How to help baby stay full longer?

Consult your DR about it. We all have different experiences Dr will know what is best! You are doing great!!

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Just feed him more and skip the cereal. New borns dont need that. Ask the doctor they will tell you why its dangerous


My baby ate ALOT when she was a newborn. 4 or 5 oz EASY every 2 hr or so. Still no rice

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Feed on demand. Your baby knows when heā€™s full, he will stop by hinself. :kissing_heart:

Try every 2-2.5 hours


3 weeks is WAYYYY too young to be adding cereal or anything else to the milk. Most babies at that age eat ALOT. When mine were that age they were I felt like I was feeding them ALL the time. I was exhausted & I didnā€™t understand why they seemed to constantly be hungry when I had just fed them but at that age theyā€™re getting growth spurts & cluster feeding. I know you donā€™t WANT to add formula but if you arenā€™t producing enough milk to feed him you may have to add in some formula to feed between breasts. Hang in there itā€™ll get better, but whatever you do DO NOT give that baby cereal or anything else until heā€™s a bit older.


I would talk to your child pediatrician if itā€™s a concern not to be rude but the doctor will know better then self proclaimed experts on Facebook good luck. Also babies are known to go through growth spurts at 3 weeks 6 weeks 3 months 6 month and so on

Thatā€™s not bad mine was nursing every hourvti hour and half at that time and still will go that much at times breast milk digests faster thatā€™s why they seem hungry more at that age you are suppose to feed on demand anyway

Used cereal for all mineā€¦ started at 2 months or so.
But, at 25 days old, that sounds like a perfectly normal routine. Especially with BM!

Donā€™t have a set time when breastfeeding. Itā€™s not formula, he will digest breastmilk and get hungrier a lot quicker than he would if he was eating formula. Just feed on demand offer the breast every 5 to 10 minutes if you can. The more heā€™s on there the more milk you will make. He will know when to quit feeding. My boy was 5lbs at birth and Iā€™ve never let him go longer than 2 hours without feeding him. He likes to eat a lot and every 30 minutes to an hour now that he is 4 months. Itā€™s hard work and takes a lot of time &patience but it will all work itself out in the end and itā€™s the best thing for him.

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Its waaaaay to early for cereal. Everything else seems normal.

Breastfed babies eat more often than formula. Nurse on demand

I wouldnā€™t add rice cereal at all, even when they are older I wouldnā€™t add it (personal preference). Trying increasing the frequency or adding formula (I know you said you donā€™t want to but I was forced to as my second had such a huge appetite I couldnā€™t keep up with supply).


heā€™s 3 weeks old and eats every 3.5-4 hoursā€¦ I honestly donā€™t see the issues. Babies know when theyā€™re full. Donā€™t add cereal to your newbornā€™s milk. Heā€™s eating fine


Mine nursed every 2 -3 hours so I think your doing fine

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I never looked at the clock when breastfeeding. If heā€™s hungry, feed him.


Ik u donā€™t wanna bring in formula but maybe 1/2 1/2 breast milk and formulaā€¦ formula is thicker then breast milk might keep him fuller longerā€¦ and that way u can still do breast milk also

NO! Add more milk, NOT cereal. Digestive system is not developed enough to give cereal. And idc how many people tell you my mom and my grandma and everyone didā€¦donā€™t do it!


Whatā€™s wrong with how often heā€™s eating?

HE IS A THREE WEEK OLD. no!!! Just no!!! Every baby demands a different amount and you better FEED THAT BABY!!!


Heā€™s too young for cereal. Everything youā€™re describing sounds like a healthy baby.

No solids! Demand feeding, be patient your breasts will adjust! Every baby feeds differently :heart_eyes:


Thatā€™s completely normal for a breastfed baby. Breast milk is digested quickly. No need to add anything.


Ur milk supply is still coming heā€™s maybe taking a growth spurt. Just have him on boob more x


My baby is almost 3 weeks old she eats constantly the past three days. My pediatrician said shes growing so shes going to need more fuel and more sleep. Call your dr if it concerns you but definitely ask before adding anything to bottles

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No rice, latch baby onto you as often as youā€™re around. Only offer bottles if you canā€™t be there. Research cluster feeding, 3 weeks is a huge growth spurt. Do not add solids before his tummy is ready. Just nurse as much as possible to increase production to what baby needs. Good luck


Is your milk strong enough might need more feeding time

My friend use to mix the formula and breast milk

Definitely no rice cereal yet and most babies do eat 3 hours some eat sooner than that. You canā€™t not feed your baby every 3 hours of thatā€™s when itā€™s hungry because your supply wonā€™t keep up. I understand not wanting to use formula because I went through the same thing but had to use it because I couldnā€™t produce enough! Baby is always growing and always hungry. You got need to keep breastfeeding or use formula if your supply doesnā€™t keep up!


I donā€™t see the issueā€¦do not give a baby rice cereal.


Omg that would have been heaven I was up every hour and a halve to 2 hours . And when. Cluster feeding every 45 mins

Both my boys ate every 2 hours for a long time before they spaced it out more. They were 9lb4oz and 9lb. I wouldnā€™t give anything else at this age. This is normal cluster feeding.

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YES ADD IT. CALL YOUR PEDIATRICIAN!!! Mine put all 3 of my kids on cereal at a week old. FEED THE BABY!!! USE YOUR BEST JUDGMENT. RICE WILL NOT HURT THE BABYS INSIDES. It is a filler and completely harmless!!!
PLEASE CALL AND ASK ANY PROFESSIONAL NOT JUST A MOMS GROUP ON THIS. I can not believe the ones saying this is normal and not to feed him :rage:

No cereal in the bottle!!! Heā€™s to young for that


4 oz is to much every three hours if your are breastfeeding. A breast fed baby only needs 1-1.25 oz for every hour & will never need more than 4 oz at a time if you are pacefeeding correctly. Essentially, you are stretching babies tummy & over feeding. Also, do not put rice or anything in a bottle. It is a choking hazard & not recommended. Just because someone elseā€™s kid is fine, doesnā€™t mean yours will be.


You feed every 2 hours first off at that age that will boost your supply


Breastfeed more often for longer or swith to plain formula no cereal

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Heā€™s way too young, just give him more boob time.

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At that age a baby should still be nursing every 2 hoursā€¦ try feeding him those 4 oz every two hours. Heā€™s too little. He shouldnā€™t need rice cereal.

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Some babies just need a lot of food. Rice cereal is void of nutrition compared to breastmilk. You shouldnā€™t fill him up without the nutrition.

My son ate like crazy as an infant and now heā€™s 2 and just a very tall kid. He still eats a lot.

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My almost 5 month old has done this since birth. :upside_down_face::crazy_face:

Do not add cereal to bottles! Breastfeed on demand and donā€™t worry about it schedule. Your doing great.

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Our pediatrician said that breastfed babies shouldnā€™t go longer than every two hours between feedings at that age.


My Dr approved rice cereal at 6wks.
3wks is a bit young. Iā€™d ask if adding teaspoon would be ok. Some Drā€™s say Yes, some say No.

Feed baby when baby is hungry. Period.


Feed is best. If hes hungry feed him. The more he breastfeeds the more ur milk supply will produce. Just feed the baby :heart:

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Donā€™t add cereal to babyā€™s bottle, no solid food until baby can sit up unassisted around 6 months. Have you tried nursing at the breast? It can help boost your supply.


Is your baby gaining weight?

Do not put cereal in the bottle that is a choking hazard!


Heā€™s too young for cereal .


I agree fed is best. Please do not make your baby sick by putting cereal in the bottles. :frowning:

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My baby is 10 MONTHS old and she rarely goes 4 waking hours between nursing. If you are breastfeeding on demand, your supply will adjust and keep up. Itā€™s really hard and exhaustingā¤ļø Good luck

If anything I would suggest a little bit of formula for spit up (such as Enfamil A.R.) in with the milk. I understand your little one is not spitting up, but it does thicken things in a safe(r) manner. We have been doing this for our 4 month old for a while and it keeps him fuller a bit longer.

This is normal. Do not add anything to his milk. The more you pump and feed the more you will produce. Both my boys nursed every 2.5 hours around the clock. I know you are tired but you need to keep it up. You can do it.

Give him 2 more ounces, too young for cereal. Introduce formula and alternate, some babies are not like others. My 16 year old now was like clockwork and never got full with 4oz so baby got 2 more oz per night in between feedings. Also 2 oz of chamomile caffeine free warm tea will keep them sleeping peacefully longer and itā€™s completely safe for them. ā€œOld school babyā€!


The day my grandson was born he started out with 4 oz btls usually they eat 2 oz and quit, nothin he ate all 4 and was crying for more so we opened up another btl and he ate 2 more ounces.No more crying, he was satisfied.

If you want to stick with breast milk, feed off the breast every time he gets hungry. Feed using both sides. Thereā€™s 2 types of breast milk that I learned about. The first portion of milk that comes out of your breast is more like a hydration milk and the second half of the milk is the more filling food milk. La leche league has a lot of great info on breastfeeding if you want to read. The best way to amp up supply is nursing at the breast every time your baby needs it. Itā€™s difficult. I know. Iā€™m a stay at home mom and my son fed frequently as did my daughter.


Put a little karo syrup about half teaspoon in the chamomile warm tea. You will see your baby will love it, introduce at night in between feedings, mom will get more rest, baby will be full and sleep good. Baby will have a good bowl movement the next day, but will be good, it cleanse their tummy from the toxins and it takes away the colic if any all while giving baby and mom some peaceful sleep. Good luck, you can find it at Walmart.

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Ask the doc.
Our kids were 9-11 pounds at birth and 4 -6 oz every 3-4 hours. Before you add anything call your doc.

Every 2 hours 4oz is normal. If he goes every 3.5 hours without feeding Iā€™m surprised. Feed him when hes hungry.

At that age they nurse/eat almost constantly this is normal. Donā€™t add cereal to the milk please. Itā€™s way too early

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Add some formula, heā€™s too young for cereal. FED IS BEST


Feed him more. My youngest now (shes 3 months) started eating 4 oz every 3-4 hours at 2 weeks old. Sheā€™s now eating 5oz every 4-5 hours. Feed him some more formula. Judy because your eldest ate that much doesnt mean your youngest will. My eldest ate about 2 oz from birth-3 months then went up to 4 oz. Each baby is different.

I think itā€™s hilarious when people say putting cereal in the bottle is a choking hazardā€¦ Do they even use their brains? Itā€™s not like youā€™re adding cheerios to the bottle. Lol. It literally BARELY thickens the breastmilk or formula because you only use 1-2 tablespoonsā€¦ :woman_facepalming: Some people just arenā€™t very smart. I agree that 3 weeks is petty young to start that but by around 2 months itā€™s perfectly fine!!!

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3wks is way too young for cereal. Way. Too. Young. Call your doctor!! Donā€™t ask FB!!! :woman_facepalming:t2: You just want the majority to say yes use it because you know your doctor will SAY NO!!!

Do not add anything to the bottle without a dietician telling you to. A 3 week old baby canā€™t handle anything like that


Since baby doesnā€™t have acid reflux baby is too young for cereal and donā€™t add it to their bottle, it becomes a choking hazard. Always spoon feed and not until baby is sitting up unassisted. And baby is going through a growth spurt. Not all babies are the same. My first baby ate fairly normal like your first. My second was a piglet by 2 months eating 6oz every 4 hours. My doctor told me to feed her. Babies canā€™t over eat. And not to give them anything else. All cereal is filler. It has no real nutrition value and itā€™s just something babies practice with. I formula fed my older children and my doctor would just tell me if I strictly breastfeeding I wouldnā€™t have a clue how much my baby ate and just to feed my baby. Babies can feed every 2-3 hours too. Thatā€™s still very normal, especially if baby is going through a growth spurt, which Iā€™m sure at 3w is very possible.

Babies burn through breast milk faster than formula from what Iā€™ve heard

Way too young for cereal or rice!

Heā€™s too little for cereal/oatmeal. Your body is amazing and will produce more as he needs it. Stay strong mama!

Please just feed himā€¦if your breastfeeding let him latch onā€¦all day if he wants thatā€™s what breastfed newborns do. He is a newborn and about to go through a growth spurt so if your not willing to put him to your boob and Feed-On-Demand till he is finished, then a couple ounces of formula after breast milk is necessary. Also STOP GIVING HIM CEREAL!!! itā€™s to earlyā€¦he needs milk not the empty calories from the cereal to ā€œfeel fullā€ he needs to actually be full of nutrient rich milk. Every baby is differentā€¦also depending on your diet your milk can change, your milk may be more like water and not calorie full depending on what and when you ate, thus most breastfeed babyā€™s are aloud to eat as much and as often as they need/want. Formula is different it is consistent in the calorie amount so you know exactly what heā€™s getting. Yes breastfed is first choice but #fedisbest !!! I breastfeed both my babyā€™s till 2 years old.

I worked for a pediatrician years ago that said only milk for the 1st year because starting real food makes the more likely to have weight problems as toddler, kids, etc

Its called a GROWTH SPURT. COMFORT NURSING. Nurse on demand and stop pumpping. Your milk supply will. Be dwindling down if you supplememt or fortify with formula or rice. Its normal for a 3 week old baby to always seem hungry its a part of regulating your milk! Please do not go to your pediatrician for breastfeeding advice go to a lactation consultant. Dont know where one is? Call your local health departments WIC they have a ton of lactation consultants there and you dont have to have wic to get help or advice from them.


Feed him more and pump more your breasts will start producing more.

3 hours in between is too long. Both of mine fed on demand and would eat every hour

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My BD daughter was wanting to latch every 1-2 hrs at that age. Itā€™s normal, feed your baby what he needs - not fillers!


Feed on demand at this age. Itā€™s exhausting, I know. You may not get to pump in between, you may have to continually nurse. Even if you do have to bring formula into play, fed is best.
Definitely NO cereal! WAAAAAAAY too early. They dont approve cereal until 4-6 months. Your ped will tell you when its time.

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No he is too young for food yet. He should be eating every 3 to 4 hours that is normal.

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Breastfeed babies need to eat more often because the nutrients in the breastmilk change throughout the day and week with the mothers diet (and even change with the weather temperature throughout the year: thicker in the winter to keep baby warm and more sweet and watery for the summer to keep baby hydrated)
So a breastfeed baby needs to be fed more often or On-Demand to be sue to get the calories he needs as only his body knows what he needs and if the last feedings had what he needed. Formula Is consistent so you know what exact calories are given.

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Bf is feeding on demand, mine fed every 3 hrs till she was 8 weeks old. Then every 4 hours till she was 10 weeks, then it slowed down, they donā€™t need anything else, as long as baby is having wet diapers and is gaining weight. Sheā€™s fine

Donā€™t add nothing. Just give home more boob. Feed on demand. He is bringing in milk still and for the next few months it will change every day. Feed him every two hours. (Newborn feeding schedual) he is way to young for rice cereal. Just feed more often


Everyone saying rice cearel is bad for that age isnā€™t exactly right. U can ask Drā€™s. My daughter was a nicu baby and was sent home having it in her bottle at two weeks. Reason was she needed it thicker. Doesnā€™t mean cold is to young. And my son was born a 10lb baby and he was having it at about a month bcuz of how much he needed to eat.

Drink more water. Your supply is still regulating

Do what you think is best for your baby. Talk to the baby doctor and make a plan ! Every baby is different

For the first 2ish months alls i did was feed. My son was EBF. The more you have him on the boob the better. Pump when you can. Drink tons of fluids.

I donā€™t know why this got so many mad reactions. This is societyā€™s issue. Sheā€™s asking a question , instead of getting angry use the knowledge you have instead and let her know the baby is too young for solid foods even rice ā€¦instead of getting catty and angry about things! Itā€™s better to educate this person and help instead of acting out.

My advice is maybe talk to doctor and let him or her know everything you said here so you donā€™t get crtisized and get a valid medical response


Breast fed babyā€™s nurse more often

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Donā€™t add anything to the bottle!!! A 3 week old is too young for anything other then formula or breast milk!!

I did with my daughter itā€™s NOT GONNA HURT ANYTHING , I did it and my kid is fine


Thats normal. My kids all nursed every 2 hrs at that age. ā€¦ also normal. No cereal, baby is way to young


ā€¦at That age babies naturally cluster feedā€¦

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He needs milk not cereal

He could be having a growth spurtā€¦but dont do anything unless told by his doctor. You can try an extra ounceā€¦but dont add anything until you talk to his doctor.if he is breast fed, thatā€™s more of a feed on demand type thing. Bottles are different. He will change feeding habits as he grows. Theres going to be a time where he wonā€™t eat much at all, and you will worry. Children like to keep us on our toes lol. He will be alright.

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My son was 8lbs9oz at birth and when he was 9 weeks old the pediatrician put him on rice cereal in his bottles because he was drinking almost 32 ounces of formula a day. I did the cereal in a 4 ounce bottle and he was satisfied and ate every 4-5 hours and slept 6-7 hours at night after that. None of my other kids needed to do that but he wasnā€™t getting satisfied I guess.


add the cerealā€¦long time ago for me but all my babes skept through the nite by 4 to 6 wks. My children followed my advice and theirs were full and sleeping ā€¦none later than 6 wks.

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My littlw guy was a big eater when he was small --like2-3 mnths old --i thought i was feeding him too much --his little tummy seemed to be getting bigger lol -but he ok --hes 3 now n skinny kinda kid lol

Think this is normal. Swear my daughter was on the boob more than off it seemed at that stage. I wouldnā€™t add anything.


Dsng my son was nursing every 1 and a half to 2 hours lol. I over produced so he would eat to excess and spit up a bit everytime he nursed. But hes always been very little in wieght even though he ate so often and so much. Babies are weird lol

Add more healthy fats to your food. Coconut oil, avacado oil, Ghee, maybe more protein. These are satisfying and so good for you

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My baby is almost 6 months and has been ebf and to this day still eats every 3 to 4 hours so if ur baby is only 3 weeks and ur already fed up with how demanding breastfeeding is then I reccomend you switch to formula it keeps them full longer

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