Do apple cider vinegar helps for heavy periods??
I have many questions
Like drinking it??
Never heard of it helping periods but it’s a miracle juice lol. It helps alot of illnesses and even a good cleanser
Yuck! They have apple Cider pills too, that I can do! They do sooo much good stuff!
Yes. It’s a natural cleanser and your period is a cleansing process. When I first started my periods were super heavy and lasted 7 days. My periods now go between 2-3 days and are not heavy. Also make sure you drink plenty of water and cut down sugar intake.
You can just take magnesium…
Don’t go down the woo rabbit hole.
Yes. It also help bloating, and loosing weight. I do a shot of it with cayeene and lime every day twice a day. I also put it in my baths!
Haven’t heard of that I have heard that it helps clean you out (like a natural detox) but nothing about periods. Talk to your dr.
Don’t drink a lot of it. It’ll ruin your teeth! My doctor told me so!