How to help baby stay full longer?

Sometimes it’s hard for mamas to eat enough of the right foods, busy, tired…how’s your diet??
My son was born three and half weeks early…only 5lb13 oz…he ate all the time…he had colic… At 2 months I thought while when I have upset stomach sometimes a little food helps…crackers and such…so I made some very watery rice pablum…only tsp…lol he slept 6 hours…and colic started to go away…not sure about 3 weeks old…please check with Dr…go over your diet… enough protein…right fats…hope you figure out

Every child is different he don’t. Need cereal. Yet

No cereal until at least 6 months, this helps cut down on allergies.

Sounds like cluster feeding.

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Give him some rice cereal. We used to start cereal at 1 month.

Babies are supposed to eat about every 2 hours. Completely normal.

All these angry face experts :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Lactation cookies, help you make more milk. Fenugreek also helps A LOT with milk production. And maybe try feeding every 2hrs, breastmilk is much easier to digest and therefore is out of the system of the baby a lot quicker than formula which means breastmilk will not keep them as full as long as formula would, A simple fix for that is to feed more often. Or maybe look into on demand breast feeding, That’s what I did with my daughter I never had to worry about how many hours it had been I just went off of if she was hungry or not

my baby was eating every 1-2 hours at that age. I would maybe try to feed more frequently?

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Breastmilk is digested easier so they feed more

My son was born 9.5 lbs. I would feed him when ever he was hungry. Never spit up. He would refuse a bubbas if he didnt want it. I started putting rice in his bottle at about 4 months. It def helped keep him fuller much longer. Then I started making my own baby food at 5 months. Hims is a healthy happy 9 month old and eats purees waaaaay more often

Your baby is cluster feeding. The more babe demands, the more milk you will produce. Don’t sweat it. And only 3 weeks?? Do not add anything to his diet yet. He’s too young to process yo. If you can’t handle the cluster feeding, supplement a little with formula. Talk to your doctor and get more advice there

My baby is 4 weeks and she eats every hour or two (if she’s not demanding it sooner) during the day.
1-2 ounces whatever she finishes. Sometimes she’s eaten 2.5-3 ounces at night and will go about 3 hours before waking up again (sometimes less) lol
Ps our pediatrician told us an ounce an hour is normal (weeks ago) but now she’s older so it maybe more

O.K. Mama been there myself…No do NOT feed the baby “a touch of rice cereal to the milk.” I understand that you really don’t want to bring in Formula BUT Sometimes it needs to be done.At about the same age my oldest daughter was screaming because she was hungry and draining my breasts dry…so we had to supplement my breast milk with formula (My doctor’s suggestion) and like magic she was full longer and slept better. A little formula is so much better than introducing cereal too early. Oh and P.S. My oldest baby just turned 36…and is a mama herself.

My husband raised 2 kids before mine came along freaked me out the first time he did it but like you said they were starving at night he would put some baby cereal in a bottle put a tiny notch in the nipple so they could suck it out and they would sleep so good not to big of a notch cause you dont want them to choke but big enough the cereal could come out and they loved it

That is what the dr told me to do, almost 60 years ago, and never hurt my son, and all you need is more fluid, so he won’t choke. In fact I fed my son with a spoon, it is slower, but it gave me time to enjoy him.

and the dr also told me get a pacifier, but the baby hated it…

Feed the child. Hes just hungry. Probably a fast metabolism