cubes! I was diagnosed with HG and I lost 45 lbs. the only thing that saved me was Gatorade and zofran. I spent a lot of time at the hospital getting IV’s and gravol shots
Called my doctor, i lost 8 lbs in 3 days…had to be put on zofran…i was 32/33 weeks
I ended up going to the hospital cuz I was so dehydrated from throwing everything up constantly and they gave me zofran. Zofran worked pretty good still got sick here and there but it def helped. Ask your doctor for meds if you can’t keep anything down
Hospital, zofran through an iv
I was like that whole pregnancy my dr prescribed phengen bc zofran didnt work
Zofran was the only thing to help with my nausea. I would eat something such as crackers as soon as I woke up and that would help to
Go to the hospital or call the doctor.
You need to let your OBGYN know this and ask them to give you something to help stop it. I had to be put on Zofran for both my pregnancies because of this with the first one I ended up losing 20 lbs and the second one I lost 40 lbs. Also, do not be surprised if they make you go get iv fluids to keep you hydrated.
I ate popsicles, and tried to nibble on crackers or toast. Some times i was able to keep them down, other times i wasnt so lucky. Definitely tell your doctor and they should prescribe you something!
you’ll probably need some medication. you and babes need nutrients.
Freeze Gatorade suck on them. It helps put electrolytes back in your body. That’s what I did at least
Just keep trying to eat an FD drink 20% stays in your body and take some b6 or ginger
I went to the dr and got prescribed maxolon. It made it bearable. I lost 11kg in the first 3 months but the dr not to stress because the baby will take the nutrients from your body anyway
I would tell what I did and what my ob told me to do but I would probably get bashed by people who don’t do their research
Ginger ale and phenerghan
Mashed potatoes are easy on tour stomach
I was hospitalized and put on i.v fluids
Your doctor can give you pregnancy safe nausea meds
That was me with my first I just ate and drinked whay I can
I was very sick with my first, couldnt hold nothing down til after 3pm I was in the hospital alot for fluids
Zofran and I was hospitalized put on IV fluids and meds if needed
unisom and b6 vitamins! you can look up the right dosage for both of them but its a well known combo that works wonders. also instead of prenatals look at your daily diet and buy vitamins to supplement what you actually need versus chowing down a multi
Get some meds from your doctor. Also try to keep water and gatorade around. Take small sips. Its important to keep hydrated. Which is hard when you literally throw up anything that even touches your stomach. If you start to feel dehydrated go to the hospital for IV fluids. I had this problem with both of my pregnancys. Hope it gets better soon.
Get yourself a can of peaches in syrup and just drink the syrup slowly it will help with the nausea and calm your stomach. If you get sick just start over in the end it will help and you will feel better.
I’m taking b6 (after trying reglin promethazine and zofran) and just trying to take ginger candies.
I was hospitalized last week for being dehydrated and I had no potassium.
Try to keep up on fluids. My doc recommended sugar water or Gatorade to give a boost of energy as well.
Order some Folic acid. As long as I took it first thing in the morning I didn’t throw up or get nauseous at all! I went from throwing up all the time and getting nauseous from even smelling food to eating just fine.
Life saver mints.
Maybe an edible or a few puffs.
There’s like morning sickness popsicles
Throw up and try again. Pretty much it.
Go to the doctor for nausea meds girl!! Worked wonders for myself:heart: bless you hun!!
Also pickle juice popsicles helps!
Went to the Er for IV fluids.
Ask your Dr to prescribe you some Zofran. It helps with the Nausea.
Drops of water at a time. Protein drinks, small amounts at a time.
When I’m pregnant and think about food, smell food and moved I got sick. I was given reglin and zofran back in 2013 with my first before the studies come out. And in 2017 I took diclegis. My OB said if I ever run out of diclegis its basically unisom and B6. I never got sick with my second pregnancy except the last couple of weeks when I stopped taking the diclegis. All of the bands, pops, tums, ginger ale and ginger in the world never helped me.
Life saver mints, and vitamin water work for me to not feel like throwing up for a little while lol
Unisom and vitamin b6. Peach syrup, tell your ob
Zofran was my life line LITERALLY but I had to have the shots of phenergan idk how to spell that) to even be able to take the zofran. All 3 of my pregnancys almost killed me. Hyperemissis (again can’t spell it) they have phenergan jel to rub on your wrists that helped alot.
Ginger candies to suck on to help the nausea
Nauzene tablets.
Unisom & b6 every night before bed
Zofran aka ondansetron
Nothing for nausea worked for me because NOTHING stayed down. All I did was kept drinking fluids. And ate what I could keep down. My daughter is now 6
When I was pregnant with my twins I had to be on meds the doctor prescribed to me to keep stuff down it was a total nightmare, I puked so much I would be in the hospital on IV’s where I stay dehydrated.
Morning sick??? If not call dr.
If it’s longer than 24 hrs go to the hospital. It happened to me yesterday and I was severely dehydrated, if you ever took Azo pills my pee was the color your pee is on the first or second day of taking it. They will give you an IV with nausea meds
You can take Dramamine for the nausea.
Call you ob and get some medicine to help.
I was prescribed zofran, drank hydration packet things and went into the ER for an IV every so often.
Went to the clinic for fluids, at first, but I finally found a way to work with my aversion to water: I fill a cup with 90% water and then add some Body Armor to it. Also, mi madre made me some of her special, homemade chicken noodle soup. Other than that, I pretty much stuck to the B.R.A.T. Diet (bread, rice, apples, toast).
NEVER UNSOM WHILE PREGNANT!!! I don’t know how far along you are, but Dry Saltine Crackers was the only thing That helped me and it’s what my Doctor prescribed for it. But, at the beginning it’s very important not to take anything other than what your Doctor advises you on, and also throughout it till the 40th week.
Zofran. Tums. Zantac. If it gets too bad, call your OB or labor and delivery floor at the hospital you go to. If you get dehydrated they will want you to come in for an IV. That happened to me yesterday because I have the flu. Good luck
My daughter is 23 baby is now 10 months old, doc had her take 1/2 of a Dramamine tablet for the nausea- she was sicker than I ever was years ago and lost a ton of weight, it worked for her !!! Ask your doctor it sucks being that sick when this is supposed to be one of the best times of your life Good luck ! And congratulations on the upcoming baby
You need to go to the hospital to get on iv fluids and anti nausea meds, you’ll only get worse if you’re more dehydrated. I know this feeling so well, it’s terrible but I’m now 16 weeks and feeling human again. Feels like forever but remind yourself it’s temporary x
Sleep elevated and keep saltines by bedside and get something in stomach is as soon as you wake up
Take a warm bath and chew ice
Unisom and B12 every single night. Body Armour drinks and just keep eating and drinking no matter what
I see alot of people saying zofran but be careful with taking that as its been linked to causing fetal heart defects. My niece who is 7 now has a mitral valve defect due to zofran. BRAT diet and saltine crackers and ginger tea or ginger ale
CBD, ginger root boiled in water with lemon, sucking on raw ginger.
Go to doctor and get maxalon darl but as if you can have a shot of it in the bottom first then go get the tablets they rw
Really help
The only thing that worked for me was zofran and I had hyperemesis gravidurum. I lost 41 pounds when pregnant. Gained it back after lol
I couldn’t drink fluids but I could chew ice
High protein at night and in the morning…breakfast bars and milk or peanut butter…lots of it. Helps nausea along with ginger ale
I was diagnosed with HG with 2 of 3 pregnancy. We tried every natural remedies. Ginger ale, ginger pops Candy Ginger, bananas, crackers, pear jelly bellies, lemon heads, Sea sickness patches & bands before my dr IVed me 24/7 & zofran. I was on Maternity disability at 7 weeks with my 1st one hospitalized 6 times, stab myself in the leg 3 times A-day with anti nausea medicine on top of IV and zofran. My dr told me to est whatpever did I want
Please if you can’t hold anything down go to the ER get checked out! You can loss your baby
Take zofran! That saves me a lot of days! I’ll be 15 weeks Saturday and I still get sick in the mornings. Keep crackers or bananas beside your bed and eat in the morning before you get up. I can’t do crackers, but I can bananas and it helps a lot!
Ice…tums… surprisingly apples helped green ones
This was me for the first 5 months. Only thing that stayed down was watermelon for some reason
Bananas, rice water ,applesauce, and tea(I drink mint tea)
I got a Zofran prescription from my doctor
I was on zofran for all 5. My girls and I had different blood types the whole pregnancy their bodies and mine just didn’t agree. I couldn’t even keep water down and was hospitalized every Dr appointment
I chewed peppermint chewing gum constantly and it really helped. The doctors will give you stuff if you can keep anything down to save you getting dehydrated
Go to the doctor and get meds. Zofran worked for me. I only thing that worked. I tried all home remedies and none of them worked