How to help an alcoholic?

I been with my fiancee for 5 years… when we first started dating my mom made me realize he was a heavy drinker… never did I think about it because we were in our early twenties now fast forward to today. We have a 2 year old daughter && one on the way… couple weeks ago when i was really sick and nausea from this pregnancy I took my medication and fell in a deep sleep around 6pm. I woke up the next day around 830Am and he was not next to me. So im like mmm maybe his in the living room and no not there either. So then I check my phone & i have a text at 130am in the morning from him saying he went to his friends house because he couldnt sleep :woman_facepalming:t2: because i know he is a drinker it gets me really upset that he drives my car because its our car. He has his own truck that he can drive but since its sooo “nice” he doesnt want to drive it. Regardless I dont want him driving my car at all especially when he drinks! It pisses me off so bad because I tell him he shouldnt do that. So then I give him a facetime call and he answers and he shows me he’s playing darts and turns the camera around and i see a bunch of like young men passed out on the floor. :woman_facepalming:t2: soo i hang up because i didnt want to flip! He comes home and i tell him off because for one he knows how i get when i take my medication. 2 he took my car and he was drinking 3 he was out all night! && i told him i was moving back to my moms in a different city and he promised to stop drinking. It has been 3 weeks since that occasion & today was his nieces birthday and his sister offered him a beer. I told him okay 1-2 its fine… next thing u know he has like 6 & i notice he is getting buzzed and started to ignore me and not help me with my toddler. So i left the party and he went back in this truck. Am I wrong for being sooooo upset right now!? Like not just with him but his family too because they know he has a drinking problem and theyre such bad influences on him. Makes me just want to leave because he always gives me broken promises and im getting really fed up at this point. What should I do? :sob: thanks.


If you knew he had such a bad drinking problem, why’d you have kids with him? Why’d you think an alcoholic could have 1-2 drinks? You should be annoyed at them. But you should be more annoyed with yourself. Take some responsibility in the fact that you chose to have a 5 year relationship, and a child with an alcoholic.


I think you should do what you warned him you would do, hopefully it’ll be a wake up call that he has a problem and needs to get his shit together. It would also get you taken seriously because he’s just going to do it again if you’re all words and no action. And IF there’s a next time encourage him not to drink don’t give in just because his family doesn’t care that he has a problem.

His sister needs to back the fuck off! She knew what she was doing

It wont change. Move on

Wow so you stayed with him and got pregnant with a second child ??. SMH …


Leave then he might stop drinking to get you back

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Well ya’ll are quite judgemental… :upside_down_face:
Girl, things happen! Do NOT beat yourself up over having your children! That is ridiculous!! However, you must know deep in your heart, an alcoholic can’t make promises to quit drinking unless they truly want to better them selves. My hubby was a HEAVY drinker. I used to cry at night and ask him why the kiddos and I weren’t enough for him to stop. It wasn’t until I packed our stuff. 3 kids 4 and under and 1 on the way​:grimacing: and left him. Us being gone scared him something fierce and he decided he needed help. Maybe that’s what your hubby needs. A swift kick in to reality! And speaking from experience, dont allow him to have 1 drink… alcoholics need to stay away from alcohol. What ever your choice is, breath and know you and your babies will be okay! Much love sent your way!!:heart::heart:


If like you said he has a drinking problem, an alcoholic cant stop a 1 to 2 drinks! Not his family fault they gave him a beer they offered he can say NO! Leave he wont change until he is ready and if u leave he might get help then!

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So what’s your game plan for when he is drinking goes for a beer run ( or to the liquor store ) with one of your kids in the car or that while thing goes horribly wrong ???

Just to add a little twist to this … Our mayor here just got arrest for a DUI !! Yeah … I don’t agree at all with the drinking and driving period … at all …


Unfortunately no matter what you say he is not going to stop drinking until HE is ready to. GOOD LUCK. :pray::pray::pray:


He’s an alcoholic.
He can’t have just 1 or 2. Period.
He needs help and fast.
You may need to leave until he really gets his life together.

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Contact a local Al-Anon group. He’s an alcoholic. He needs help, alcoholics anonymous can help. It can get better.

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He will not change until he gets help!

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You can’t force someone to want to change for you when you’ve shown it’s ok for so long . I would leave and if he wants his family he’ll wake the fuck up and get help

Never ever offer an alcoholic a drink, ever, not even one, bad move, give him an ultimatum, go to rehab or alcoholics anonymous or you leave with the kids, unfortunately once you’ve gone, he will go downhill very fast, so if you can, make sure someone is aware of his issues and keeps an eye in him, he may not be doing great now, but I’d gate for him to get in an accident drunk driving and kill someone or even himself.

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But, you told him to stop drinking or you were leaving and then said 1-2 is fine. If someone has a drinking problem then any alcohol at all is a trigger. You can’t expect someone to drink but also be a responsible parent while intoxicated.


Do you have a safe place for you and your babies to go? If so you need to do so

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I don’t understand how these ladies will come over here to complain or ask for advice when they know the deal!!! so you know he’s an alcoholic and you keep on having all this kids whyyyy


Sounds like he needs a reality check to grow up, also sounds like he’s a closet alcoholic

He won’t change until HE is ready to. Truth be told, things probably won’t get better. I heard all the empty problems too, and that’s all they were, EMPTY!!! He has already put your child in danger by leaving while knowing you were medicated (you did nothing wrong… He is supposed to be your partner and help when needed!!!) Make arrangements to go where you have a support system. Feel free to message me if you want more details. Best of luck!!


Shame on your sister for offering him a drink. He sounds like an alcoholic and if hes gonna be serious about not drinking then he needs to not be around ANY alcohol for several months. He needs to go to AA.

Where was your toddler when you fell asleep from 6pm to 8am? Im just wondering bc was he supposed to be watching her…?


Have I missed something but where was the 2 year old when you were passed out from taking meds and he’s out drinking? I understand you need medication for what your experiencing but if a 2 year old is left basically unattended anything could happen during the night. He needs to realise this either he man’s up and stops or you need to move back to your mum’s. It’s hard with another baby on the way but drinkers don’t just stop and for your children’s sake I think moving out would be the best thing. If you do decide to do that I would Also not allow him to have children over night in case he decides to get wasted or drive the car with kids in it.


I’m curious about a few things one is what sort of medication can you take when your pregnant that makes you sleep for 14 and 1/2 hours? My next question would then be who was taking care of the two-year-old toddler while you were asleep for 14 and a half hours, they would not sleep that long and he was not there? Then when he was offered a beer you told him to go ahead, I feel that’s encouraging it perhaps you should tell him no and help him to stay away from it


Leave, you are not responsible for that mans actions nor can you change him. If he wants to change he will. Focus on you and your kids and if he cares he’ll clean his act up then go from there .

He is an alcoholic. He shouldn’t even have one. He needs professional help and needs to go to AA. If he doesn’t agree to get help and doesn’t change you need to leave


So you can’t get mad at him drinking at the kids party since you gave him permission…did you really think he’d only drink one or two. But my real question is from 630pm to 830 where was the two year old? You’re passed out cold and he’s out drinking…what if something would of happened like the house caught fire, the baby woke up and got out or got sick or any other possibility. That would of been my first concern not my car.


If he’s facetiming you at 8:30 am playing darts and is still standing he may have more than just an alcohol problem… I strongly suggest you head to your mom’s and get settled before this new baby gets here, go to alanon for families and tell him to get his ass in a rehab and then maybe consider living together again.

You are not wrong at all!!!
People CAN change though…if they want to. Do not encourage him to drink though. If he can’t really control it or stop all together…it will never change.
For a LONG TIME if I was awake, i was drinking. Every. Single. Day. One day that all changed…no deciding factors, I just stopped doing it. I have never quit drinking. I did, however make rules for myself…and I follow them. I am a FTM…I maybe drink 2 or 3 times a year. Usually when I’m camping and there are multiple, responsible sober friends with me.
I think time away, a week or so would be good. Don’t tell him he has to quit all together, but make a point that you can’t stay if it continues like it is. If he wants to be able to drink, he needs to work with you to make a set of rules. If the rules get broken, he knows what’s up.

Everyone is wired differently, not everyone can just up and quit something. Being able to be responsible about it is VERY possible. I drank HEAVILY for 8 years. I’ve been responsible about it going on 9.

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You have to put the kids and yourself first cause it will get worse and as the kids grow it will affect them. I was married to a drunk for 20 years and now I see how it has had an impact on my oldest and I blame myself for staying for so long. pack your car and get yourself and baby out and go somewhere safe, if he wants to fix it then he has to stop drinking completely without you there.

youre enabling him as well.


he obviously cant just drink a few

I have been through something similar. Here is what I was told once… you can’t help someone who doesn’t want help. You can’t change someone who doesn’t want to change. They have to be able to admit they have a problem and be willing to change. If they can’t, won’t, don’t then there is nothing someone else can do. You just need to do what is best for yourself and your children. When he is ready to admit and take steps to change then be there 100%.


Go to an Al-Anon meeting. It’s for the family of alcoholics. It’ll teach you how to cope with some things.


Good on you girl, you seem to be giving him a reasonable amount of chances. Don’t let him dismiss your feelings. You have great judgment and you know what you deserve. Stick to your guns.

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An alcoholic won’t change until they’re ready if theyre ever ready. My ex passed away Saturday from liver failure due to drinking. He was 31. I pray he gets help. But you need to realize he was an alcoholic wben yall got together. If he didn’t change after baby 1 he probably wont this time. You need to go ahead and move back in with your mom or what not.


That’s how he was when u met him. Dont expect him to change now. Id say leave… Let him hit bottom so he can try to change for himself…not u making him… Sorry ur in that position. When my so drinks i tell him to sleep it off at his dads house cuz the smell of alcohol or cigs repulse me. If thats his choice… Then go ahead… U knw… Makes me see where we stand. Good luck

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I would leave, maybe that’s the wakeup call he needs

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Also there are groups for people in your situation. You can attend AA and groups for people who have an alcoholic that they care about and learn how to deal with your feelings, what you might do to help and what you might be doing wrong.

You are living your future. Is this how you want your children to grow up? Seeing the fights, the pleas, the promises? It’s Up to you, you already know what needs to be done.

He’s an alcoholic. He needs to go to rehab or do AA on his own. Until he realizes he’s an alcoholic and STOPS drinking 100%, this will be your life. Alcoholics can’t have “just” 1 or 2. They need to have Zero. He needs to be clean and sober to be a proper and productive husband and father. His behavior will not change unless he stops drinking. This is the cold hard truth. There is a Small, and I mean very small, percentage of alcoholics that can learn to have “just one” and be fine and stop and known their limits. But 99.99999% of addicta need to stay clean and sober to not act this way. If you continue to stay and subject your children to this behavior you will be doing them lifelong damage from living with an alcoholic father. So he needs to get clean and sober or you need to get the hell out. Give him a chance to get clean and sober but if he doesn’t, save yourself and your children.

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Leave now. And don’t look back. He needs to help himself. He’s a damn adult. :+1:t3:

Leave. Obviously he doesn’t want to change. Also, I can tell you from experience with family members of mine, 1-2 is NOT ok for an alcoholic. He cannot touch ANY if he really wants to stop. That means learning to refuse it when offered or stop going to friends/family places if he knows it will be offered and he’s not strong enough to say no.

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Get him help so he can stop that habitat for you,your children and himself.Your children wants to see their daddy not drunk and being happy.Move back to your mom while he gets himself check out so he can do better for you and the kids.I pray that things will get better for you two so y’all can be a happy family.

Tell him it’s either drinking or you and the kids. Tell him you will help him find a rehab center (do they have those for drinking?) and an as group. Let him know that he has your support if he chooses to quit drinking. If he doesn’t, leave and take the kids with you. If he wants custody, start with supervised visits until you know the children will be safe with him. He is an alcoholic, one drink will turn into many. He needs to want to quit. Give him a choice. Good luck either way!

Yr not wrong for being mad but like others say henhas to stop him self u will never make him stop iv been through something like this when i first got married to by husband i didnt know he was a drinker untill the day of our mini wedding party and i stayed and went through hell for 2 yrs and there was nothing i could have done or said to make him stop the only reason he stoped was because he finally knew it was hurting me and he got a DUI he got a breathalyzer put in his car and made him open his eyes and see he needed to stop so he did its been 3yrs he hasn’t touched a beer or wants to and he told me thank u for staying by my side so maybe u leaving will make him see what he can lose

No, you’re not wrong. One thing to learn though is that you can’t tell an alcoholic theu can have 1 or 2 drinks. They won’t he able to stop at just 1 or 2. Id he’s serious about wanting to quit drinking then he needs to go to AA meetings, get a sponsor and not be around people who are drinking…including his family. You can also go to alanon meetings. Me personally, I wouldn’t divorcey husband if he relapsed. I’d remove myself and our children from the situation bit of my husband was actively trying to fix it, I’d be there every step of the way. I would however leave if he chose not to help himself. If you decide to stay, you have to remember that if he’s trying to quit, he can’t he around alcohol. At all. If his family can’t step up ajd support him wanting to change by not having alcohol at parties or whatever, then they’re not worth being around because they’ll just hinder his recovery and things will never change.

Run. They never change.

1 drink is to many and 10 never enough

You and ur babies deserve so much more! Leave! My prayers are with u.

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So who had your 2 year old from 6pm-8:30am?? Also, if you’re pregnant taking controlled substances (IE: making you fall into a deep sleep) probably isn’t the brightest idea…


What bothers me, is the fact that he may be drinking and driving. If he hurts someone in a car you two own, you could be sued. What about the kids? Will he drive drunk with them? Buzzed driving is drunk driving!


Wrong… telling him one beer or two…no, no , He is an alcoholic , He is an adult , he is a father and you are allowing him to be a stupid child. You need to leave for your children.If he Hreally love his children he needs to go for help.He needs to want the help.


Blame yourself… An alcoholic can not have one or two…they cant have any…if you want him to quit then stick to it…and when you have the baby it also means you cant drink…nothing…if you want him to never drink again then you cant either. Even if you dont have a problem…when you love an addict then you sacrifice with them…youre not wrong with being upset about the drinking in general but you cant blame anyone but yourself for what happened at the neices party…really you both should avoid any social gatherings where alcohol might be present…he should tell his family hes in recovery and if alcohol is at any get togethers then he cant attend…they can save the drinking shit for after he leaves…if they respect his recovery they will also sacrifice

It doesnt get any better just empty promises time after time

Been there, it won’t change

Ur not wrong for being upset… sometimes they gotta loose it all to get it… u gots take care of u andcur babies… if he’s willing to get help that’s one thing… with an alcoholic 1 or 2 is never ok and never enough… many can refrain but one drink and they can’t control it…

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All the messages on here like you can tell him it’s the drink or you and the kids what it boils down to is he has to want to quit drinking you could force him into rehab he could be arrested for drunk driving and locked up for 6 months or so but what it comes down to he has to want to quit and I think for your safety and your children safety you need to get out for now go live with your mother give him a reason right in front in his face you’re not there. If he wants you back he has to want to change no amount of threats can make him do it you need to make a drastic change that just make Shake him up enough that he wants to quit

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He’s an alcoholic and he won’t change. Best thing you can do is not marry him or live with him. If he doesn’t change he’ll die.

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I would be more mad about him drinking and driving and that he could kill someone… not just upset he took YOUR car and not his truck :roll_eyes:

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So what was your toddler doing while you were asleep and he left? Huge red flags run!


You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to help themself!!!

He made a promise to stop drinking. . FOR YOU. Then you give him the green light for a couple? That’s where you went wrong… your ONLY wrong I might add. All the other shit, I’d be pissed as all get out. I would have already been gone.

Tell him this… imagine he is out drinking and he tries to drive home. He hits a car head on because he crosses that double yellow line. He is thinking to himself, “oh no! What have I done?” While slurring his words in the same sentence. The car is unrecognizable and the 4 people killed instantly. He goes to jail and sobers up wondering what exactly happened. The deputy comes in to tell him, “We will wait on the judge to see you before anything can happen and so sorry for your loss”. He’s dazed and confused. Questioning what loss??? Deputy continues, “your family was killed while they were out looking for you last night and had a friend drive them around. All 4 were killed by a drunk driver who decided that he needed just one more beer to satisfy that craving he was having and instead of calling a cab or having someone else drive him, he hit the car head on after crossing the middle line.” He starts to ask, “why? Who could do such a thing?” Screaming and crying uncontrollably!!! The deputy turns to him and gives him the answer he is begging for… “YOU! YOU was the driver! YOU was the one who killed your family! YOU was that person who had to drive while being intoxicated!”

See, we never know what car our family can be in! You never know when an emergency arises that another person could be driving anyone around! You never know if someone else has your kids because it’s needed. You never know whose lives are at stake when someone does something beyond ignorant as drinking and driving or while intoxicated!

YOU NEVER KNOW! Once it happens, it CANNOT be undone!!!

Good luck to you. Please think of what’s at stake. Not only are your children’s lives but other’s as well.


An alcoholic has to want to get help. They can never have just one or two. He needs to not be around people who are drinking and he needs to be the one to tell his friends and family he does not want to be around it anymore. Leave him and make him get help. Then maybe work things out again. Do it before he decieds to drive drunk and kills himself or someone else. What if your kid was in the car too. Family is usually the worse ones to support an alcoholic because they don’t live with them and don’t see it as a problem. I know this all to well. Had a boyfriend who took off in my car drunk and crashed it.

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leave and pray for him

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AMETHYST!!! The purple healing stone can help in breaking addictions! Place them all around the house, especially around him. Do constant white sage smudging around the house and persons. Google this. It may help.


Fan adds

I would like to add some comments regarding my post.

The reason I have stayed is because he is truely an amazing person. He has had times where he would not drink for months so I know he can do it… obviously the problem is he just cant. His mother died of organ failure and alot had to do with drinking & he puts his moms death on himself since he feels he didnt call 911 fast enough. I dont expect pity from anyone because I know what I have put myself through these past years. we have had great moments but drinking has always been our arguements… the time he left overnight , my daughter was sleeping in the same room. So I saw she was find… && was the main reason why I was very pissed because As you say… anything could’ve happened!!! I’ve given him ultimatums but It doesnt seem to help! He knows he has a drinking problem. I asked him to go to therapy multiple times & he agrees but he doesnt try to look. && i do agree with most of you guys he probably wont ever change! I just feel like its 5 years of my life wasted & feel stupid ass hell for being pregnant with our 2nd… I do have hope just as any other person would. I guess I need to stop and put my guard up and my foot down. THANKS you guys for the feedback. I appreciate all comments. It’s definitely an eye opener. :pray:t3:


First off you never should have told him it was ok to have one or two when you know he has a drinking problem … ( once a drunk always a drunk ) they can never just have one or 2 it’s all or nothing so you helped him too and are just as guilty as his family … you need to tell him he needs to go all out with no if he wants to keep his family and if he looks at you for the ok then help support him and tell him no and then look at that person that offers and say oh I’m sorry we dont drink any more


He needs help but he has to want help.

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Yes, you’re wrong for being mad. You knew he was a drunk but you thought you could change him. You still think you can change him or that he will somehow change, that’s why you stick around.

What you see is what you get, he won’t change for you or anyone else.


Move on to your Mums until he decides that he wants to give up drinking and treats you properly. Don’t wait until you have a tragedy from drink driving to get things sorted
Be safe. Hope everything works out for you.

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To be honest Krista, I have just left my partner after Christmas because of a similar thing. He had a drinking problem and it was destroying me with a new born baby and 2 older boys to see him sleeping in every weekend etc so I left and I live on my own now my kids. Me and my ex partner still see each other and I feel that I’m in a better place now that the kids don’t have to see it and I don’t have to put up with the feeling of helplessness and depression anymore, I’ve been on antidepressants for a long time anyway. My ex has started sorting himself out and he seems to do it easier now with his own space, it has been so hard on my own but do you know what? I’m not sure I would have survived if I’d have stayed, nearly everyday I wanted to end it all because of the whole situation x


You got to make a decision,unless he really stops,drinking???

Go to your mother’s . If his family is’nt on board you have no back up . He does’nt want to stop , simple as . He’s a tragedy waiting to happen !!! Until he wants to stop drinking , no - one can help him! He will need time out in rehab if and when he does decide to stop.


Leave him im sure you can get someone better than that you deserve it think about your children

What medication makes a pregnant woman pass out?? Who’s watching the 2 y/o. Who’s depending on a drunk?

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U can never allow an alcoholic 1 or 2 beers. Leave to ur moms im not saying he wont change cuz u leaving with the kids could be his wake up call to get sober. Im with an alcoholic n grew up around them. They have to realize they have a problem on their own terms. Ask him to try AA it really can help.


leave him… let his drunk ass stew for about 6 months… see what happends …maybe he will learn to come home from work drink a beer and kiss his kids goodnight and go to bed with his wife like most good men do…

Shame on all of you who are saying that an alcoholic can’t change. Each one of these comments is a huge slap in the face to someone who HAS changed. If I cam do it…anyone can.


I left a man 3 yrs ago for the same reason he was 38, he DIED a month ago!!! I was glad it wasn’t me n my kids waking up to a man dead in my house!

I am 23 years into this kind of thing. Leave now he is never going to change. My AH is 44 and still doing the exact same things. AA DIDN’T HELP. REHAB DIDNT HELP. save yourself years of heatt ache.

Apparently 1-2 beers isn’t okay for him. Some people can handle it some can’t. I would tell him absolutely no alcohol or your gone.


Honestly, there is NOTHING you can do. They walk around blind and oblivious to the feelings of those around them. You can beg, threaten, leave, go to meetings, take up Al-Anon, counseling, pray, show them, take away the kids etc… Honestly it makes no difference a addict is a addict, he is a alcoholic so he is addicted to Alcohol. His Mother died from it and he is still a addict he didn’t run from it , he ran to it. He , HE, HE has to want to change, HE has to put in the hard work, HE has to reach out, HE has to see the effects, HE has to WANT to change and NOT just to say HE wants to, HE has to put in the efforts, the hard work, the mind set… You become a enabler ( like you already are now) no not on purpose… seems unfair to be called that, but these people are so good at twisting what they do till it drags you into becoming a victim and a enabler. Get out while you can… take your babys to safety and live your life. If he changes then great but, always Remember this will be a demon he will always fight but may Never win… its not your fault, and NO you cant make him change, you can’t help him change, you can’t change him no matter what you do… HE is the ONLY one who can CHANGE Him… Go live your Best Life , be with your family where you will have help and not be worrying constantly about what he is doing, how he is doing it, and jeopardizing your life and livelihood by possibly wreaking your vehicle, injuring or killing someone and you be held liable and also have no vehicle to care for your children. Also side note… a Father / a Partner does not sneak out while you are sleeping , on meds and leave your daughter uncared for or to have someone alert to care for her if she needs it. He couldn’t sleep because that Alchol and Party Life was calling him Stronger than his Children and Partner “Family” and Home Life. Those are the choices that he will always make… Alcohol and Friends first, Family Last… Save yourself and your children years and years of heartache and go be with your family for help and comfort… He will change or he will not… but it will be his choice and only his choices and you cant do it for him in any way, shape or form. The only thing you can do is show him what you & your children will NOT live like or put up with… Choose YOU, Choose your babies…


No. 1-2 drinks IS NOT OKAY hes addicted he shouldn’t have any. It will always get out of hand. Get him to an outpatient rehabilitation center. And NO MORE DRINKS!!!

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No you are not in the wrong

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Its hard to leave.but you know you deserve better.try to find supportive family or friend who will help you.move away from him.give him a ultimatum to get help and stop drinking or tell him its over.i know its not easy…big hugs and i will keep you in my prayers.

LEAVE HIM! I went thru this & my kids suffered for it. He was an aggressive drinker as well & ruined many things don’t let your kids grow up to that environment

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You told him it was ok

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My husband was a horrible drunk. It started off like this! I was 19 when him and I started dating. I ignored it cause I was having fun too. We got pregnant one after another. Two babies in and a horrible miscarriage I had enough. I had him arrested for being an idiot basically. He functioned he provided for the most part but he was drunk 24-7. He almost died twice before 35 from pancreatitis. None woke him up till we spent time apart. He couldn’t see his kids and I wouldn’t give in. He changed. Thank god! But he has to hit HIS rock bottom before that happens. Leave and don’t look back! If he really loves you and your children he will figure shit out. Good luck xoxo

I’m from a family of alcoholics…and each one is different. Only one rule stands NEVER enable…don’t give them permission to drink. A non-alcoholic has limits and abides by them. An alcoholic had no limit as soon as that first sip is accomplished their brain and their body only wants more and they can’t just shut that off. Some of my family members have gone to AA or rehab and it’s helped , others stayed sober a short time and relapsed (repeatedly). Some have quit cold turkey on their own. If they want to quit they find a way that works for them to do. Sadly, I have many that would rather be alone and drink themselves into the ground instead of trying to fix their lives or relationships. Ultimately you need to stay strong for you and your little ones and don’t give in, it can be toxic for your children. If he wants to keep you he will make the changes to get himself better…if he doesn’t move on because it’s not worth it.

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Your not wrong , but for 1 you are not his mother , 2 leave him if you .

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If he gave it up why in the hell would you give him a beer so soon after him stopping. You have no right to be pissed because you basically gave the drug addict his drugs back


I would leave a loser like him

Go to Al Anon meetings. They will help you to get strong enough to either help him or leave him. Either way you will be stronger


He sounds like me. Can’t just have one or two drinks. ALWAYS ends up being a LOT more. I used to be an alcoholic. After everything, I’ve learned how to control it. Wasn’t easy but I can happen. If you really want to try and open his eyes, call the cops about drunk driving next time he leaves. Not something I wish for people to go thru as I had a DUI 8 years ago, but maybe it’ll open his eyes. Or he won’t learn. 50/50 chance. Won’t know til you do something about it

My hubby is the same way. I have learned over & over again an alcoholic is an alcoholic! If he stops & asks you if he can have A beer say NO! Because it will turn out the same way everytime & they wont stop drinking until you threaten to leave again. They’ll stop til the next time maybe a week maybe 3yrs. You’ll look controlling AF to his friends & family. They will talk shit & try to get him to drink. It’s a battle for sure.
Best of Luck!

Nothing you do is going to stop him. He has to want to quit. I suggest you take care of you and your babies. Leave and don’t look back

When me and my husband got together he drank to much too. I finally realized it and told him it was me or the alcohol. He chose me and has been sober for 3 years. He still has a few every now and again, but he still chose me and never gets drunk. You need to leave. He isn’t choosing you