How to help a sick baby?

I don’t understand why you are asking strangers on the internet and don’t have her at the ER. Babies can become dehydrated very quickly and die from it. Now isn’t the time to wait around.


Please take that baby to the ER :pray:t3:

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Please take baby to the hospital!

Just sounds like she’s dehydrated which you definitely don’t want. There are so many germs in the hospital and she will more than likely recover, so maybe see if her doctor can do a fluid iv or set one up for you somewhere?

Vicks causes mucus membrane inflammation in babies. It could be deadly.


You definitely need to get her to the hospital if she has only eaten 8 oz in the amount of time, babies dehydrate very very quickly and not to scare you but that can kill them very quickly so please get her to the hospital now


Humidifier. You can only wait it out. The baby does not have to eat but you do have to make sure the baby is still drinking liquids and making wet diapers.

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Keep track of her wet diapers, atleast a wet diaper every 4 to 6 hours for her age. Babies dehydrate really fast and if she’s not urinating then she needs to go to the ER.


Take the baby to the hospital!!! 36 hours and only 8 ounces! She needs fluids bad


My son was positive for covid about a week ago he woke up throwing up and turning blue so I rushed to the ER with him and he had 104 fever. They gave him nausea meds and brought his fever down and sent us home with Motrin and Tylenol, that was the worst day but I really believe that because I got my vaccine while I was still breastfeeding that the antibodies he got from that really helped him. I wish more new moms would be made aware of breastfeeding while vaccinated gives your baby the vaccine and all though they may still catch it the symptoms are not nearly as bad, because he only had 2 bad days and now he’s fine except he doesn’t have as big as an appetite as he used to but hey I’ll take that over anything. I hope your baby gets better but I would def take your baby to the er if the dr isn’t available


Stop the vicks. No menthal/ mint at all. Can make the baby stop breathing.

Turn on the shower super hot and close the bathroom door. Take baby in there to breath in the steam.
If baby is lethargic, take to the ER

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Prayers for her to get well

Boil oranges lemons onion n garlic and let her breath it in. It will get the mucus out :100::dart::pray::pray::pray::pray:

My baby girl had Covid at 2 months old, which I never experienced this, but I would definitely call the pediatrician, let them know what’s going on, and m go from there!

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put Vicks or mentholatum om chest NECK and bottom of feet wrap her warmly in warm blanket. I am 90 and raised 6 children all heathy 71 to 61


She definitely needs some fluids… Prayers momma

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Be very careful giving baby Tylenol when baby hasn’t been drinking enough (Tylenol had further dehydrated my son when he was small, a nurse I used to have said always make sure kiddos are well hydrated if giving acetaminophens or ibuprofens.


Get her to an emergency hospital ,I would not be on here asking that question she needs medical attention


I got covid 2 weeks before Thanksgiving, about 5 days later my husband took me to the hospital ( wanting to get me the antibodies) after getting an iv and oxygen, they found my levels to low, and I had covid pneumonia :pensive:
I was admitted and stayed almost 3 days, getting steroid shots for my lungs, I was sent home with oxygen tanks… it was horrible, im finally better, minus a cough, and I return to work tomorrow… keep an eye out for the little ones cough, and can turn to pneumonia quick with having covid, also if running a fever, don’t bundle baby up, as it keeps the heat in


Give her Pedialyte so she doesn’t get dehydrated! You can get it at CVS Walmart Walgreens!


I would have her seen to make sure. But, keep positive!! I know it’s hard when our babies are sick, but there are such small numbers of children having to even be hospitalized, and numbers of them passing from Covid are even smaller. So stay positive. Her little body will kick Covid’s ass. Prayers for you.

Sarah Simone Singleton :grimacing::cry::sob:

Go to ED!
Black poop could mean old blood in the small intestines

Do you breastfeed??. Breast milk is really great and this may help . It has alot of good things. I breastfeed mine when all my kids had the flu and my youngest didn’t get sick at all with breast milk!

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Get that baby to the ER!!! Time is precious!!


Does the baby have any rash ?

Try feeding more often. Like an ounce every hour or so . Maybe even do pedalite some

You sure it’s not rsvp . Get a second opinion…


:pray: praying she’s better

Please take her to the ER


You need to A never not go to e.r. 2nd always ask for on call pediatrician period. 3. Go to the ER


You tell them she has to stay in the hospital because babies lose being hydrated quick . If she will not drink much .

please please if you can help it do NoT let her lay on her back.

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my 2 year old had it, my 15 year old had it, my husband was hospitalized with it. yes, i had it but i put myself last and almost paid for it, but i didn’t have a choice. We did the vapor, the doc said i could turn hot water on in the bathroom and let steam open her up. I gave her tylenol, zyrtec and vitamin c . Pedialite also. If you feel your baby is dehydrated, you can get a syringe to make sure she is getting something rather pedialite or whatever. They may or may not help at ER. that age is so hard bc doctors will not do much, but you can take her until someone does. it is miserable and exhausting.


I would take her to an urgent care or the ER


We were able to fix our home and move back in after 10 months of waiting because of serious water damage.

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I wonder if she took her in and if she is doing ok?

Get a chair and take baby in the bathroom. Close the door. Run the shower on as hot as it will go with the door/curtain open and allow the steam to break up congestion and phlegm. Put her on your lap on her tummy and pat her back firmly.


Take to the ER. Babies can dehydrate fast


My twins got covid when they were 7 weeks old. As long as she’s peeing she’s fine but a couple ounces of pedialyte will help. Keep her elevated to help her breath. Use saline drops or mist to help soothe and losen up the mucus and just keep sucking it out. She’ll be fine. Also only give Tylenol if she seems like she’s in pain. Otherwise let her fever run its course and do it’s job. Luke warm baths a cool cloths are good enough to keep their fever under 104

Get you some zurbeez cough and mucus. It’s all natural and you can give it to babies as small as a month old. It’s my go to when my babies are sick. It clears them up pretty quick!

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DONT USE VICKS VAPOR rub on children under 1. Its super dangerous use the baby formula.

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Keep her elevated. Don’t lie her completely flat on her back. Get to a children’s hospital. Your baby needs immediate medical help. I’m so sorry mama. I pray she gets better asap.


Try using a medical syringe to feed her with. Just put a little on her mouth at a time that way it gives her a break in between to breathe. As long as she’s having 6-8 wet diapers a day she’s ok. If she starts having trouble breathing take her in. Run a shower and keep her in the humidity it will help some

I hope your little one recovers quickly. This is a distressing time for you. Such a tough situation to go through.

There is nebulizers on amazon with saline solution or ask doctor albrutal for it they have the portable ones you can walk around with

But she’s probably to young get The nebulizer anyway for older kids

Hot, steamy shower always helped with congestion- it will loosen it up enough to suction out.

The poop colour is alarming to me, unless there’s something you ate (If breastfeeding) that would make the poop black or some kind of medication you gave.
I would try feeding small amounts in a syringe… but whatever you’re feeling make sure it’s warm (loosens any chest mucus) …
Good luck!!

Take her 2 the ER & u may want 2 take her 2 an allergy doc & see what they recommend ok-

Pedialyte! Keep her as hydrated as possible, especially with the runny poop. My son is 9 he dehydrated and passed out bc we didn’t know he was dehydrated. He had no diarrhea or anything to make us think he’d be dehydrated. Covid is HARD on your body. I can’t tell you how much pedialyte helped my whole family while we had Covid. The kids even drink it every so often now especially when they’re feeling bad and it perks them back up usually.