How to have a boy?

I have two beautiful girls, ages 8 and 5. I have always wanted a boy. I think it’s time I start trying … any suggestions? Any way I can increase my chance of conceiving a boy?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to have a boy?

Daddy’s sperm determines gender.


Eat more cereals before you try!

No.God and the daddy determine that


Idk how true it is, but it’s said that you’re more likely to get a boy if you’re with your partner living together in a happy home and environment.


It’s up to the male. Slower sperm is a girl, and faster sperm is a boy. Maybe put him on vitamins or Google how to make his sperm quicker? Might sound crazy but there are ways!


Dad determines and my ob told me if dads sperm count is low will be more chances of a girl


It’s up to the daddy.

Google and get busy :joy: thats literally what i did. Googled all the diffrent theories and methods and tried them all. My son turns 6 this year. Could have also been pure luck too. :person_shrugging: either way good luck to you.

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There is no scientific evidence that proves there are ways to determine or choose gender of the child. The sperm is what determines the gender. It all comes down to what ever sperm gets to the egg first.


Sex in early ovulation. You want to have lots of sex the exact day you start ovulating, day before and day after.

What about the Chinese gender calendar?


Look up Shettles method… of course nothing is 100% .

i’ve done it ALL. nothing ever worked lmao. positions, foods, certain times, etc. all that worked was nature deciding it was my time lol. 3 girls later and i’m finally pregnant with my son :blue_heart: good luck to you mama !!

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Or do the ring test see if it’s right with 2 girls first and see if anymore

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Yes male sperm is faster , so you have to hit your ovulation just at the right time. Just be happy with a healthy baby


Nothing full proof but I’ve heard a lot of people try to get as close to the ovulation day as possible. Y sperm move faster and die faster than X sperm.


Chinese gender calendar has always been accurate for me. Maybe try & go off that :woman_shrugging:t3:


My Mom always told me it was an old wives tale to aim high (doggy style) but my Mom was crazy so it is likely not true. :joy:

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You get what you get.


Male spermies swim slower so I always heard that if you only have sex when you’re ovulating it increases your chances of a boy… but idk if thats true. I have 3 boys, only one was planned but we never really did anything different to try for a specific gender.

Find you a man who can create boys :joy:


Lord have mercy… Is all i can say on this question


My girls are exactly the same age as yours but I now have a five week old baby boy…Get busy have fun I tried all the things u google about having a boy I can’t say if it was that or luck.

Mum of three boys here. Feel free to use my fella :joy::woman_shrugging:t2:


I’ve read that you’re more likely to have a boy if you conceive on your ovulation day. Obviously it’s difficult to determine that actual day, but there are calculators there on the internet that can help out! It stated that boy sperm is faster than girls and that the boy sperm dies off first, when the girl sperm can hang out a little longer waiting for an egg. So if you have unprotected intercourse a few days before you ovulate, it’s more likely that one of the girl sperms that’s hanging out waiting catches the egg. Versus if you have unprotected intercourse on the day of ovulation your egg is already released waiting to be fertilized and boy sperm reaches it first since they’re the fastest. Not scientifically proven, but it is a theory and does make a lot of sense. :joy: girl mom of 2 here and going to be trying for a boy next via this method. :joy:


There’s absolutely nothing you can do to guarantee a boy. I would only try for another if you’re willing to accept that the outcome could be not what you were expecting/wanting.


I’m gonna pretend I didn’t see this


Try on the day of ovulation and a day or 2 after.

Only have sex on or around ovulation. Abstain from frequent sex.


There are no guaranteed ways… Mom has nothing to do with the sex of the baby. Dad determines that. Don’t waste your time and energy trying to make something happen that you can’t control, and just focus on loving the tiny human you create. :slight_smile:


Tell the man you want a boy they pick the gender lmao

I’ve heard conceiving on ovulation day (not prior), which worked for us! :sparkles:

Look up “gender swaying” and join a group for that on fb. Diet, vitamins, ovulation day are all considered… that’s how I got my baby boy

Ivf and only selecting boy embryos otherwise it’s all up to nature and your man’s swimmers

This is what I tell my 4 year old…
“You get what you get and you don’t get upset”


You can’t pick your gender :joy::joy::woman_facepalming:t4:

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We have four kids. As of today they are 18 18 16 and 6. The oldest three are boys and the youngest is a girl. I don’t know any surefire ways to do this I don’t even know if you can. When we found out we were having a girl the doctor was like maybe it was just your time until she found out that my husband had served overseas and was near burn pits. Apparently something with those does something and makes it so the men can only have girls going forward. I honestly don’t know if I have anything to do with it so don’t come at me in the comments for it but apparently it’s been proven through the military that this has caused this but all I can say is I don’t think there’s any surefire way.

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You just hope for the best :woozy_face: -mom of 3 boys. Lol

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Nothing. My brother has 6 boys because they kept trying for a girl. I once went to a wedding where the bride had 6 sisters. I bet they were trying for a boy lol.

Have sex. You have a 50/50 chance.


I conceived both of my boys on the day of or day after ovulation…

U don’t get to pick and choose… there are myths But I personally believe they are ballshit U get what you get… there isn’t a way to make a boy or a girl nothing u can do.

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You can’t do anything…


Simple biology here ~ it’s the FATHER that determines the sex of the baby … so it’s basically a baby lotto.

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You can’t - mum of 4 girls :sweat_smile:

Ugh. And here I am 3 miscarriages later & struggling to conceive for 3 years. I’d be happy with either.


Try a different partner, my shits rockin…


I have 6 daughters lol tryd for a boy…

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To keep it short… There’s science behind it. Google it.

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You get what you get and you don’t throw a fit :woman_shrugging::joy:


I have 3 girls one is a angel then had a boy

Check out The Babydust Method Group Forum

There’s a book (backed by science) to help increase odds for gender swaying.

It’s not perfect, but maybe worth trying?

The man is actually what determines the sex of the baby. Best bet would be to find a man who has only produced males and hope for the best

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Seriously? Take what God gives you and thank him that the baby’s health!


Lol seriously? If you think this is how the body works maybe you shouldn’t have any more children


Nothing you can so but pray ND even then that’s not guaranteed or else a lot of people would have chosen different lol

Male sperm die faster so have sex as close to ovulation as possible. It’s easier to try for a girl because you can have second a few days ahead of time to let some of the male sperm die off :confused:


It’s said that XX carrying sperm live longer than XY. So for a girl, you’d want to try ONLY 3-4 days before ovulation (since more girl swimmers would be around when the egg is released). For a boy, you have to WAIT until 0-1 days to ovulation. This probably only tips scales by a couple points (52% to 48%) or something like that but it worked for us :woman_shrugging:t4:. Two boys, then a girl :v:t3:


Is this a troll post? Did You Fail Sex Ed or Did Sex Ed Fail You?


I’m sorry but last I check the males decided gender maybe have a pep talk with testi boys or try having a baby with someone else. There’s not much you can do about this either way.

Eat 4 tums a day. Boys are alkaline and girls are acidic


Tell him do some work lol i got 3. Boys 1 girl :joy::joy:

there are positions that will increase your chance of boy or girl. Due to the science of how fast they swim. Lol a better chance of boys are from the back. Seriously look it up. Science says girls swim faster than the boys. Or vice versa. This can only increase your chance. Not a sure thing. So position helps.

It’s up to the mans sperm, you have no say. Be thankful for what you do have or keep trying :woman_shrugging: We have 1 boy & 1 girl & that’s a wrap! :joy:

People these days! :rofl::rofl:

I had 2 boys then 1 girl with my husband. There is no certain way or anything to do to make a boy.

I would just be happy for a healthy baby that said I hope you get your little man

All in the DNA nothing but gender selection through IVF will guarantee the sex

Keep trying until you get one :laughing:


There’s actually a diet you can supposedly do. I actually did it and ended up with a boy but I mean whos to say it was from that!! No sweets or processed sugar, increase salt intake, lots of red meat. The point is to create a more favorable environment for male sperm vs female sperm. Takes 30 days to kick in for the change in ur system tho


If it takes having 27 kids to get a boy, then you got it figured out: what to do to get that boy. lol

There is actually a way to help but not guarantee. Get the book “selecting your baby’s gender” I changed my diet for 6 months, changed my husband’s vitamin, had certain timing and took temperatures like crazy and made our lives crazy for 6-9 months before even trying. It did work for me though. We had a boy after 2 girls. It’s your level of determination but being able to accept it may not be accurate for you.

Some of these questions just blow me away hahahahahaha


Lol there’s so certain way. But I’ve heard that the male sperm are faster, but die sooner…So if you want a boy you should ONLY have sex on ovulation day and maybe the day after… the female sperm are slower but live longer, so you could have sex a few days before ovulation and end up with a girl. It’s called the shuttles method. I have no clue, we weren’t trying for either of ours and wound up with one of each. I do know 100% my son was conceived on ovulation day, I have no idea about my daughter. We were told my husband would be sterile after having radiation for cancer in his upper thigh. May the odds be ever in your favor!!!


Maybe have a chat with hubby’s balls🤷‍♀️

Gl with that :joy: I’ve tried 4 times for a boy

I want a girl all i have is boys

You could try the shettles method :woman_shrugging:t2:

I got pregnant both times woth boys doggy style deep penetration when he …

There’s an old wives tale that if you finish :wink: it’ll be a boy

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Female sperm are larger than male sperm but also slower. Have sex the day of ovulation instead of before. Not guaranteed, but better chances. Also the diet thing that other people said. They say it creates a more favorable environment for whichever gender you are going for.
But I don’t know if any of this works.

I had a book years ago that said boys were most like conceived right at ovulation. If you want a girl you stop having sex a few days before ovulation. Never tried what the book said since I was already pregnant and didn’t know yet.:rofl::joy: grateful to have one of each​:heart:

It’s up to God no matter what you do.


We have two boys! We got ours from doing the deed on ovulation day deep penetration( Doggy style)

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Find a man who has like 7 or 8 sons and no daughters and have sex with him… still not a guarantee but the odds are in your favor :woman_shrugging:t3::rofl:


You have two kids who were female at birth. Who knows what will happen?


I followed the Chinese ovulation predication calendar was true both times for us. 1 girl 1 boy.

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The dad decides the gender, you can’t just make it happen by over the counter products or diet and food recipes


An old wives tale says to listen to Whale Noises :whale: While getting it on.

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That’s like saying, “I’d like to win the lottery, how do I increase my chances of winning?” SMH :woman_facepalming:t4:


You don’t determine or control that… the male does :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I had 3 girls and then read a book that suggested: changing my diet to get rid of acidic food, doing the deed the day of ovulation, and I think I had to lay around for a bit afterwards. We had our boy! Good luck

Unless you go and have selective IVF done, there is nothing to change the outcome. Male sperm decide if it’s a boy or girl. Nothing you do will change that. No matter what it’s a 50/50 chance unless you do selective IVF and have male only sperm used for the IVF

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You cannot control what gender you have :person_facepalming: it depends on the chromosome in the sperm, not at all the womans body. All you can do is hope lol


My Aunt had 3 boys and wanted a girl. She was told that if your cervix area was alkaline or acidic it determined the sex. She was told to douche, I know now days they say not to, with vinegar or baking soda. I can’t remember which one it was for a girl. Well it worked. Her next two were girls.

Baby dust method…change diet to red meat, potatoes, close to ovulation and pray. I have 4 boys and used the method but to try and get a girl…something worked!

Someone told me that stress levels determine it. In the stone ages if the woman was stressed around contraception time it would more likely be male because the female didn’t feel safe and males were needed for protection. Yet if the female felt safe and there was no stress around contraception and implantation, then it would more likely be female because it meant that it was safe to reproduce. I don’t know if this is total BS, but I was super stressed around the time my son was conceived and he was a boy :smiling_face: I wish you all the luck in trying for another baby :heart:

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Oh em gee🤦🏽‍♀️ I had boys and both of my sisters had all girls and we didn’t do anything different. We did everything the same. So nothing but God and the man’s DNA is going to determine whether or not it’s a boy or a girl