Take them to the hospital immediately. They are dehydrated that’s why they have no energy. This isn’t a game. How do you not know that little bit of milk in 36 hours is extremely dangerous for a 4 month old
Prayers for u honey she will be fine my newborn had it. Keep going what ur doing. I went through same thing after finally leaving the housr
Is she passing urine? I’m concerned that she’s gonna end up dehydrated. I’d personally get her checked over. How has her temperature been?
Try doing unflavored pedialyte in place of the milk for now so she doesn’t get dehydrated, that’s what they did for my son when he had pneumonia. Milk thickens snot and makes it harder on them. Take her into the bathroom shut the door and run the water as hot as it can go for the steam to help her nose run.
If her poop is truly black plz go to the er.
I’d be getting her checked over, could be very dehydrated if not taking milk/fluids!
The stuffy nose can be from inflamed nasal passages… be careful how often you use that nose sucker. Watch for dehydration. That can happen to babies so quick. I would call an urgent care or ER and ask to speak to nurses desk. Tell them what’s going on, what your concerns are.
I’d definitely take to Er especially due to having black stool that’s usually an indication of bleed in the body . Keep updated please don’t take no for answer to have her looked at
Cold air humidifier, saline drops in her nose before each feed them use suction such as nose freda to unclog her nose. Morning feeds do them in a steamed up bathroom with the door closed.
I’m no doctor or expert here however, with my children I give plenty massages to their hands, arms, legs and feet…x well wishes little one❤️
There are covid support groups with plenty of mama’s detailing experiences! Maybe you could find helpful information there, or at least ease the mind some. Thinking of you and the entire family!
girl if u dont take that baby to the er. i wouldnt sit around and wait on fb answers, if i see my baby struggling to breathe automatically get her checked out.
Whe in doubt…or not sure take them back to the doctor… asap…I agree with the dehydration…you need to have the baby seen again
Straight to the emergency room with those black stools.
2 bottles in 36hrs …baby will be dehydrated she needs fluids quickly .
How many wet diapers does she have? If she has less than 6 a day, she’s dehydrated.
ER. Hes too young for any of these suggestions.
Take her to the ER right away… don’t be sitting on Facebook asking for advice. Black stool is never ever a good sign in a 4 months old.
I would try the above link before going to the ER. It’s free. They will help with all of your concerns and questions and will absolutely let you know if you need to seek immediate medical attention. I am sorry your baby is not well. Good luck
My little and I have COVID right now too he is 3 though so a little older so he can tell me what hurts ect. Atleast she is eating some and keeping it down? Having wet diapers? Poops? The black stools are a little concerning though. I would give ibuprofen and Tylenol. Ask her pediatrician how much due to her weight every time I give mine ibuprofen he acts like he doesn’t have COVID. Biggest thing is to keep her hydrated ! Lots of cuddles. Warm baths. You get in the shower and let her stay in there with you it will help clear her out with the steam
Future reference.
Doctors have an after hours answering service. Your Dr may not be available to see your child, but will call you to direct you on what to do.
Go back to the er. My baby at 1 month got covid as well as me and my husband. My baby had to spend 3 days in the hospital on iv fluids. My baby also has slient reflux and stopped breathing which is why we went to the hospital in the first place.
Trust your gut. You know if somethings wrong. These comments will either calm you down when you should be alert, or make you panic. Just bring her back to the er and let her get some iv fluids to stay hydrated and let the doctors do their job.
ER don’t worry about money or anything. Call and tell them you are coming. Is there a pediatric hospital/near by.
I would definitely take the baby to the ER my son who is 12 had it but his was like a bad stomach bug he lost 10lbs vomiting diarrhea and fever and it was awful they had to give him two different kinds of meds to try and keep him from vomiting it didn’t work and I had to switch between Tylenol and ibuprofen. I hope baby feels better
my 4-month old just had covid and she had a slight temperature was off her milk for a week so we introduced for water and she had gastritis problems for about 4 days but her stomach was in pain when she was drinking and eating but that’s about it
My two biggest concerns would be the black stools and the not eating/drinking.
Take her to the ER to get her belly checked out. If her stools are truly black (and not just dark brown) then that is concerning.
Aside from that…Typically for any kind virus one of the biggest issues is dehydration almost more than anything else.
It’s ok that she’s not eating as much at one time (even adults don’t eat as much at one time when they’re sick)…my advice for that would be to offer smaller amounts more frequently.
If she’s still refusing to eat at all…keep a look out for signs of dehydration (sunken soft spot. Super dark urine or not urinating, no tears when she cries)
ER immediately I had Covid it’s no joke and even if she was clear things can change quickly hugs
ER immediately I had Covid it’s no joke and even if she was clear things can change quickly hugs
Never give a baby milk when congested makes more phlem rice water/oatmeal water with a little sugar or pedialyte or chamomile teas as long as thier hydrated
If you can get a nebulizer and do it with ventolin and pulmicort (half and half) about every 4 to 6 hours it helps greatly with the lungs and prevent them to get worse! Hope your baby gets better soon!
I can not imagine not addressing this immediately. You could be wasting precious time seeking different Facebook opinions from people you do not know. Your baby has some serious health issues. I would not ride this out to see what happens. You are all they have to take care of them.
I just want to suggest looking into Vicks if youre using mentholated and not the baby one. It can be very dangerous.
Our son had rsv when he was a baby ( He was 8 months) he refused the bottle so the doctor told us to put formula/breastmilk or Pedialyte in a medicine syringe and get liquids in that way. One syringe every 20 minutes. Make sure she’s wetting diapers. We also did a lot of warm baths with Eucalyptus oil in the water and a humidifier in his room. He did need a breathing treatment at one point and some oral medication but was feeling better in a few days. It was a scary! Sounds like you are doing an amazing job! Just watch her closely for dehydration and labored breathing and take her in if you have any doubts at all about her condition. Mama intuition is very strong. Also, tons of cuddles and snuggles are beneficial for both of you. I wore my son in a wrap most of the day while he was sick. He slept peacefully and I could still attend to my other kiddos.
Get a vicks humidifier to help her breathing. I had it a few months ago and was extremely tired… Sending good vibes that she gets better soon
Use a Nebulizer to help with breathing,
Take her in to the er …she is more than likely deydrated needs fluids administered. Prayers for healing
ER ASAP. Black stool and not eaten enough in 36 hours. Definitely a cause for ER trip
Steam showers, and a warm mist humidifier close to her at all times. Saline in the nose, nose frida to try and suck out what’s blocking her nose. If you have an owlet, keep that on her foot. If she isn’t nursing or taking a bottle, I would definitely bring her in to make sure she isn’t dehydrated. How many wet diapers is she having? It’s always better to bring her in to be safe.
Johnson’s vapor bath, electric nose sucker, Vicks vapor patches for her crib sheet, bekool cooling gel sheets to keep fever down.
Keep doing what you’re doing. Also try running a really hot bath to get steam and sit little one in the steam (avoiding the water obviously!) Let her sleep as much as she wants and try and keep her propped up when she does - in a bouncy chair/stroller or chest to chest with you
Run baby on over to the ER. She sounds dehydrated which is even worse than covid for a little one.
I’m sorry, why haven’t you taken the baby to the er??
I would take her to the emergency room. Praying for you
Do not put Vicks on a 4 month old chest. It’s too strong. Take her to er
Don’t play around covid is deadly.
Sending love and prayers
Get some saline in her nose that will unblock it and a calpol vapour plug in will help with her breathing and calpol and neairofen keep her doesed up and plenty of fludis but if she’s that bad take her hospital
Vitamin C! The pharmacist told me that’s one of the best things to fight this virus!
I’d be taking my kid to the er. Your child is dehydrated. Get your ass moving now!
By now I think you must be coming from the er because she needs fluids they must put her on the drip if so, always have water at hand or even just a wet cloth to put it on her lips every now and then if she’s not coughing a lot give her something with glucose if she’s coughing grate union add lemon juice and a little sugar,let her drink a spoon every two hours…be strong momy she is very small but those ones fight covid like soldiers she will overcome
Keep offering fluids and sucking her nose out and give her Tylenol when needed at the appropriate times.
My 3,2, and 1 year old had it and so did my husband and I. (Was a long dreadful quarantine I’ll tell you that lol). Lots of saline for the nose, doctor told me to give my kids Benadryl which helped a heck of a lot with their nose and being able to eat and rotate tylenol and Motrin every 4 hours. Lots and lots of fluids and rest.
I would take her to the er to be safe! Other than that, she needs constant saline & nose cleanings every half hour-hour to even be able to breathe & to eat. When my daughter had RSV, Rhinovirus & Coronavirus in 2018. It was constant sucking out her nose and breathing treatments. If you don’t have a nebulizer take her to the ER they should be able to give her a treatment there and give you a prescription.
ER asap love! She’s dehydrated and black poop is not good!
NO vick she is to small… she could be dehydrating take her to hospital now. 2 bottles in 36hours for a small baby like that is NOT owk… play save. Strongs
Don’t take the baby to the Er till you rub the Vicks off. That’s how you get pneumonia. Are you people fucking stupid?!
Get in the shower with her let her breathe the warm steam. Hot showers helped me breathe better just stand in shower and hold baby. Praying
When she sleeps put her on her stomach it helps prevent pneumonia, have her sit up if at all possible as much as possible, sunlight is good for vitamin D.
Get someone to watch the kiddos and take baby to ER
My 9 month old is on day 12 he is good now but every morning, midday, and night we were using saline and the nose frida. I got boogie wipe and vapor wipes. We put baby Vicks on his feet with socks, back, and chest. We gave him pedialyte dye free. We have a humidifier on and also a Vicks vaporizer with the pads. We gave Tylenol and Motrin alternating every 4 hours because he had a fever for 9 days and we let him rest as much as possible. Every night we gave him a bath and frida baby has vapor drops we would let him sit in the bathroom with the steam it helps before bedtime. We were giving him mommy bliss elderberry drops and his normal vitamin d and c drops in his bottles everyday.
The routine was an everyday thing it can be a lot but it helped him so much.
At day 5, I was a little concerned since his fever wasn’t gone, but he was seen he was fine lungs sounds good and clear. If concerned trust your gut take him into the doctors.
Cool mist humidifier, NoseFrida Saline and use the nose frida sucker, prop her up when she is laying down. Vicks waterless vapor machine with the lavender pads for children. As for medicine over the counter not sure what she can take other than Zarbee’s cough syrup + Mucus at 4 months old but you can give infant vitamin drops in her bottle. I would call the after hour nurse. If she hasn’t eaten much I would just bring her back in. We did Gatorade zero but mine is older not sure if it’s okay for a 4 month old. Big hugs to you momma and prayers for your little one. Also smaller frequent feedings so baby doesn’t have to try to drink so much at one time with nose congestion.
Hot shower, but for the steam only, don’t let her body get too hot. I would NOT give Tylenol. A fever is a human immune response. When the body’s temperature is elevated, the virus can’t replicate, and therefore dies. So, by artificially reducing her temperature, you are counteracting her immune system, and allowing the virus to reproduce. I never give Tylenol to my children. At this point though, if it were my child, I’d go to the ER…
Sooooo, sit with her in a steaming bathroom with the shower on hot, humidifier with vapor liquid or pads, saline spray and nose suction every few hours, Hylands tiny cold tablets to help the mucus.
ER, ur baby would be very dehydrated with that little fluid in that time so will probably need fluids and black poop can be a sign of internal bleeding… young babies can get sick really fast from dehydration
You can take her to the ER and they can get her a nebulizer and that helps so much! My baby has been getting a cold every 2 weeks ot feels like and the nebulizer helps the most a long with suctioning the nose
Im amazed they didnt keep her in hospital on a drip…go back and dont be fobbed off …good luck
Suck out her nose with a nose freda.
My husband just had that same problem. The black poop is infection inside somewhere you seriously need to take her to different hospital and have them do ultrasound of entire chest and stomach, X-rays won’t show it. He was admitted With MRSA. Demand them to do something. Prayers for your baby’s and you. Put pop cycles in the bottle, try and get them all to drinking so they all stay hydrated as possible.
Take her to the ER. That amount of milk in 36 hours is not good. She may need help that you’re not able to provide.
You need to get her to the ER like now!
Edit: Take her to a pediatric hospital a regular will do nothing (talking from experience) pedi will keep her! Go find a different hospital.
Treat it like any other cold hun. Keep her hydrated, use vix, keep using the humidifier, warm baths, lots and lots of snuggles and only give Tylenol if temp is 102 or higher. Her lungs are fine so oxygen levels are good. You got this hun. Of you are still stressed about her breathing you can take her to the er. Most hospitals won’t check her in but just check her levels for you. Babies are stronger than you think.
I am praying for your beautiful baby
. You continue to pray over your child and I know God will heal her body​:pray:
Push fluids as much as you can.
Tylenol, vicks, sucking her nose and a cool mist humidifier. I got the vicks one with the little vicks things that go in it. My baby had it at 5 months old. It was tough but thankfully she did okay. I’m so sorry she’s sick!
I’d say take her to the ER… The amount of fluid your child has drunk isn’t enough… My son got covid a few months before he turned 3… he refused cups and wouldn’t drink we got admitted for the fever and for fluids.
Give her immune system time to do what it needs to do. Being sick wears babies out. Hyland’s cold and cough and zarbees are great for treating the symptoms to help bring relief while her body does what it needs to do
Sounds like she could be getting dehydrated, try giving her pedialite, push fluids and you can always go to an er until her pediatrician is available.
Ummmm please go to the hospital
Go to the ER if you have to. Request Monochlonal Antibodies. Magnesium for diarrhea. Pedialyte is great for hydration.
For the older ones, vitamin D, stay hydrated, vitamin C.
Id be going to a childrens hospital.
My son had COVID at 5 months, he is now 9 months old and he is still suffering from it, still coughing, still congested and not the same happy baby he was before. I wish
So the scariest part of this is definitely the black poops and lack of eating. I would be taking her to the childrens hospital to have her evaluated. Also run a cool mist humifier next to her. Use saline spray in her nose before suctioning her nose out. It sounds like maybe her mucus is too thick/dry to suction it all out. She will likely scream when you do the saline mist and nose suction, but it will help her feel better. I’d also call the on call pediatrician or nurse hotline (most insurances offer a nurse hotline for 24/7 questions/concerns for kids). Our 5mo old was just super sick and we had to do the same, saline mist and nose sucker, cool mist humifier and benedryl. Warm baths. Etc. it was rough but those things helped so she could eat a bit. She still ate a little less than normal, but not super crazy low amounts. Ask the on call or pediatrician at the hospital about those things. If her lungs are clear then a nebulizer isn’t going to help unfortunately. Definitely get your girl checked out and do the things I mentioned. They’re extremely helpful for sick babes. Also sometimes taking them outside in the cold for a few minutes at a time will help loosen up the mucus. Just keep her upright so the mucus drains out instead of going down her throat. Picture of me and our sick girl out in the snow the other day. Her nose was soooo stuffed up and a cool mist humidifier alone just wasn’t cutting it. So we did a warm bath and went outside for about half hour all bundled up. It helped clear out the mucus and helped her feel better and then we came inside and had her sat up right next to the cool mist humidifier and she was able to eat much better. Also if you don’t have one already, get a air purifier for your house. Idk why but it seems like when my kids are sick any little thing in the air can make it worse (dust, pet dander, etc). Keep your house on the cooler side without it being too cold. Warm/dry seems to dry out the mucus so it gets stuck. Cool and moist is your friend when you have a sick babe. Cool mist humidifiers are like 30-40$ at Walmart in the pharmacy section and work better than the infant ones from the baby section. Boil water constantly too. Get as much moisture in the air as possible. Also definitely bring tissues and nose sucker outside with you when you take your babe out, you will need them.
My 3 mo old got it. The pediatrician said to give her Tylenol for fever and if she has issues breathing go to the er. She cried alot and didn’t wanna eat. We just held her and gave her pedialyte to keep her hydrated and let her drink milk if she wanted it. And suctioned her nose for snot. If you can noticeably tell by the chest that the breathing is shallow go to the er. From what my pediatrician told us there is nothing they could do for her unless she was having issues breathing.
She needs to go to the ER if she isn’t eating! That amount of of food in 36hours will definitely dehydrate her quickly! Take her in!
Do not use regular Vicks on a baby. The menthol crap in it is actually bad for infants and does the opposite… it causes inflammation and irritation which causes the nose to produce more mucus to help soothe it and fix it which just gives her more issues to deal with. They make a baby Vicks but even that I don’t believe is supposed to be used until 6 months.
Dehydration happens fast…take the baby to the ER…
What are you waiting on exactly. This baby is dehydrated obviously. You need to take them immediately to the hospital.
See if you can get your doctor to write you a prescription for a nose sucker machine
Please don’t put Vicks on you four month old it can actually cause it to stimulate mucus production and inflame his/her little airway. It also contains camphor oil which can cause seizures in young children.
When my daughter was 10 months old she had it. We were prescribed a nebulizer to help her breath I’m not sure if that would even be an option since yours is so little. We also had her on pedialite. Her appetite luckily was not gone. She was sick for almost 2 months but afterwards fully recovered. Please take baby to ER if you haven’t already. Prayers mamma.
get a nose sucker. like nose frida, get a decongestant. and get pedalitye. if she wont drink pedilyte for u, take to er for dehydration.
Prayers for your dear little one,God please take this sweet child in your hands and heal her in Jesus name.
Sounds like a cold judging by the symptoms you described. Very normal symptoms for this time of year. She’ll be fine. All my 3 babies have had these symptoms at some point or other. The body knows how to heal. Don’t freak out.
Do not use vicks on your baby. Get some pedialyte, if she won’t take it, go to ER. Your baby is dehydrated.
Don’t do Vicks unless it’s the baby Vicks!!!
You need to take her to the hospital.
I was so sick with covid I couldn’t really take care of my son who was also sick with it. And my husband was hospitalized with it so he couldn’t help. But my son was 7 at the time. Covid is serious and can get bad fast. And in a child so young any illness can get worse quickly. If you are concerned take her to be checked