How to handle toddler tantrums?

Hey moms I need some helpful tips to help with my 1 year old.
So my son has a really bad temper he gets mad and starts punching his self in the head or scratching his face and I don’t like it. I keep telling him no be nice to the baby and I take his hands and show him how to be nice but he gets more upset and tries to bite me. What else could I do besides talking to his doctor( which I already did and she said it’s normal till an extent) any advise


Maybe try just hugging him until he calms down so he can’t hurt himself. If he tries to bite you, sit him on your lap with his back up against your belly and hold his arms down and talk to him nicely until hes calm…

No its not record him doing it and show his doctor

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When they throw fits hurting themselves you hold him on your lap and hold his hands. Dont let him down until he quits

My son did this and we had to sit on the floor and hug him to us with our legs over his until he calmed down. But we ended up doing behavior therapy and omg… it was like night and day after that. We reinforced no touching no throwing and no talking when upset. Eventually we also got him a stuffy he could “beat up” when he was upset. That worked for a long time. Then we got him a ferret and taught him to care for him all by himself. He does amazing now. At home it’s still a little rough but at school he does really well. Sometimes when hes grumpy I have to take time with him (cuddle, cook, watch TV, etc…)

Definitely not normal

I sing to mine or I put gloves on their hands. Or I throw a fit with them then the quit n realize mommy can do it too. I just kick my legs n hit the floor.

I bought a sponge bat and let her beat up something when mad. Sometimes it would be me if I told her she couldn’t do something. I just turned and looked her in the eye and she quit.

For mine I did techniques that worked on my neices. Now every kid is different so each kid got different results but I started setting a nap routine a feeding schedule and would let him run wild for 2 hours to play if he hit he lost one thing if he bit he lost another so on and so forth. All 3 kids( neices and my son) started behaving better but I had to stay consistent any change set his behavior off

Hopefully is just a phase… I have a 1yo who has a temper and used to hit himself and headbanging a lot - we’ve reduced it with several strategies…Unfortunately, you interacting with him right after he does that may be reinforcing- and therefore increasing- the behavior. You may need to provide minimal response (if you can safely ignore do so - if not - block / prevent him from causing injury to himself) then, once he’s stopped - distract / direct him to an appropriate activity and provide lots of attention and interaction…
Whenever possible - especially if you know in advance he may have that response - try to intervene before he can start - hug him, distract him, etc…

I actually still suffer with this myself, what helps me is calming me down taking deep breaths with me and hugs, seriously are healing. Best of luck!