My daughter is 2 months old (she was born 5 weeks early and spent some time in the NICU) she was just diagnosed with severe reflux we have changed her formula and started her on meds. We are now having issues with her sleeping in her crib/bassinet. We held her a lot while trying to figure out why she would hold her breathe but now she will only sleep if she is being held or laying next to us. Any advice on how to get her to sleep back in her crib?
Please be kind I am a first time mom and am struggling with postpartum as well.
I know everyone preaches about no pillows or blankets but the boppy pillow was my savior for reflux esp at night
You can get a snuggle pillow hun, almost feels like baby is being cuddled, you can get them on Amazon.
Ignore any rude comments, good luck xx
Maybe her lying flat is causing her to have stomach pain. My second baby had severe reflux and I used to prop him up with a flat pillow. Just so he was on a slight angle. Hope you get the help you need mama
I put a folded towel underneath the top part of the mattress to raise it. Helped my boy. You can get special pillows tho which might be easier
My child had severe reflux and we always had to hold her up for 45 minutes before laying her down, we also had to get a wedge (approved and recommended by her pediatrician) when laying her down. In daycare she slept in her bouncer (also approved by her pediatrician) and of course was monited by her teachers all the time. Do not let your child sleep in a swing or bouncer unless you are awake and paying attention.
The chiropractor is the only thing that helped my daughter. Even the medicine for reflux did nothing.
My son was also born 5 weeks early and spent a week in the NICU. He also had severe acids reflux. We bought a cradle that could postion the baby to be a little upright so he wasn’t laying on his back as rhat was when the reflux would really bother him.
When my son had the same diagnosis we bought a woombie and it was a lifesaver we also elevated his body on a wedge. He is now 7 and still struggles with reflux but we still manage it just the same with meds
She got used to it gonna have to work on breaking it some times gonna have to just let baby cry its hard I had to do it as well
Make sure shes sleeping at an incline because of the acid reflux. My son was born 7weeks early and has severe acid reflux and thats the only way hed sleep 90% of the time he had to be in his swing sitting up. His rocknplay was a life saver for us. They also sell crib wedges specifically for acid reflux
Our son had undiagnosed reflux. He would only sleep in his boppy which terrified me or his rock n play which have now been recalled. I’d suggest a crib wedge and a bassinet that’s in touching distance at your bed. They just want to know you’re close by.
DO NOT PUT ANYTHING IN THE CRIB! Now with that being said, you can prop the bed up by putting books/ boards ECT. underneath two of the legs. That way it’s propping him up without slouching from a pillow, wedge ECT.
Elevate head of crib using blocks under top legs.
My friend used that rocking bassinet. Rock N Play I think is what it is called. She swore by it.
Our son went through a phase where he woulse only sleep with us. We bought the snuggle me co sleeper. When he was about 8-9 weels old we moved him to his crib in the swaddle me. Then we were able to take him out of the swaddle me. He sleeps like a champ now. Maybe try a crib wedge too!
Wrap her up as tight as you can in a burrito and prop up the legs of the crib to give her an incline or put a hoppy pillow under her mattress in the crib