How to heal from a miscarriage?

Could you post for me, please? I am 27 and a mom of 2 kids, 7 and 4. My husband and I were not looking to have any more kids, but I ended up pregnant in February. It was shocking when it happened, but I came to terms and started getting excited about it. My kids have always had giant peep Easter baskets, and for the new baby, I thought I might as well go ahead and buy one during easter this year, so I did. I ended up losing the baby a couple of days ago and have felt fine. But the moment my husband reminded me that we had this extra peep basket I completely lost it and started crying. I haven’t been able to stop. Does anyone have any advice on coping with this? This is my 3rd miscarriage but it just has never hit so hard like this one.


Please look into angel names association. They are a great group that provide support. My sister had a daughter that died a few hours after an emergency c section and have been a very important part of our life. It’s a great community of grieving parents and families to help during this time. I’m so sorry and am sending you lots of hugs

I’m so very sorry you are going through this- if you are religious, try reading “That Side Of Heaven.” I was hit very, very hard with depression after my miscarriage and that seemed to help the most. Will be praying for peace for you and your family.


Just time. I lost my baby Analyssa at 18 weeks. It would come in waves. Up and down one moment to the next. Seek counseling. And just give it time. Healing thoughts are with you


Give yourself time and think of your baby as an angel in heaven

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Just went through the same thing, I’m the same age as you and have kids the same age and got pregnant the end of January! It’s been really hard and I break down almost daily.

I had a miscarriage last may and what helped me was honoring my baby, i wrote a letter and took my daughter with me to the lake, i read it and i say goodbye to my little angel, i let him go in peace and knowing that i needed to be there for my daughter.
If you need to cry, then cry let your emotions out so you can let go, it doesn’t mean you dont love your little angel.
Sending love!

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Talk about your baby. Mourn your baby. Find angel mom groups like stated above.

One of the main things that helped me after both of mine was when I finally thought to myself one day… my babies never knew pain… or hurt… or heartache… or this cruel, messed up world. All they ever knew was mommy & the love I had for them. While, even 7 & 3 years later it still hurts, I find peace and comfort in knowing that all they ever knew was love.


Aww. I have no advice. I’ve lost a baby before and I was devastated. But then we found out about our rainbow baby a few weeks later and I now have her with me. Which helped me move forward. it’s ok to be sad sometimes over it. Maybe u do miss having a little baby around? Talk to your husband :slight_smile:


I still get sad about mine that I had over 4 years ago. I don’t think you ever truly heal. Even reading this I get sad. I think it has helped to share what I went through with women who understand. :two_hearts:

I’ve had 2 losses myself… things I’ve done for myself in my healing journey… I made shadow boxes, received memorial jewelry, got a tattoo, held a closed memorial service, ordered certificates of life, bears with their names on them, blogged, wrote them letters…I’ve gone to therapy, started a support group for pregnancy and infant loss and run monthly meetings to help support families through grief… everyone’s journey is different and only you know what’s best for you… that could mean so many things… some that I’ve mentioned but it could be self care… take a weekend with friends, plant a tree in the baby’s memory, read a book… everyone grieves and processes differently. Sending you so much love and strength in this time of immense suffering. My inbox is always open :heart:

Feel the pain. Dont stuff it down. Acknowledge it. Acknowledge her. Move through it, not past it.

I miscarried twins June 2020… I still have issues with it…

Like with any loss you need to grieve. Time

Maybe pay for a star with your angel baby’s name on it from the Star Registry. You can always look up in the night sky to feel her/him shining down on you and watching over you and your family. Grief support as mentioned. No one knows your pain like someone who has gone through the same thing. Also check in with your husband and other children as they may be grieving hard too. Sending love, light and comfort to you. :sparkling_heart::star::bouquet:

I lost a baby at 5 months in 2018. At the time I also lost everything that makes us “feel” like a woman. Everything had to be removed.
With the help of my husband and quite some time of grieving I was able to move on.
Find a grief group, find your close friends, lean hard on your husband and let the grieving process happen.

Good luck and God bless you and your family

I found out I was pregnant and cried. My kids were 8 and 10 at the time. I also came to terms with my pregnancy and was excited to have a new lil one. My baby girl was born sleeping. The heartache we feel as mothers is that we begin to envision the life our little one will have. It’s almost as if you lose a child twice, the one in our womb and the star athlete we dreamt they’d be. There will be triggers with every holiday, would be birthdays and that’s ok. I’m so very sorry for your loss but know that you are not alone in this journey. Many of us walk beside you in the same heartache.

Yes u def need to grieve it’s very hard and go through the steps …try to stay positive as much as you can talk about the baby to people

This book helped me so much on the days when I could do nothing but cry and grieve :heart: it brings me comfort to believe my baby is in Heaven , in no pain and peaceful

My miscarriage was 6 years ago and I still get sad. Hopefully you find some peace :revolving_hearts:

I had 2 miscarriages for sure at about 9 weeks or so. Both times were very painful. I still know their due dates and still pray and tell them happy birthday. The first one was bad but the second one was devastating. I was in a very bad place. Both times I ended up getting a rainbow baby. The 2nd time around it totally messed my body up. I decided to go get my tubes tied and work on my schooling. This is a year later. Come to
Terms with the tubal and bam I was pregnant.
I think the worst thing in both times was my cousins or different family members came out to be pregnant at the same time. Of course I never said anything just how happy I was for them but it hurt. Or peoples comments. I know the family said - oh I though your we’re pregnant? False alarm? I literally burst into to tears. Or with the last little one when I got pregnant the mother in law said - well let’s hope you don’t “miscarry” again. Stating I faked being pregnant. (Even though I had a doctors confirmed blood work). My advice - grieve. Feel the emotion as and don’t be ashamed. And stay away from toxic people !

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Sending love :heart:
My mother always told me when I had 3 miscarriages that GOD took the fetus because maybe there was something wrong. It’s ok to have emotions and cry. I like how one women said she wrote a letter to her miscarried baby. That’s sounds like a great idea for getting thru this.

Take it one day at a time .

You need to grieve to heal mama. Know your not alone in this struggle always helped me a lot. Also reaching out to local groups for this helped as well. Time will help but prayer helps the most :two_hearts:

I’ve lost babies at 18 weeks and 14 weeks 6 days. I just got out of the hospital due to complications from my d&c at 14 and 6. It’s been rough. The best thing to do is cry. It is okay to cry. This was my 13th pregnancy. I have 2 living babies. It don’t get easier. You’ll be remembered by every little thing. It’ll be okay. Just remember there’s a plan for everything…

This is a loss like any other, you need to grieve. I’ve had 2 miscarriages. There are times I still cry about the babies I lost, and they were in 2015 and 2017. Time does heal though, and I promise you will get through this :heart:

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