How to help acid reflux?

How long does it take reflux meds to work? My baby can’t eat at all. Or stop crying. We switched to enfamil nutramigen for milk protein allergy and that’s helped him go to the bathroom correctly the past two days. And I just gave him his first dose of reflux meds.


Try gripe water, it was a miracle to my 3 mo old!


Usually 30-40 minutes

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My little one is on Alimentum (Nutramigen made her projectile vomit) she’s on reflux meds as well, as needed. In our case she usually calms down within 20 min. Good luck!


Try some gripe water.


It took around 2 days on reflux meds for my son. He was 8 months old at the time, and he was like a new child on them

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How old is your baby?

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We switched to nutramigen after enfamil newborn was making him throw up constantly, and gentlease made him painfully gassy. He was put on baby zantac and later on, upgraded to prevacid. It finally got to the point that we were referred to a pediatric GI. He was then put on Elecare infant, from the time he was 4 months until he was weaned off formula around his first birthday. He’s 2 years old now, and outgrew his milk protein allergy. Hang in there, I know it’s miserable for everyone involved. It will get better, just keep advocating for your baby if this formula doesn’t provide much relief.

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If the reflux meds don’t work soon, ask the doctor to prescribe an amino acid based formula. Nutramigen is for milk protein sensitivity. Amino acid based formulas are for severe allergies because the protein is broken further down than in Nutramigen. Elecare and Neocate are two good ones. Don’t accept Puramino - it tastes metallic and my son wouldn’t drink it.

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I gave the meds to my son he cried all day. I stopped giving it to him immediately. I checked the side effects. He vould not tell me if he felt those things. I took his cry as a sign that he was not respondign well to it. We gave hin a little oatmeal to help thicken the milk (dr advised) and he doesnt spit up much anymore. But he doesnt take the meds anymore either.

It’s my post; my boy is 7weeks old. He never spits up, but he screams while he’s eating and has the symptoms for reflux besides trouble sleeping and spit up. He hasn’t eaten well in 3 days. I usually can get him to finish his 3 ounces but it’s been taking the full hour. Off and on feeding. But today he has only finished 2 3ounce bottles. And he should have finished 5 by now.

Took about 2 weeks for them to fully work for my son but we saw some improvements within 2 days

My boy was having the worse time with reflux. We had him on alemintum and then nutramegin and he did nothing but make him worse. Come to find out he CAN NOT drink powder formula at all… he has to drink READY TO FEED and once we figured it out he is a brand new baby. He had reflux so bad he got choked and stopped breathing. He couldn’t sleep, he had regressive breathing from being so uncomfortable. I highly suggest switching to ready to feed nutramegin. Babies under 2 months aren’t even suppose to drink powder formula because it isn’t sterile and they don’t have enough gut flora or good bacteria in their stomachs. Also the powder is much harder to digest and it’s very grainy upon mixing which makes it even harder on their stomachs. We would even pre mix the powder in a dr browns pitcher 5-6 hours in advance and my son still had a very hard time digesting. Once we switched to the ready made he was brand new and his reflux subsided by 80%…

15 minutes later it was like I had a new baby!